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Everything posted by Blood0Tiger

  1. I've made a post about my custom faction some may have seen already. Would anyone be interested in a Bonesplittaz ruleset with research being done to be as close to the source material as I can and also add a age of sigmar expansion of units and faction abilities? They would be their own full faction. This would just be a ' on paper' set of rules for 3.0 any may do as they wish.
  2. May I recommend checking out my post if you are interested in my personal project I've made public. Includes many unit designs you could change to your needs if the info is not to your liking.
  3. Then again I suggest either enforce and create guidelines here or don't and just let this thread be its own thing. its the same 3 issues here and no actual resolution to these discussions here.
  4. Maybe not to you, but for those that wanted those miniatures 🤷‍♂️
  5. FOMO combined with no modern communication with the community does not make a great pair growth or no growth. Goes without saying for any other company that wants to be " invested" in more than the bucks.
  6. Yes we still can still get dominion and that is not to be unrecognized. So what are your thoughts on Hexfire, that was fairly quick.
  7. Would you consider elite vampire crossbow units? Medium armored " royal hunters" concept.
  8. They are still creating FOMO products and people are still buying them and selling out still. Kill team box is still limited and they continue to explicitly state " hey these are limited we made way more than last time but hey they might be gone still" each time they do another limited release. I'm not debating or arguing against the fact they are making more and it has impacted scalpers to the communities benefit which is an improvement to be certain. But you are still buying another limited release they keep making every other month, and what is inside is likely not to come out for several months if not indefinitely in rare cases. So GW will continue to make these FOMO limited boxes if we all keep "getting good value" out of it.
  9. Update: Improved layout and updated the warscrolls to have cleaner rules to read and without junk texts. I just have to give some names to the remaining units, abilities, and weapons. Maybe I will get around to adding flavour texts if anyone becomes interested in that. Would also add I have another custom army on the side I could post as well if anyone likes stormcast.
  10. Would be cool if the demons were more open to design options so they each have distinguished individual traits, I personally enjoy how individual chaos is all about, each mundane sculpt can tell more than 1 story for the hobbyist' to manipulate.
  11. If you are interested, my post has some unit designs I made. Feel free to use anything as you see fit, I won't have any models ready to post for a few months at least sadly.
  12. Rule of cool above all else, first and foremost
  13. They would sadly not benefit much considering GW wants to push the race keyword mechanics still. Orruk keyword is fairly important if you want the venom damage. 2-3 units and it would have been workable. Could make a wetland gargant themed force with supporting hobgrot units and various tactics themed around the gargants lasting long enough to do some work.
  14. I have thought about a few charts, however I am at an impasse for obtainment and if they deserve to be stripped of points at the end of each turn or if they may keep them. I could see each unit granting X points between the varied unit sizes to stabilize the option of running more or fewer models. I've mostly considered my homebrew faction rules for them to perform fine without it, but I do like the concept of a different kind of waagh! the denizens of the wetlands unleash. Not focused about getting units right into combat head first is a good start for Mork flavored fungi
  15. Nothing serious. Just want random ideas people may have in their heads, doesn't need to be anything substantial in design or balance intentions.
  16. Would like to hear anyone's thoughts about a possbile waagh! chart for the faction (Kruleboyz) that could enable you to out maneuver opponents. or prevent attrition wars instead of flat damage increase? This is purely theory crafting and speculation of a concept idea. What benefits could be applied? How do you get points? When should they be used? Do you lose them somehow?
  17. Back to scheduled program of speculation and hearsay for AOS
  18. 20 years into the hobby, then you must be aware of just a few following examples that have made impactful changes in both the hobby and skirmish games by the community or individuals: 3D printing Homebrew rule groups Campaign groups Indie franchises Online forums such as TGA Ebay or sites like Kijiji LSG's table space Hobby supply franchises There are numerous other things that have made impactful changes, I bet you yourself have been involved in at least a few of these points. Just because you yourself have not been directly impacted whether by your own choices or not doesn't mean they do not exist.
  19. People derive from the path because they don't want to leave the responsibilities with GW with whatever actions or inactions they have done to make people think twice. Believe it or not people eventually want productive change and they will not wait for it. Furthermore, the status quo has become an important topic of late. I believe if players are dissatisfied with it and desire change its important we should collaborate ideas to improve the experiences of play groups and focus on the big picture of players having a positive outcome of the game and hobby. Its important to be constructive and analytical about what exactly people want to even do. Herohammer, strategic skirmish battles, full battlefield campaigns, etc.
  20. Analytical to an extent. Roadmaps can and often are designed differently for the goals of the company and discounting the community has always proven to be counter productive through several mediums and medias. I fully understand the points you are making and they have merit to them. However the pillars that hold GW up are still shaking.
  21. There are no facts until details are released with substance or a genuine source that is not rumors or speculation from various accounts. Not worth getting worked up about until we can see these details or at least hear something from GW. A small roadmap for army releases will give people some comfort for if their army is even staying, let alone be shoved in a book with another few others. Regardless of peoples opinions of soup books or faction books, new models, re-sculpts, banishment, etc, getting some clear information from GW would be a first step to gaining the trust of the community. If you are devoted to an army or whatever you like playing in age of sigmar its ultimately yours. Having thoughts and feelings of impending doom from GW? I would suggest considering taking your game and hobby into your own hands and explore the possibilities of how your armies and yourself may grow and improve and have enjoyable experiences.
  22. Update: Finally got around to finishing the revealed units without the fully released warscrolls. This will be the final entry for content before updates are made to improve these.
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