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Everything posted by HorticulusTGA

  1. Great to see Underworld so soon - a fine addition to my collection! For Warcry there is a Kill Team* battle report this week so maybe both boxes will go on pre-order announcement next sunday ? *Both boxes were announced at the same time at LVO 2024.
  2. 1. Why wouldn't you watch the trailer ? It's awesome. 2. Tzaangors are 💯 beastmen. Just the Tzeentch basic variant. https://ageofsigmar.fandom.com/wiki/Tzaangors https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Tzaangor https://ageofsigmar.lexicanum.com/wiki/Tzaangor __ On another note, I hope oh-so-dearly we'll get new plastic objectives with 4th Edition, the set with Soul Wars and Dominion were great !
  3. Leviathan still follow the Launch Box + 3 starter sets format though, and we already had terrain in the Extremis Starter Set variant for Dominion, so maybe not (I'd also still like intact Azyrite building...) BTW I'm late but what a preview ! Favorite was the Bolt Brethren and the AOS trailer (so much better than the Dominion one), showing both AOS larger-than-life aspects (literal GOD OF DEATH and continent-sized explosion) and the down-to-earth reality of the Realms : simple, human barbarian fighting against Beastmen, and the soldiery of the Cities of Sigmar, with the Stormcast Eternals tribulations in between. Speaking of which, the first death of that brave Liberator is a nod to the Swarming from AOS 1 (Realmgate Wars : Quest for Ghal Maraz, pp. 67 & 72), which is IMO pretty nice.
  4. I don't think that is the original source, as it is using the typical ">" citation mark originating from 4chan...
  5. At least with this one is relatively easy to go back to @Chikout's original post 😅 but yeah echo chambers and anonymous boards allow for funny effects !
  6. I was almost dying of sunburn in my hotel room in Italy reading the first AOS Core Book in Summer 2015 with the whole Brimstone Peninsula first strike opening chapter. Aqshy will always hold a very special please in my heart.
  7. The teasers are clearly in Aqshy (sad, I wanted it to by Azyr), but isn't the whole "one city will be destroyed" plotline the conclusion of the Dawnbringers saga ? I.e. coming alone with the Lady of Ruin probably destroying Verdigris in Ghyran in book VI ? When 4th hit, we'll already know what DB city was destroyed. And I think, like the Nighthaunts in second edition, that the Skaven invasion will happen EVERYWHERE IN THE MORTAL REALMS ! NO CITY IS SAFE ! RUUUUNNN
  8. I too think it is a Lord - but then maybe we misinterpreted Whitefangs likes in the rumor thread about the cover being a Liberator-Prime equivalent...
  9. Sorry I doubted you aha Nice teaser, well just announcing the two factions from the Launch box for the uninformed...
  10. Great ! But where is the Orc Shaman and his totally-not-AOS-pot-grot-lad ?? BTW, I'm really happy to see AJs continuning to bring characterful side units additions like "Badland Ogre Bulls" ! EDIT : the classifying between metal, resin and made-to-order metal still makes ZERO sense to me...
  11. IIRC the Leviathan schedule from last year was "Second teaser (not the Adepticon Teaser silhouette) on Monday" BTW happy to see the HH Auxilia & TOW O&G Ranges released ! I hope for a Skirmish Week next sunday with Warcry and Kill Team then
  12. So going by Whitefang's likes in the Rumors Thread, this is the "Ruination" equivalent to the Sequitor / Liberator / ...-or Prime we got last editions on the Core Book covers A cape, some kind of halo, a quite long weapon (probably a hammer), could it be a blanchized&thunderstrikized Retributor-Prime without helmet ???
  13. Looks like a leak from a printing house. Which means it's an "old-ish" leak as all material, promotional or otherwise, for 4th Edition must be ready by now and already shipped worldwide (as @Gaz Taylor pointed out with the shipping manifesto). The Mortal Realms + Realmstones charts really goes to the Promotional Magazine road, not to Indexes (which does not mean they are also coming, not just in those leaks).
