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Everything posted by xking

  1. I love it to, from the very beginning. legions of paladin angels. sent to take back reality from five dark powers, an undead mad god and hordes of rampaging monsters. GW stop making my stormcast grimderp and fix the warscrolls!
  2. I agree, bring back Grimnir with new Fyreslayers models. I would like to see Fyreslayers move on from being merely mercenaries and evolve into something more. But I disagree about them being in destruction, they are order. They are orderly, they are civilization builders, and they are not mindlessly destructive.
  3. I know that, but clearly it's hinting at far more.
  4. What do you guys think the end of forbidden power means for broken realms?
  5. Did something happen with notifications? I would get the red dot by the bell before, but now I get nothing.
  6. Calm down, I think Lumineth are cool. But I agree, there was no good reason the high elf stuff was thrown out when they keep the dark elf stuff.
  7. https://warhammerfantasy.fandom.com/wiki/Zoats
  8. GW needs to release the "errant questor" globally for everybody who wants it. There is no reason it is still exclusive, it's been years. Also it would be nice to get new freeguild models and when I say new, I mean resculpt ALL the old stuff. And add other races to the freeguild, as they talk about races joining the guilds that are not aelfs , dwarfs or ogers.
  9. I don't think he is going to retaliate right away. I think he will put it off until later and focus on the realm of death. He is in his God-king aspect rather then his warrior aspect. He is more wise then he was in the age of myth and therefore will focus on the bigger picture. Like breaking the curse of shadespire etc. Shadespire as a City of Sigmar would be cool. I wonder what the rules would be.
  10. I look at like DBZ power levels. Many gods are just more powerful then other gods.
  11. What we do know is gods in AoS get more power the more worshippers they have, the more glorious things done in their name. Even statutes and monuments built to them give them more power. The incarnate gods(the gods that embody a wind of magic) can draw upon the magical energy of their realm to grow their power. Such as Sigmar can absorb the magic of azyr, and he also gets power from every victory won in his name.
  12. Being a god in AoS does not necessarily mean that being will be very powerful. One on one Nagash was crushing most of the underworld gods, but avoided fighting Sigmar directly. Then Nagash was defeated by Archaon. I think even in one of the death/Neferata novels, Neferata states she has personally killed gods.
  13. He is still imprisoned, but he gave birth to a new entity that may end up freeing him. Most likely going to be a new character model.
  14. I was just playing Skyrim, I go around helping people, doing quests. Ran into some bandits attacking some helpless NPC, so I walk up to the bandits and literally chop their heads off. And it got me thinking, am I just as bad as the bandits for using violence? Do intentions even matter? Yes. Because a person is not judged based on the worst things they have done or the best things they have done. But the sum total of all that they are. And when it comes to Sigmar, everything in the lore indicates he is trying to help others. It was Sigmar that freed the first 12 tribes of azyr from enslavement by the King of Broken Constellations and slew that nightmarish entity. It was Sigmar and Grungni who brokered lasting peace between those same 12 tribes and the first clans of the Khazukan. Together they brought about an era of peace. It was Sigmar who came to the aid of Alarielle in ghyran, he outwitted Ravok the canopy dancer. Saving the sylavneth from its insanity and later on he would come to her aid again, forcing her out of her hidey hole so she can get to actually helping her children. And protecting her while she was in her seedpod form when no one else would. He slew the Volcanic Titans in aqshy freeing many of the weaker races from thier tyranny. He found the first elven survivors and brought them into his cities, protected them. As he is not racist. Even in the beginning of the age of chaos, sigmar did try to save his people. Whatever they called for his aid, he went personally. Casting back daemon legion after daemon legion. But it was a futile effort, as the very realms themselves were being devoured by chaos. He makes mistakes, but he tries to eventually correct those mistakes. Well that's just me rambling.
  15. If you ever consider joining the AoS lexicanum. We have an discord now.
  16. I have read most AoS lore, forbidden power indicates that Teclis would not agreed. Teclis cares more about the bigger picture then Sigmar, but sigmar cared more to stop the rampaging near-unkillablemonsters from preying on the common people. The soul bound RPG, indicates that sigmar is not a fan of any of his stormcast killing innocence. And two stormhost are being investigated because of it. As for Sigmar taking souls, well that's just a bit of gray area for the setting. The pros far outweigh the cons however when it comes to saving all reality from the predictions of chaos and death. Any form of memory loss is a flaw, in the process. Spirits who become undead are corrupted by necromanc energies, not because of how they died. They go to the respective underworld. Sigmar does have a regard for what is right, but due to the state of things in the setting. He has to be somewhat pragmatic. Sigmar is not prefect, but at least he try to help.
  17. What are you talking about, Sigmar used the enlightenment engines, to seal away terrible unkillable Titans and horrible artifacts that could not be controlled by mortals, and with the coming of chaos. Was the right thing to do. There was no malice in What he did. Sigmar does not go around torturing people and killing innocences, maybe you should read some stormcast novels to get thier view on reforging, is it painful? Yes, but so is childbirth. Gorkamorka and Nagash were cooperative when freed and tangible benefits for the age of myth, was freeing them ultimately mistakes, yes. Sigmar did not "ragequit the realms", there was no point in fighting because he had already lost, for every battle he won, he lost a hundred more. So he retreated and formulated a plan, then he came back. Grimnir is a Slayer God and would not have accepted an unworthy foe. And even then Sigmar regretted mentioning the name of his Target.
  18. Morathi deserves every terrible thing that happens to her. I don't like what happened with Anvilguard, went from an interesting cosmopolitan city to boring evil elf city. Morathi build your own cities you bit*h I hope Slaanesh steamrolls the aelves , chaos controls 95+% of the realms and death is ascendant. Yet these aelves backstab each other and their allies, or are just not cooperating at all. I will be happy when when/if Grungni, Grimnir, Valaya return. So sigmar can have some allies who don't suck . Never trust an elf!
  19. My guess is the Logister Chamber is logistics and transportation for stormcast ( maybe stormcast skyships, seems we might see more skyship based enemies) I think the Ruination Chamber are the stormcast counterpart to SM terminators, Stronger and tougher stormcast who are more heavily armed and armored. With heavenly war machines. They are the anti-destruction chamber. I think the Covenant Chamber will be stormcast who have developed more extreme supernatural abilities and characteristics, such as growing literal angel wings. Or it could just be a priestly chamber.
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