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Everything posted by BrocknerTheBear

  1. Actually it wouldn't be outside the realms of possibility for it to be two factions of all new plastic models as a battle box. 40k had shadowspear after all, where all the miniatures were new pushfit models for both factions.* *clutching at straws here that we get devoted of sigmar/order of azyr but really even just the witch hunter is good enough
  2. OLD SALT! The big heel of my gargant stomp is a kraken eater known to his underlings as Old salt. To all races too little to realise, he is the answer to the mystery of the strange soft thunder entwined in the winds of Grumblers cove. For Old salt mumbles seemingly to himself, oft unaware even of his mancrusher cohort, of deeds long in the past. Tales of monsters and fleets crushed by his might, yet seemingly without recognition, In much the same way an old, underappreciated soldier might begrudge his past over another tankard of ale for none and all to hear. My gargants have no names as such, they are all simply known by the names given to them by those who encounter them. This idea sprang to mind whilst staring at the sprues and turned out far simpler then first thought. Little green stuff and all will be good.
  3. So......what happens when a determined lunatic with a theme in mind is let loose with hobby tools and mega gargant faces?......
  4. Of course, the mightier makes rightier is the army trait not a warscroll ability. Really need to re read that book (well the 10 ish pages that are rules anyway - the law however is terrific) That does change things up an aweful lot then.
  5. There you go, I knew there was some extra move in there somwhere. It pays to try and get a ghoul king in too if possible for the extra attack spell on top but really he should do enough without it looking at what it makes him into. The inclusion of the mega gargant in @LBromley83's list above is a good choice as it would give reliable objective holding strength without having to summon on 20 ghouls (allowing to summon a replacement vargulf) and also some shooting and high damage output with rend (which the army lacks)
  6. @The Nameless One see @LBromley83 's list above. It's the hollowmourne / grave robber / billious decanter / royal mordant (for the hero phase move) vargulf with the D3 additional attacks and bonus move spells on it fighting twice for a command point. Currently known as the FECxorset missile.
  7. So with the FAQ round the corner, are we expecting point changes for Sons? Personally I'd love a 10 point drop on mancrushers. Though seemingly an arbitrary amount, it would be exactly enough to open up the play style a little as youd be able to run 3 individual mancrushers along with a single megagargant in a 1000 point block or a unit of 3, 1 mega and a triumph (most likely) At 2k points you'd be able to run units of 2 mancrushers as a viable option also. As for the mega gargants themselves....I cant see them changing.
  8. Okay seriously with all these guesses at to what the lumineth creature is how is no one else seeing a Tauntaun?
  9. In the general rules FAQ I think is were you will find a breakdown of how the phases are played and how abilities are timed within them. It all came about with the "activation wars" But essentially it will be (no matter who's turn it is) abilities that trigger at the "start of the combat phase" then when they are all concluded (in an order chosen by the turn player) you move on to abilities that trigger "in the combat phase " (again chosen in order by the turn player) then once all eligible models have fought etc etc tou reach the "end of the combat phase " and abilities trigger (yet again, in order as chosen by the turn player) Ps: Your completely correct it is very complicated as they use phrases and words as having duel meaning one moment and singular meaning the next with abandon which is what leads to most of these confusions.
  10. @Reuben Parker the warstomper ability can be used at any point in the combat phase during your activation. However it cannot happen before abilities that trigger at the start of the combat phase due to how the phases themselves are broken down : Start of the combat phase Combat phase End of combat phase.
  11. That definately sounds cool! I'm currently trying to figure out how to make an anchor of the correct proportions (without 3D printing).
  12. It's the title to introduce the second section. So it reads "sons of behemat blowout: bartle report, mini-game and painting guide".
  13. As cool as bonesplittaz would be....and as likely as they are....I rather hope its spiderfang instead
  14. @GenericEdgyName Just go to your local GW if (or when) they are open as they will have thier own stock of what's been allocated to the physical stores most will even pop one aside for you if you call up and ask them to so it doesn't become a wasted trip.
  15. Thank you it was a little rushed to get it done in time but I was still happy with it my Instagram is @kitbashsam and the list was : Reapers of vengeance Bloodthirster of insensate rage (with the 2+ ignore spell effects) Daemon prince with wings and sword (with the dispell on a natural 8 do D6 mortal wounds - which our round 3 opponent was on the receiving end of when it popped his cursling turn 1) Slaughter priest with +1 to hit prayer Three units of 5 flesh hounds One unit of 3 bloodcrushers
  16. @SleeperAgent I think you may be mistaken. It's clearly a six eyed bug monster wielding some poor fools leg as a club. Its so obvious I can see how you missed it. 😁
  17. @Pitloze I'd run either two 9's of rockgut and two 3's of fellwater Or Three units of 6 rockgut and two units of 3 fellwater
  18. Well I'm a big fan of everything you've just reported @Charlo so thank you very much Gives the troggboss a rockgut save and improves our regen army wide. Also gives an advantage for big blocks of rockgut against spells that would rebuff them.
  19. Also diving in mega, box of mancrushers and battletomb (and some choice idoneth bits to sacrifice for bits and basing) I second @KingBrodd and look forward to all the wierd and wonderful creations.
  20. @KingBrodd its 10am UK time chap. Although it's usually 5 minutes or so before
  21. Or more accurately, it works loads of the time but you never roll higher then a 2 haha
  22. @Tropical Ghost General true, but in a taker tribe he counts as 30 models.
  23. I'm so glad the kraken eater is my favourite. The ability is essentially how I feel about the left over bits in my bits boxes. It was ment to be....
  24. @Ben how hard would it be to get a donation poll running on the site to get @KingBrodd a megagargant? The mans single handedly kept us all going with his unrelenting enthusiasm. Pretty sure if enough of us pitched in even just £1 each (or equivalent) it wouldn't take long.
  25. @Grimrock couldn't agree more. I love my khorne daemons but simply wont run bloodletters or heralds. They are comparatively worse then all the other god specific equivalents.
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