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Everything posted by Amradiel

  1. Which units would you call competitive? Even if it just a theory.
  2. Yeah I have been checking out the battle reports posted by him on youtube but have a hard time telling if the lists are competitive or not.
  3. So, been wondering if Beasts of Chaos has started to show up at bigger events yet? And how they are doing? I want to build a rather competitive army but have no idea what works and not yet.
  4. I'm looking for a fun and rather competitive build at 1000 points. I guess that two start collecting boxes is where I will start. But then what?
  5. I can understand that 40 Skeletons are popular for example. But I'm going for a pirate theme and Zombies just fits in better.
  6. I was playing around with another list today. It included 60 Zombies Don't see that very often anymore.
  7. I'm currently in the process of building a pirate themed Legions of Nagash army. Not with units from Total war or anything. Just pirate stuff.
  8. I have three unbuilt Gunhaulers. Which weapon works best on them?
  9. I'm going to use my Admiral in 1000 point games and Brokk in 2000. Both are so damn cool. I also have a Navigator and two Khemists that will be included in various ways.
  10. Fun to read three different tournament happenings with different results and thoughts on Kharadron overlords as an army Really shows how much the game relies the list and the player. Thank you for the write ups!
  11. Well that's true Bad choice of words from my part. My Gavespawn list was Bestigor, Gor and Ungor heavy. Not Tzeentch as I'm leaning towards now.
  12. The more I read through the book, the more I'm thinking that I want to leave Gavespawn behind and go the Tzaangor route. But is it all or nothing with Tzaangor builds?
  13. Miniwargaming is not a good channel for learning. They often make mistakes and use wonky lists.
  14. I have chosen Kharadron overlords as my main army even though they seem to be in the worst spot right now. But I have own most of the armies that was around before AOS 2 and yet never felt satisfied. And Kharadron overlords have something that I value higher than the fact that they aren't a competitive army. And that is character. They have amazing models, great theme and I can't praise the fluff enough. And I am more a painter than a competitive player so that is also a big part of my choice.
  15. Added some small stuff. Don't know what to do with the flying Vamp. Can I improve it in any way?
  16. I don't have many light skyhooks and dont like the conversions from other guns with pointy bits stuck in it. Trollhammer torpedos I like but can't get 15 of them either... So I am going to try minimum sized units of Arkanaut company and use more Thunderers and Endrinriggers. Buff the Thunderers with Khemist and see how it goes.
  17. In a 1000 point game, would you rather play: Volturnos Tidecaster 6 x Morrsarr guard 3 x Morrsarr guard 3 x Ishlaen guard Or Volturnos Tidecaster 10 x Thralls 10 x Thralls 3 x Morrsarr guard 3 x Ishlaen guard and other suggestions are appreciated
  18. Honestly. I would go for Kharadron overlords. Why? Because they have the best models if you ask me Stormcast eternals must be THE most popular army of AoS. Many play them, and few use Kharadron overlords in comparison. Might be fun to be best of the worst.
  19. Our gaming group is growing. And to start things off for beginners we are playing 1000 points. So, used to the eel spam but what do you bring to smaller games?
  20. Generally speaking. Are two frigates better than one Ironclad? And is it worth using minimum sized units of Arkanaut company. I don't have extra Light skyhooks. Thinking of using 10 Thunderers, 12 Endrinriggers, 3 x 10 Arkanaut company, 1 Admiral, 2 Khemists and either 2 Frigates or 1 Ironclad. If I take the Ironclad I have 100 spare points. Two frigates leaves 40 points.
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