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Everything posted by Stuart

  1. Stuart

    Big Waaagh!

    Thoughts on this BIG WAAGH list? The idea behind it is to bog down and hold objectives with the Ardboyz, screening those units with the Hobgrots and create line after line of chaff for the opponent to have to chew through. THe big stabbas can hit over the top of two lines of ardboys. In the interim, the Mirebrute and Mawkrusha can be big hitters smashing up and causing problems, with the wizards causing as many obstacles with spells as possible to slow the opponent down. Also 2 x monsters to grab additonal VP's on the battle tactics.... Allegiance: Big Waaagh! Grand Strategy: Waaagh! Megaboss on Maw-Krusha (480)** - General - Command Trait: Hulking Brute - Boss Choppa and Rip-tooth fist - Artefact: Amulet of Destiny - Mount Trait: Mean 'Un Breaka-Boss on Mirebrute Troggoth (180)** Wurrgog Prophet (150)** - Lore of the Savage Beast: Gorkamorka's War Cry Orruk Warchanter (115)** - Artefact: Arcane Tome - Warbeat: Fixin' Beat - Lore of the Weird: Da Great Big Green Hand of Gork Gobsprakk, The Mouth of Mork (280)*** - Lore of the Swamp: Sneaky Miasma 5 x Orruk Brutes (160)** - Jagged Gore-hackas - 1 x Gore Choppas 5 x Orruk Ardboys (85)* - 1 x Gorkamorka Banner Bearers 5 x Orruk Ardboys (85)* - 1 x Gorkamorka Banner Bearers 5 x Orruk Ardboys (85)* - 1 x Gorkamorka Banner Bearers 5 x Orruk Ardboys (85)* - 1 x Gorkamorka Banner Bearers 10 x Hobgrot Slittaz (80)*** 10 x Hobgrot Slittaz (80)*** 2 x Big Stabbas (80)
  2. HI All, When I use Mighty Destroyers in the hero phase, and a Unit is within 3" I make a pile in move. Does that unit fight in the hero phase or just pile in 3" without fighting. I note form the core rules that (12.1.1 Fight) states 'When you pick a unit to fight, first you must make a pile-in move with each model in the unit and then you MUST make combat attacks;. Can someone cl;arify please? Stuart
  3. Ironjawz Waagh: Army wide ability (no range) Mighty Destroyers: Its a CA.... 18" of a General / Totem, 12" of a hero, Champion issue to it's own Unit 'Alrigth Get em': As above.....
  4. Hello, Playing a Tzeentch army for the first time tomorrow. Any tips... I'm running Ironjawz.
  5. Hello, I am running Da Choppas with brutes and ardboyz along with Skullboys (Ironsunz keyword). The Warchanter can give violent fury to 3 brute / ardboy units, and I understand that the Ironskulls can not benefit from this as they have the Ironsunz keyword. My question is: Can the Ironskulls from the Ironsunz warclan use abilities seperate to the Da Choppas effecting everyone else in my army??
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