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Blog Comments posted by Kramer

  1. Such a cool idea. 
    one of the big things I always took for granted is that knowing an army i s maybe the most important part of playing. 

    knowing how much work Ard boys with the warchanter actually does. Or how much distance the lumineth riders can cover. How difficult to kill hearthguard actually are.

    that knowledge and experience informs the decisions the player makes and the list is the thing that offers the options.

    so playing the others army against them is really fun as it takes that away. Or at the very least makes you rely on second hand knowledge of having just played that army. 

    Would be also very cool test of skill to pit two players together with the same army they never played before. To take away that experience element. 

    but again it sounds really fun. I love when people shake things up. I might suggest this when I next play a TTS game. 

  2. Great stuff. I would add one more (especially with all the recent attack first last abilities and 6” pile ins) To determine the attack order. If it’s your turn, have a think about what unit you’ll select first and what your opponent will likely do. 

    Do you have to attack with another first but will you opponent then get the chance to maul your combat unit. Get them out of there especially if you have the chance on the double. 

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  3. 4 hours ago, Lucky Snake Eyes said:

    I mean if you really don't like your wallet you could shill out for 5 exalted deathbringers for big shirtless men to make chosen...

    I’m ambivalent to my wallet. On the one hand I love it, but only when I spend it.... my girlfriend however seems to have a much clearer plan for the content of my wallet 😅

    but that deatbringwr will eventually find a spot in my army. Then my best bet right now is namarti thralls. 

  4. 4 hours ago, Lucky Snake Eyes said:

    I think the incubi might be a bit on the small side but I do like the idea of using sisters of silence for the basis of my mirror guard, would also help diversify my army with some more female models since the only one I have is the valkia i'm converting into a winged war queen. If i swapped out the shoulderpads and maybe the helmets, then with the right paint job and some bits i could replace the rest of the imperium iconography with a more chaos look. 

    Yeah size is what’s holding me off from ordering them so far. I think my flgs has Wednesday 40k nights. Might check in there st some point. 

    Yaah, different sex is a big advantage of the sisters. Has the right sized weapon as well and a better sized models I expect. 

    Good luck and make sure to share your progress!!

  5. Hi, i did the same for regular chaos warriors. I like the Greek Persian theme. Fits with the new mortal + daemonette hero. I also used the kaoric acolytes and they are a great fit! Only thing is their neck requires a bit of sculpting if you use different heads. 



    i once thought of Blood warriors as they are also very dynamic and could fit the part. If you want something bulkier. Just don’t know if the conversion is easy though. Let me know if you want the link to any of the above bits  

    I personally would go for the mirror idea and not just because I would like to see that for my own inspiration ;) 

    i did find stormcast to be quite big though especially compared to sigvald himself. (Can take a picture side by side I you’d want to see it) 

    alternatively I've seen some great conversions based on the 40k sisters of silence. (Not my work)


    I personally will try the drukhari incubi as base models for my chosen as soon as I get to see them in person to judge the size. 

    If they don’t fit the size my back up is deepkin thralls. Bare chested to feel maximum pain, already armed with brutal and big weapons that can easily be changed but the posing will still work. 

    But again mirror guard is thematic, cool and just so curious to see the results of that :) hope this helps. 

  6. On 7/18/2018 at 6:42 PM, michu said:

    Well, it worked like that in AoS1.0, but right now it's not that obvious. In the Free Cities topic there was a discussion about new wording in the core rules.and until new FAQ we really can't be sure if  you can use "Battleline-if" units with GA allegiance.



    Check today's FAQ. If you don't have a faction allegiance you can be faction (for battleline if) and still use general allegiance abilities

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  7. Looking good! I personally found the dreadspears to be quite a bore to paint but happy you had fun with the swords :D 
    As for heroes/generals, I just based an old Malus darkblade to use as a mounted dreadlord. The command ability does not synergise anymore but he looks quite decent in combat. But compendium. 

    Otherwise you could go for the dreadlord on dragon. Quite expensive but packs a punch. His ability can target any order serpentis unit. So himself, your knight and any hydras or chariots you add. 

    Helped me immensely because it is the only hero with an applicable command ability left*, made it easy and fast to go from 1.500pt to 2.000 and he was a joy to paint. (also quite fast)

    *I purposefully ignored the fleetmaster because dang, my 30 corsairs have not once won a combat even when buffed. It's insane they just hit like a wet towel. Or as we like to say in the Netherlands: 'they couldn't strike a dent in a packet of butter.' I fielded them about 8 games and not once was I happy I brought them. 

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