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  1. Hi guys, as the pack is down can you confirm the venue address and start times for both days please.
  2. You just need to look in the right places. Tzeentch are doing excellent.
  3. For the purposes of a Charge through a Wyldwood first complete the Charge action - to satisfy any other conditions that may trigger from the action of a succesful charge. Such as pile ins any special rules associated such as the Wave of Terror attack. Once the Charge movement has been completed, then roll for the Wyldwood ability for any individual models that triggered the ability. The distinction herefor Flying models is that the rules for the Wyldwood specifically state if a model ends such a movement in the wood, so whilst a flying model would ignore the rule for movement/charging through, they would not bypass the part about ending a movement in the wood and still have to roll.
  4. That’s correct. You roll for each specific model (so if its carrying a banner, the banner will die).
  5. Really enjoyed reading this and looking foward to more.
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