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Everything posted by Kugane

  1. Anyone have a link with all other "confirmed" rumors of 2018? Like the sea elves predictions?
  2. I feel you there, lol. The issue with small decks is that theres no way to decide which objectives arrive first, and drawing a lot of the 3 glory ones early game can mean its a loss before the game even started. I guess the 2 glory objective ones are quite ok though! A lot less risk with those at least.
  3. What paint did you use for gold btw? I quite like the very yellow tone of it!^^ Its inspiring me to do my own version of Jade fyreslayers haha.
  4. Really liked the rat in the sewer on this model, a bit hard to paint (I glued the clanrat on thinking there would be enough space to reach it.)
  5. Finished my Warband today! Painted them from start to end in roughly 8 hours including drying steps. Really fun warband to paint, a few parts are quite hard to reach with a brush though.
  6. The thing I dislike about high glory cards is how swingy they can truely be. As Skaven we don't have the double move (or even tripple) like Skeletons do, so to get on, lets say, 3 objectives are straight up 3 actions used in the very best scenario if you don't use tactics such as Earthquake to shift everything into spot, or shifting sands to get the objective onto your Skaven. Because of that I'm thinking to get easy to achieve things, such as 1 glory objective cards for some easy glory and some high end equipment cards for clanrats and Skritch himself. Skaven are hard to hit and can pretty much engage any target they desire. I believe the key to victory with them is to play a quiet first turn, getting some glory and then going in full force.
  7. Done! 8 hour project including drying. I will pick up more to paint!
  8. I really like your deck, I personally think you can actually consider a daemonic weapon as the last slot for a clanrat. I personally am building my deck to be less objective-based and more assassination based, but I'll definately mix and match lists to see if it goes well together :).
  9. Nice deck, but I think getting objectives 1 to 5 might be more beneficial then the genius/supremacy cards, since they are way too dicey. Getting some early glory for upgrades is quite important I think.
  10. Shattering Terrain says something along the lines of any fighter being moved, pushed, etc in the next activation Playing a ploycard like earthquake is not considered as an activation, so it should not cause damage.
  11. There are a lot of push a fighter cards now like earthquake and the old ones we already had. SKaven have a few push a fighter (I forgot the names already). I personally think a must-have ploy for Skaven is the one that allows you to equip an item without spending glory, so thats great for first turn. I personally think earthquake is another one that should be included, just to mess with objective based decks pushing them off the grid on the last turn. I actually think with all these pushes that its going to be nearly impossible to play the objectives game, because there are several pushes now. It seems that overal Skaven are going to dictate who gets to fight what and when though, which makes it quite hard to formulate a win condition. Getting stuff inspired turn 1 will be easy at least, so Ploymaster will be one thing to take.
  12. I wonder if all those pushing fighters without the 'choose' keyword count to get them inspired.
  13. Really awesome looking job! What colours/ratios did you use for such an amazing blue/white effect?
  14. https://www.games-workshop.com/resources/PDF/Downloads/aos-warscroll-the-chosen-axes-en.pdf warscrolls for them :), in case anyone needs it.
  15. Enjoy! https://www.games-workshop.com/resources/PDF/Downloads/aos-warscroll-spiteclaws-swarm-en.pdf
  16. I am personally planning to pick up 2 to 4 boxes of this swarm. I really hope that they will be useable in AOS too! It would be great if we could add more clanrats to his 'swarm', lol.
  17. Some new Gutterrunner and nightrunner models and a Eshin battletome! Thats the way to go! Chances are very low unfortunately.
  18. Another year no skaven other than a warband it seems! The horned rat is not pleased!
  19. I personally have no idea why they went with stuff such as a skryre allegiance with acolytes as the only viable source of battleline for numbers on the table, considering they are such terribly outdated models. I think a lot of issues could be solved if there were more generic battleline options that can take a keyword similar to slaves of darkness being able to pick khorne and such. Skaven clanrats being able to take a keyword: skryre, verminus, pestilence, etc would fix most of the army gaps for that army. I think the same would go for many other lists. I would personally love to see some mixed destruction lists and such and hope MP will allow that in a better fashion. Giving us new synergies.
  20. Really wish that new warband will be released soon!
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