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Judicator (2/10)



  1. Is it me or are pants on DoK warband painted on? As in it's sculpted as skin with no material and then painted as leggins? While disappointed they aren't really just clothed - this is a really neat idea I'm loving
  2. Could be they wanted this trailer to be treated as announcement/teaser instead of April Fools joke that isn't real
  3. Oh. Wood Elves are back. So... Can we expect 3rd Broken Realms book to be Alarielle and contain a new (returning?) faction of green aelves?
  4. I believe for 1k as in meeting engagament you're limited to 2xbase size. So 2x20 witch aelves. Not 30+10. So this would leave you with 50 points over the cap. Maybe dropping Hag Queen for an endless spell or a cp would sole that for now?
  5. After all that guy is called Illuminator... And is also a Necron. And we all know that Necrons are just Tomb Kings in space. And Half Life 3 is kinda confirmed. That leads to the only possible conclusion: Reaml of Light Tomb Kings Elven Giants confirmed
  6. There was a rumour (no idea where - either here, faeit212 or warofsigmar) about bigger, plastic Illuminator Szeras next year- so Necrons are more than likely
  7. I think so. Yes. I completly forgot about him but maybe he was right (probably not) and there may be something in what he said
  8. Remember when in this thread was a guy who claimed lots of rumours but we (as a community) jumped him and put lots and lots of salt on what he said. Anyone remembers around which page he posted? I'm curious if he was right in the end.
  9. While I have no strong opinion on Gloomspite or Skaven (and they can be anything else really. We'll see when some leaks happen 😜 ) Stormcast and Nighthaunt seem very probable and fitting what happened with Deathguard/Primaris year after Dark Imperium. So Sacrosant Stormcast and some Nighthaunt (with note that as long as it's Chainrasps half of Souls War box will be better value ) are very likely.
  10. I'll sell you one for thrice the value. Or... You know... https://www.games-workshop.com/en-GB/Grombrindal-The-White-Dwarf
  11. Where do you get those Malerion Dragon-Elves? Do you base them on old 'Malekith got fused with his dragon' rumour? If yes please stop repeating it. It was something Spikey Bits /BoLS/some other unreliable source at that time started based on picture next to Malerion/Ulgu description and was never true and got debunked many times already. If you heard it somewhere else - please do share. Also: Mistweaver and Tenebrael Shard were either prototypes of how Dragon-Aelves would look like (and let me tell you there's nothing draconic about them) or they got scrapped and upcoming (hopefully at some point) Aelves of Malerion will look nothing like they do (and will actually be dragon aelves like on the picture but it's not something we know and managing expectations is key to not being disappointed later on)
  12. While you are right I simply answered to a question. Magores and Reavers do have a lot of similarities which I confirmed. I added an emotional comment which wasn'y necessary. In my defense I was coming back from great shadespire event where any reaver player (me included) got crushed by massive legions of Orruks so I was feeling pretty down. Now to the differences you listed: please note that what you mentioned are not really a differencess in play but straight upgrades on behalf of Blood Warriors. Sadly they do mostly look like more powerful Reavers and where they don't Skaven come in. It is by no means fault of Magores. It's mostly that Reavers are really odd warband that struggles to find it's niche.
  13. No. Sadly you are not. This makes Reavers (or Magores) an incredibly ****** move by GW
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