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Everything posted by Aelfric

  1. Why can't you put more than one Hag in a Troggherd? She fits the Fellwater Troggoth criteria and isn't unique, so in theory you could take multiples. Also, has anyone considered taking the Bonegrinder Giant in a Troggherd? The thought of A Trogboss, Hag and Bonegrinder all together is sort of appealing. It's 1080 points, but that leaves plenty for your battleline.
  2. You could upgrade the Madcap to a Fungoid Cave-shaman. Unless you prefer the Madcap's spell, The Fungoid is just better for 10 points more.
  3. I was using the word teleport as shorthand for how they can jump around the table. It wasn't meant to be taken literally, sorry. Very few of these special moves that factions have are teleporting, but the word does get used to describe them, so I was a bit lazy. I agree that Wanderers physically travel the paths, but the net effect, just like the skaven, or Sylvaneth, has the effect of teleporting for in-game purposes.
  4. Well, in the wanderers section (albeit brief) of the Core Rulebook it says that the Ley-lines link the sacred places of each Mortal Realm. In the Grand Alliance Order book, it says that the light of Sigendal fragments into hundreds of Ley-lines and that these cords spill out across the Realms. To me that says that the Ley-lines create links between the Realms that are not dependant on Realmgates. It goes on to say that Wanderers trace the paths of this light to hidden lands. In game, Wanderers use hidden paths as their form of teleport, so it is logical that they can also use them to travel between Realms. In all honesty, I cannot point to a passage that states this explicitly, but I feel that it is a reasonable interpretation of the little lore that we have. Of course, I am quite happy to be proved wrong when the Wanderers Battletome comes out
  5. They already have; they're called Ley-lines and they're used by Wanderers. - and they're a lot safer!
  6. Both happen at the same time. In the Core Rulebook under Warscrolls (page 238), it says "If both players want to use abilities at the same time, the player whose turn is taking place uses their ability first, followed by their opponent". So in this instance, the Bounders would go first, then the Handgunners. But the Bounders would on average kill 5, which would still leave 25 shots coming back and on 2s and 2s with -1 rend should still kill roughly 6 back. If the gunners are part of a Great Company with supporting missile troops then they should be able finish the rest off in the charge phase before the Bounders get to actually fight. So with the right tactics you can even up the odds.
  7. I've just looked them up but can't seem to find out how many trays you get for your money. For example I put in 5 slot staggered 25mm and it says $4.65, but how many trays do I get for $4.65 - 10, 5, 1? If they're that expensive I may just end up making my own.
  8. I have to say that one of the things that fascinates me about the Realm of Chaos is that, paradoxically, the more one of the big 4 Chaos Gods controls a particular area of it, the more structured that area seems to become. I think role-playing in the Realm of Chaos is best left for the individual GM to decide rather than having a game supplement, as that would, again paradoxically, only restrict the imagination. I would say go for it! (You only have your sanity to lose )
  9. Well, My first suggestion would be to start playing scenarios rather then straight-up death matches. The Squig army can be very killy and thus death matches would favour it. Playing for objective points completely changes the dichotomy of the battle and the tactics required. You sit on two objectives with 40 skeletons on each, for example, and he's going to find it very hard to shift you, esp if you keep bringing them back ( after all holding an objective usually requires bodies and even 11 skeletons will beat 10 bounders on that front). Likewise 30 Freeguild Handgunners holding an objective are also hard to shift with their stand and shoot, hitting and wounding on 2s with -1 rend. I would say as a group pick two or three of the simpler battleplans to start with, such as Battle for the Pass (GHB) or Blood and Glory (Core Rulebook), and play a few games using these. AOS is an objectives game and you won't really get to understand your armies if you don't play the scenarios. Then add more scenarios to the list as you go. You can add scenery rules and realm rules later if you wish; each of these will add to and sift the balance of each game. One of the good things about AOS is that you don't have to use all these added complexities for the game to work, but using battleplans is pretty essential as both a balancing function between armies and to allow a variety of play experiences. I hope this helps. Let us know how you get on and if you still have problems dealing with certain units or tactics within the scenario framework, I'm pretty sure someone here will have some good suggestions on how to overcome it.