  14. 100% existing Hellpit Abomination, so probable for the setting introduction pamphlet to have existing amry i.e. CoS
  15. Or just in-store promotional magazines. The title "The Mortal Realms" looks like a new edition starter freeby for introducing the setting
  16. Most probably ! Also, interesiting to see the lay-out of the non-special books seem to remain similar to the current AOS3 book design (with the red bandage) !
  17. Probably some Thunderstrike / Ruination Lord, but to me it looks like John Blanche initial Stormcast artworks - and this is GOOD !
  18. Well we 100% need to be able to represent Towers and Houses of the Stormcasts and the Cities of Sigmar, so yeah I want Stormkeep or CoS Fortifications or Building. Like we had the WFB Fortress or the Empire Fortified Village (and the Dreadhold range in AOS1). Also, Adepticon Easy Guesses : AOS : Khul, Abraxia, DB6 ; Skaven vs Ruination SCE trailers and models teaser 40k : Chaos Space Marine lord and boxed set Warcry : Ossiarch vs ??? (Maybe alone like Kruleboyz and Fyreslayers, adversary being shown later) WUW : Starer Set XXX vs ZZZ TOW : Dwarfs range KT : some Valrak confirmation (Necromunda and HH : mere teasers)
  19. Okay, great intel : +1 point for Sylvaneth (even Kurnothi variant) being in the last boxed set of the season, then. And of course the Hive rumor engine could be Sylvaneth / Kurnothi (and not Nurgle or 40k alien). -- I'm very hyped by all this talks and teasers, but what I really want from AOS 4th Edition : Map of Azyr Intact Azyrite Buildings of some sort Herald Of Nurgle on Palanquin (and if I'm very greedy : plastic Pestigors and Plague Toads)
  20. Two Warcry VS boxed sets back to back ? Absolutely, yes. (It's not entirely impossible of course, but for Warcry I'm really not seeing it). I would be all in TBH, I love the Dominion Hobgrots too.
  21. But... the Rumor Engines (Ossiarch Feet on Nurgle Bone) ? and the Water Aelves warband in the very last VS box ? (Then Skaven could fit : some sort of poisoners with all the deathly potions RE. I don't see enough RE being Kurnothi TBF, or I'm taking Kurnothi/Sylvaneth RE to be Nurgly). Yet I see a pattern with WHU Starter Set : Wyrdhollow (Spring 2023) : SCE vs Tzeentch Daemons Deathgorge (Fall 2023) : IDK vs Slaanesh Daemons NounNounSmthg (Spring 2024) : ??? vs Nurlge Heralds Daemons Yeah yeah I know "GW and Patterns", but still...
  22. Yeah it's great. Did you know I love Warcry ? Because I do. Speaking of which, we have 2 Underworld warbands and 1 other Warcry team to guess. I'm not sure we'll get Idoneth in either setting : we just got the Octopus IDK team in last WHU Starter Set, and we just got Water Aelves in Warcry (vs Fire Nighthaunts). So the 2-3 Rumor Engines must be for AOS proper if they are indeed related to Idoneth... Then, of course, exquisite perfection : Slaane Daemons Of Nurgle. We have a Rumor Engine that could be Epidemius / Herald on Palanquin (holding a book while seated on something) : so something for AOS/40k (but Chaos Daemons aren't announced there), too big a kit for WHU/Warcry. So could be : Heralds Of Nurlge on foot team for WHU, just like the Tzeentch Pandaemonium / Slaanesh Discords. We had Nurgle Mortals some past season. Because of the Rumor Engine with an Ossiarch Skeletal "feet" resting on a Plaguebearer Skull (and we have confirmation OBR are next for Warcry), a Daemons Nurgle team ? IMO doesn't fit because 1. no real Deamons warbands in Warcry (well, yet) and 2. we had Nurgle Mortals this season. TLDR : As much as I want Epidemius / Herald on Palanquin for AOS, I'll go for Nurgle Heralds in the next WHU starter set.
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