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  1. RuneBrush's post in Skyvessels: is the crew considered flying as well? was marked as the answer   
    Probably one that needs to be sent to AoSFAQ@gwplc.com if it's not clarified in the KO battletome (I don't have it to hand) as the garrison rule isn't clear.

  2. RuneBrush's post in Question about casting was marked as the answer   
    Yes!  A model is always considered to be within range of themselves for the purpose of spells, abilities etc.  There are odd exceptions, but they'll be explicitly listed on the warscroll
  3. RuneBrush's post in Retreat Move Question was marked as the answer   
    Yes you can.  A retreat move is a regular move apart from the fact you are withdrawing from combat (thus the whole unit must end up more than 3" away from any enemy units).
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