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Everything posted by Malakree

  1. The Wurrgog declines in effectiveness hard without the tatoos.
  2. He's a lot tankier than you expect, outputs status effects and does mortal wound damage instead of normal damage. If nothing else at 130 points he's got 11 wounds on a 4+ with regen. There's also some really janky stuff you can do with movement/piling in because of how his base works.
  3. IMO Molloggs current warscroll is slightly underrated. He just suffers from being overcosted, at 130/140 he'd actually be a really solid contender.
  4. Personal experience tells me that 6 rockguts is so much better than 3. Not only does the rock throw become automatic but attrition to the unit is no where near as crippling. Also, seriously consider a marshcrawler sloggoth from the kruelboyz. A generic +1 to hit aura helps a ton.
  5. The combo of troggboss and slogoth is dirty as sin. 2+ rerolling 1s to hit massively increases the armies reliability.
  6. Caveat, I haven't played kruelboyz and I only have 1 unit of gutripperz which are overcosted as sin atm (10 arboyz is 10 points cheaper at 170). Is it not worth going grinning blades. Even most spells require LoS to target forcing everything to come into 12" to shoot/spell you. Only real problem is sentinels but tbh they should dumpster kruelboyz whatever you do.
  7. The companion weapon is an attack profile. It is counted as a mount therefore it's attack profiles don't benefit from vew. By the same token models with companions are considered to have mounts and thus cannot be targeted by the snatcha boss. This would also apply to weapons with crew.
  8. I did but honestly if I'm going pigs I'd just go for the Bloodtoofs alphastrike. It would be swapping out the 10 brutes for 6 pigs, I think I'd rather just have gobsprakk for his spells. My list is definitely a zone control meat grinder style rather than trying to actually blitz the opponent. EDIT: In essence it's a stylistic choice. EDIT2: Also I just realised how amazing ironskullz boys are now. A unit wide ward save, still hitting on 3+/3+ and has rend. They also have the benefit of not being galiteian which means that against bounty hunters they actually are 8 wounds vs normal are boys effective 5. Not to mention being 5 points CHEAPER.
  9. Went to the WHW matched play event last weekend, did pretty poorly and only went 2-3 but I thought I'd do a recap with some basic thoughts for people. List+comments Game 1 Win vs Kruelboyz on Prize of Gallet His List/Result The Game Honestly his sludgeraker rolls were horrific, all 3 of them only did 18 wounds to him total. Bounty hunter brutes ravaged his line and I fed the incarnate chaff until it was alone then just kited it round the board. Game 2 Loss vs Maggotkin In the Presence of Idols His List/Result The Game The game ended 15-22, I got 4 of my battle tactics. If I'd managed to get turn 2 prio or a hand of gork off it would have been very close. The biggest problem I would have had was I was that I couldn't have scored by Grand Strat which would have swung it for him imo. Bounty hunters on the flies really showed how obnoxious that battalion is. The jump from 1 damage to 2 meant he ripped through my infantry easily. His ward saves were also ungodly, the MK stomped a unit of flies turn 1 and he saved 6 of the 7 mortals. Meanwhile on turn 2 his general had a 3+ ward up which tanked the foot, wurrgog and MK to live on a wound. I made a pretty huge misplay in his turn 2 by moving the MK into 3 of his general. It meant that when I stomped the flies who were tying him up I couldn't pile in and stomp the general, that was the 1 wound I needed. Had I killed him I would have had my MK going into 3 and turned off his 7" CA blocker. In retrospect the game was actually much better/closer than I realised at the time. Game 3 Minor Loss vs Soulblight on The Lurkers Below His List/Result The Game This game is super hard to critique because it was so damn hot. Both my opponent and I were dripping with sweat by the end of deployment and made a ton of errors/forgot things etc. My turn 3/4 chucking stuff at his objective was to try and end the game asap. Only takeaway here was that I now know the corpse cart has a -1 wound aura and I shouldn't have piled into manfred. Game 4 Win vs Gitz on Head-On Collision His List/Result The Game The matchup, terrain and battle plan all favoured me. His lack of battalions obviously hurt him but I don't think it made any material difference to the game. This was essentially a freebee which I won if I didn't mess up. Game 5 Loss vs Soulblight on The Silksteel Nests His List/Result The Game Honestly this game was amazing and a ton closer than I expected it to be after I sank 470 points to kill 4 graveguard. I realised I could get 20 Waaagh! points turn two if I did 4 charges, so just went all in. Thoughts/Conclusions In addition to the stuff which turned up during the games there's several things which I've only realised while writing this. First things first, Bounty Hunters is horrific. Brutes don't need it and the Ardboys don't make good use of it, not to mention that most of the stuff you want to kill is generally not battleline or has a mount. On the other hand all your stuff is vulnerable to it and is only made even more fragile by it. IMO bounty hunters really needs some sort of change, atm it just heavily favours high attack, low damage cavalry. List wise, the gutripperz are overcosted and suck without the support pieces and I should not be running the endless spells. I love having the 4 wizards, it actually lets you deal with some of the nastier spells people throw out. The arcane tome/foot of gork is really nice to have and sometimes will just delete things for you, combined with the wurgog mask it can be devastating. I hadn't realised how close all the games actually were until I was doing the write up. Even the nurgle game was closer points wise than I expected. The most important thing I found is how good the Warclans battle tactic options are, I scored "wait for it, ladz..." every game, twice I triggered it after being essentially tabled. I used squish da puny un's twice and only failed it once because of the Corpse Cart issue. Time to get stuck in! is tricky as I often have units zoning my backline but it comes up as an option occasionally for a freebee. Meanwhile the Waaagh! grand strat is super nice considering how much of a pita the gbh ones are. List Changes Primarily I'd want to remove the gutripperz and endless spell then utilise the extra points more efficiently. This is either by adding more brutes or including Gobsprakk.
