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  1. New Fyreslayer hero? https://www.warhammer-community.com/2016/12/25/forge-world-jigsaw-day-1/
  2. From Spikey Bits: Rumormongers tell BoLS Look for a Tzeentch release window for Age of Sigmar in January Close Combat Tzangors will be included Blue Horrors Brimstone Horrors wait for it… Lord of Change (in plastic) Tzeentch AoS Campaign book Hobby Accessories
  3. Already sold out in Spain as well. Thanks again for the heads up mate!
  4. Ordered. Thanks for the warning. Price per minituare is roughly 0,85 (euro). And it even includes some extras... Amazing!
  5. I don't need it but I'm buying just for sheer value and I suspect more people will do the same. Well played, GW.
  6. It does. I will buy at that price even if I never play them.
  7. White Dwarf will be printed in Spanish starting January 2017. The cover has been partially revealed:
  8. When does the stream start? I'll be out from work in just half an hour!
  9. Tzeentch sorcerer it's my wild guess. The hand looks kinda blue-ish and the rod screams transmutation (?!) to me.
  10. Did it came as part of the WD or as separated sheet? Interested in the later. This is also helpful to people that -like myself- came back to the hobby after a long hiatus:
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