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Everything posted by PJetski

  1. I would argue that it is much easier to understand and remember how stats work than it is to remember more abilities. Special rules are more interesting but more complex. If we are looking to reduce complexity, stats are better than special rules.
  2. Before 3rd edition I was against adding S/T because the core gameplay was simple and complexity came from unit interactions and battleplans, so adding more complexity to the warscrolls and interactions seemed like a bad idea. 3rd edition has changed that up quite a bit... the core rules are not simple, and complexity from units is reduced. In 3rd ed in particular they decided to focus on save bonuses, which has a non-linear increase in effective health. A unit with a 2+ save is much more durable than a unit with a 3+. When your only defensive stats are Wounds, Save, and maybe a Ward then you end up with units that are very similar. Similarly with Accuracy (hit*wound), Rend, and Volume (Attacks * damage), there just aren't many stats so it can spiral out of control easily. A simple S/T chart like in 40k does would make the game more complex by definition, but given the state of the game I dont think its a big ask. So I'm all for it. I think there a high number of benefits more thematically appropriate gameplay (eg. wounding a grot vs wounding a bastiladon should be different) carving out better unit niches for better internal battletome balance making units more durable without just giving them more wounds or a better save reducing the power of save stacking by adding more defensive stats In general adding S/T would make units (but especially MONSTERS) more durable, so I think it would be appropriate to properly cap save bonuses at +1 like we cap Hit/Wound rolls. I started working on adding S/T to every model in the game. So far I've done Stormcast, Seraphon, and Fyreslayers, will be adding more whenever I find the time https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1tc78FjCeHSsxVzGAMvGDp5QuK1k9bqR4L3ZHsCtGVwI/edit?usp=sharing
  3. The Stormkeep did a live show about the FAQ last night! We were in shock that somehow Stormcast managed to dodge further nerfs aside from the Stormdrake Guard.
  4. Hey do you guys remember when they cancelled Cursed City and all of its expansions and lied to us and said those expansions were never promised and they went back and scrubbed any mention of the expansions from their articles and social media?
  5. In general, yes this is true Sometimes the Enhancements will specify that they can be taken by Unique units - most Spell Lores do this
  6. Lance drakes do 20% more on the charge, but 20% less off the charge In my experience this unit is charging almost every turn because they are fast and flying. Even if you get stuck in combat you can: translocate them out of combat then use their hero phase movement to get back in if its a small enough unit you can use the drakes shoot the thing you are in combat with, wipe it out, and then free yourself up for charges later that turn use other shooting units (stormcast have many) to shoot the thing fighting the drakes and let them charge later use thunderbolt volley to shoot something in the hero phase and then you can move freely Lances are stronger on the charge and you can reliably charge almost every turn, so it seems like a no-brainer
  7. Don't they usually release these tie-in books much closer to the product itself?
  8. The Stormkeep #14 How to Counter Everything - Be'lakor is live now! We take an indepth look at the typical units in a LOTFP army, how they are used, their strengths & weaknesses, and what kinds of Stormcast units to include in your army that could be useful against this list.
  9. That's a better winter update than what we got last year
  10. If you are using Hunters you are not using Battle Regiment, and having 1 drop is huge right now. Forcing your opponent to go first or getting an alpha strike before they position correctly and activate defensive abilities is very strong in this meta.
  11. This has been my biggest concern with the Stormcast book since day 1. We have good warscrolls with terrible/boring allegiance abilities, so we live and die by our points. As more battletomes get released with interesting and powerful allegiance you can expect Stormcast to get relatively weaker and even less interesting... I'm glad I have other armies
  12. It is unnecessary text. Replacing a units movement does not count as movement. Setting up a unit does not count as movement of any kind - this has always been the way the game has worked.
  13. Are they only putting out two articles about Nurgle before the battletome is released? They didn't even bother writing an article about the new hero
  14. It does not count as a retreat. You use Ride the Winds instead of picking the unit to retreat or move.
  15. They can take Longstrikes and Fulminators away once the game stops being all about 30" no line of sight shooting, gargants with effectively 50+ wounds, 3+ god models rerolling +3 saves, and 50 wound blobs of horrors with 5+ wards
  16. Hey dude what if What if we Dude what if we turned this model This stupid model into a game mechanic Bro... I love it Dude I'm so high right now
  17. It's a net decrease in points spent when you consider the battleline slot the Judicators are filling (520 + 115 vs 570/600)
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