  10. No it used to. The new one is 4+ ward against mortals caused by endless spells.
  11. If you want to then do it, I played him for 3/4 tournaments just because I wanted to. You just need to be aware that for his points he's not worth losing the 2+ save potential.
  12. Honestly Big G is strictly worse than a standard MK. Unless you are playing him for fluff reasons swap him out.
  13. I've heard that the mirebrute is amazing?
  14. So the idea is, early on you can buff up the Wurrgog, fists of gork has a good range and mystic shield is great on the MK. Combine the Wardokk +1 with the big waaagh +1 and you are now +2 to cast/dispel/unbind which lets you compete with real casters. Later on you can use the mask to deal horrific mortal wound output, then heal with the wardokk + warchanter + heroic action. I had a game where he obliterated an entire unit of 10 blood knights from full health then got healed back to full in the same hero phase.
  15. Wurrgog with Glowing Tattoos is probably the strongest thing we have at the moment. IMO he's essential for any warclans list that can take him. EDIT: Also worth noting that fixin' beat doesn't specify Ironjawz so you can use it to heal him.
  16. Allegiance: Big Waaagh!- Grand Strategy: hold the line- Triumphs: auto pass battleshockLeadersMegaboss on Maw-Krusha (480)*- General- Boss Choppa and Rip-tooth fist- Command Trait: Skilled Leader- Artefact: Armour of Gork- Mount Trait: Weird 'UnWardokk (80)*- Universal Spell Lore: LevitateWurrgog Prophet (150)*- Artefact: Glowin' Tattooz- Lore of the Savage Beast: Gorkamorka's War CryOrruk Warchanter (115)**- Warbeat: Fixin' BeatOrruk Weirdnob Shaman (90)**- Lore of the Weird: Da Great Big Green Hand of GorkOrruk Warchanter (115)**- Artefact: Arcane Tome (Universal Artefact)- Warbeat: Get 'Em Beat- Lore of the Weird: Foot of GorkBattleline10 x Orruk Brutes (320)***- Jagged Gore-hackas- Reinforced x 110 x Gutrippaz (180)***5 x Orruk Ardboys (85)*5 x Orruk Ardboys (85)**5 x Orruk Ardboys (85)5 x Orruk Ardboys (85)5 x Orruk Ardboys (85)Endless Spells & InvocationsPrismatic Palisade (40)Core Battalions*Warlord**Warlord***Hunters of the HeartlandsAdditional EnhancementsArtefactArtefactTotal: 1995 / 2000Reinforced Units: 1 / 4Allies: 0 / 400Wounds: 148Drops: 13 That's my list atm.
  17. Maw-krusha, 2xWarchanter, Wurrgog+Wardokk, One extra hero.
  18. That's why I'd take 2 squads of 5, it means there's no overflow of damage or bravery between the two. That was my other thing, the 4+ rally is so restrictive. Must have a warchanter wholly within 12" and can only be issued from the boss so no hitting 3 units with it.
  19. Maybe, I can see bounty hunters units blowing them up though.
  20. I used to use them in 30s back in the day, then I had some larger units etc. Since AoS 3 and the new book I've just found 10/15s to be oversized and unneeded.
  21. Personally I really don't like ardboys in 10s/15s, I find them large and unwieldy. I run 5 units of 5 to use for zoning, screening and objective holding.
  22. I don't understand your point. Most units are not rocking -3 rend, they are a tiny portion. A 5+ ignoring 3 rend is a 5+ vs no rend. A 2+ is a 2+ vs no rend. They are worlds apart.
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