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KK in HK

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Everything posted by KK in HK

  1. Just wondering, what makes LON good? I like Mannfred very much but not sure how to utilize LON.
  2. To me, the second interpretation is more persuasive since it is based on the wording of the rule itself. It is very possible that battleshock and skeleton resurrection works differently.
  3. I think vyrkos is still better than legion of blood unless you desperately want to shut down opponents spell. As for black knight, they are still bad. They are worse than every other battleline choices. Skeleton is cheaper to fill battleline slot. Zombie horde has more wound and body and relies on hit 6 mortal wound anyway so the modifier doesn’t matter. Direwolf has double wound with similar speed and cost only 15 points more.
  4. The wording is Legion of blood vampire lord.
  5. I am curious about if anyone has success on har kuron. It seems that the only dok unit worth to take is morathi. DOK units rely heavily on synergy so I don’t see how har kuron work except the spray combo which can be easily dodged by a smart opponent.
  6. Side note: i think master of magic (universal command trait) is better than dark wizardry. 1) avoid miscast (double one) 2) higher chance to cast/ unbind an important spell
  7. DOK is an expensive army despite having a limited roaster. Snake list is cheaper than witch elf list. Shadow and pain box is good if you can sell/ trade the slannesh part and is interested in snake. start collecting box is also good as it gives you almost all the heroes you need. Gaming wise, in AOS3, unit has higher save than before because of the new command ability so mortal wound is more important than before. The most consistent mw output in dok list would be the shooting snake unit, which combo really well with morathi’s command ability which let them shoot in hero phase.
  8. Luckily i started the army by shadow and pain box set so most of my army are melusai.
  9. Not sure how popular/unpopular DOK is but one of the problems i have is that it doesn’t feel like a complete army to me. To me, it feels so weird when your battleline is some half naked elf with charging pose. Love the story and Morathis though. And it seems that the only personality this army have is Morathi herself. Almost no other named character here.
  10. The point difference between SQ on Cauldron and HQ on Cauldron is 50 (270-220 but SQ and HQ on foot is 10 (100-90). It seems that SQ on Cauldron is quite expensive? or did I miss something? Also, the book (p.67) said each Priest can chant each prayer that they know. Does that means a priest can chant 1 prayer from the general prayer list (2 if with blood sigil) and 1 prayer from the warscroll and 1 for Animated Avatar (if Avatar is in the army)? I think the correct answer is 1 prayer per priest but want to make sure.
  11. If I include a allied wizard, can she learn the spell in DOK book? I was thinking about bringing a Darkelf Sorceress and dreadspear for her blood scarifies ability to cast Mindrazor more consistently.
  12. I would go for 2 shadow and pain first since It comes with more battlelines snake lady body.
  13. 2d6 added together. At the double make the whole thing 6inches.
  14. I don’t think so. The run roll result is treated as 6, regardless of the number of dice you have rolled.
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