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Everything posted by CentralKarma

  1. Maybe I'll call them the Kings of Sacramento and paint little basketball jerseys on them. Why black knights over hexwraiths? Just because of the points cost? Protecting Arkhan and the mortis engine will the hardest part, not 100% how to do it against shooting heavy armies
  2. Looking for some list help. I'm new to death - been in the hobby for years - and playing in a small, local tournament in a few weeks. Want figure out a list to try and get some practice games in before then. Any advice is welcome! Allegiance: legion of sacrament Leaders: - Arkan the black, general, soul harvest - Necromancer, overwhelming dread, aetherquartz brooch - necromancer, fading vigour, lens of refraction - vampire lord on nightmare, amarathine orb - wight king (possibly mounted) Battleline: 40 skeletons with spears 2x5 direwolves Behemoth: Mortis engine Battalion: Lords of Sacramento Then I'm torn between 10 hexwraiths and 10 grave guard, or 10 black knights and 15 grave guard. Either way it comes out to 1990/ 2000. Would love some advice from more seasoned death generals
  3. Can confirm the blue mohawks look amazing. I've done some of my heroes and hearthguard berzerkers with blue mohawks, to go a long with my white and blue magmadroth. Give the whole army a fyre and ice theme.
  4. Maybe, I think it could be pretty cool from a lore standpoint, baby magmadroths getting some reps before they are ready to be ridden into battle by a hero. Some sort of winged fire creature would be dope too. I just wish this army had a fast attack option
  5. Leaders: Runemaster - General(so auric hearthguard can be battleline) Runesmiter Battlesmith Battleline: 30 Vulkites with picks and shields 15 Auric Hearthguard Tunnel the hearthguard with the smiter and pincer your opponent
  6. Mini magmadroth cavalry would be incredible, or chariots with mini magmadroths pulling them. Anything to give us a fast attack option for claiming objectives
  7. I'd like them to add a 1500 pt limit for matched play. It could be 1-5 heroes, 3+ battleline, 0-3 artillery, 0-3 behemoths, or something along those lines. I really like the smaller, games, but list building at 1000 can feel a little restrictive at times. P.S.: Sorry if this has been suggested, I didn't want to scroll through 19 pages
  8. I guess it would, assuming they could see them This is probably a better solution then mine. I just think certain range weapons should still be usable in close combat, such as pistols, throwing axes, etc Also, base contact/ in combat is better than within 3in, IMO. If someone fails a charge with snake eyes, you should be able to shoot them
  9. Personally, I think if they are going to change shooting they should add a minimum range to some weapons like longbows, the way some artillery such has the grudge thrower has. For example, change a Judicators range from 30" to 3"-30", they can still shoot, but not in close combat. Having no shooting when an enemy is within 3" doesn't make sense for weapons like pistols or throwing axes, they could be used melee combat, i.e. pistols or throwing axes. I don't know, melee only armies such a Iron Jaws are fast enough already, doing this gives them 3 movements a battle round instead of two, excluding charges.
  10. A handheld Organ Gun! This release looks so awesome! I might be the happiest man in Canada right now
  11. I like this. Maybe limit it to non heroes/ behemoths/ artillery. I just remember, (I think it was 6th ed) having dogs of war/ mercenary units in the past, and it was kinda cool. I agree with some of the others too, this is probably better for narrative/ causal match play. Might not be great for tourney's. Thanks to all that responded!
  12. Maybe, but I really don't see it breaking the game too much. The issue I see the more I think about it, is it could lead to less list variety, which is the exact opposite of what I was originally wanting.
  13. For match play, I'd like to see a dogs of war category added, to allow for units from outside your allegiance, that wouldn't disrupting the ability to take allegiance specific battle line. In a vanguard game you are aloud 1-4 heroes, 0-2 behemoths, 0-2 artillery and need 2+ battleline. I want to see a 0-1 dogs of war. For example, If i wanted to play a spiderfang army, i need the Goblin Big boss as my general and he unlocks spider riders as battle line. My list would look something like this: 1x Goblin big boss on gigatic spider, 1x arachnorok shaman, and 1000 - 380 worth of spider riders. The requirements filled would be 2 heroes, 1 behemoth, and 2+ battleline. If i were to add a rock lobba, it would be come a 'destruction list' and spider riders would no longer be battleline. With the dogs of war category, I could take the rock lobba, and it would count in that slot as well as against the artillery cap, but i wouldnt lose my spiderfang allegiance This makes sense in my head..... hopefully its clear here....
  14. Sadly the new app also has 100 point Kraggi with the same old terrible warscroll Poor guy can never catch a break...
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