  10. Well, that's true enough, but at least one Stormcast Eternal has returned from the Realm of Chaos if memory serves. Also, one of my most memorable role-playing experiences was playing Call of Cthuhlu which did involve going to another realm for the Grand Finale and did end up with my character going horribly insane and being deliberately left there for all eternity by the rest of the party. I loved it.
  11. I agree that changing lists does often mean adding to your existing collection and I'm not denying some of us have a fairly small budget. I'm not saying it's easy, just that it's a more satisfying answer to work out how to beat an army than it is to refuse to play it. What other armies have lost to the Squig horde so far in your group? Doe he tend to use the same tactics most of the time? Is he weak in an area such as magic? Perhaps picking certain scenarios would give a more even contest. Does your group allow proxying in order to try out different units before buying? I'm not sure what the answer will be, but I'm sure there is an answer that doesn't involve refusing to play. Of course the answer may just be someone in your group also plays Skaven, or FOC, or BoK, in which case your local meta will change anyway - then all you have to do is find a way to beat them .
  12. You'd better get ready to refuse to play against Skaven and FEC then, and the BoK when their new book comes out. Isn't it more fun to work out some tactics, or try a different list, for the next time, than just refuse to play after one battle? Did people refuse to play your Death when their book came out? Each new Battletome will have it's time in the sun and then people will begin to work out it's strengths and weaknesses, and eventually it will come down to join the others. Nerfing is rarely the answer.
  13. If you want to play an Ogor mercenary, why not ask your GM. It shouldn't be too difficult to adapt the system to suit. That's the beauty of role-playing - anything is possible ( especially in 9 almost infinite Realms ).
  14. There was a time when the All-Points was under nobody's control and was disputed territory. There is no reason why this new game couldn't be set in this time era allowing all Grand Alliances the chance to contest for it. Alternatively, the Necroquake could have had an impact on the All-Points (It being connected to every Realm and therefore particularly susceptible to it's influence), leaving it open once again to be contested.
  15. If I start off as a human character, when I die my goal would be to come back as a Stormcast Eternal.
  16. Yes, I did - kept saying site not available, but seems ok now. While not wanting others to suffer, but somehow I feel better knowing I wasn't the only one.
  17. It is quite nice to have SotT for the scenarios that require a wizard to score objectives or when they are worth 20 models for objective scoring. Also, if I drop them, I'll have to paint another 5 wild riders and my next addition is going to be be another unit of 20 SotW. ( Once I've finished my Troggoths )
  18. Sorry, you're right - it's a replacement unit, wasn't thinking.
  19. Just a question. When bringing back half a unit through the Loonshrine, can you bring back all of the netters? So 9 netters in 60 Grots becomes 9 netters in 30 Grots. Same for the banner bearers and musicians. Apologies if this has already been asked.
  20. Let's hope Destruction doesn't get too popular then.
  21. ODE TO A GREEN SHEEN YEARN My Gitmob mob were quite bereft To find that they had all been left To fade away into the past And in the role of legend cast But then a Fungoid Shaman came And told them of another game: "I'll be frank - it's best for you" He mooted to that motley crew And so that Fungoid Shaman, Frank, Led the Gitmob to the Dank. And now they're such a happy crew- Cos they're all tanked on mushroom brew!
  22. Just to say I was listening to "Doom and Darkness" (Youtube) and his rundown of the Order lists for Cancon in Australia - there are two Wanderers lists going and it'l be interesting to see how they fare. Both are using the battalion, but interesting unit choices.
  23. Does this mean there'll be something similar to the old Cthulu insanity points system ( always loved that element!). Also, a couple of other questions; Will the non-battletome armies be available as characters in the core book or will they be available in later supplements - obviously, given the diversity, you can't be expected to make player characters available from all races from the start. Also, will you be making available races mentioned in the lore, but not playable on the tabletop(yet). You mentioned using a multiple D6 system. Is this similar to the old Star Wars RPG system? (which I enjoyed) I could ask many questions but will desist (for the moment). I've been looking forward to this for a long time, but please don't rush - I'm happy to wait for a workable, elegant system. PS sorry couple turned into three.
  24. Perhaps they're wings for the Aelves of Hysh.
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