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Everything posted by Santious

  1. Looking to play with new people now that Covid has calmed down a bit . IF anyone lives in Florida and wants to get together let me know!!
  2. 100% , Alarielle does not feel like the God of life at all. She was brought back by the hunters to be in their image making her more aggressive to fight in the lore so she should be more durable. Not to copy Teclis but SHE should have the aura to let her tree folk negative on a 5+ and even once per battle str8 up bring a unit back to life or on a 4 + . Also the big boy trees (treelord ,durthu, ancient) should have something like ignore 1 rend to make them more durable . And the branchwych and wraith should be able to dip if they take damage kinda like protection of nagash but like a protection of alarielle and when they take a would u can place them in a wylewood tree nearby.
  3. I feel like that 4 stomp is the only thing keeping them somewhat relative, if anything I think it needs to be a 3 up for small units n keep the 4 for big boys. Only cause its not like they are moving across the board, making u fight last n taking ur key people out. They move 4 inches so its more of a defense anti deep strike type of thing or in the heat of battle and we all know those branches need as much help as possible since anything w mortal wounds pretty much snaps us in half. If they have no way of negating mortals then why not make them a little more tanky maybe give them more wounds , I mean they are made out of hard wood and not flesh. And to my last point, yeah Alarielle is such a joke blows my mind that shes a "God" such a nice model and so important to the lore to be such a waste. Same w. NAGASH. Breaks my heart to see such potential go to waste
  4. I agree 100% they completely destroyed the bonereapers, feels like just another death army when they are supposed to be super elite . And I also agree that its sad that GW nerfs things without doing much investigation only cause people get super salty, they make their new new fancy armies ridiculous to only nerf them first errata without much thought. So the 2020 general handbook was a slap in deaths face from making their elite army a joke to taking away our power of double or triple negation. Its death but now we just as fragile as everyone else without being really good at something else.
  5. Hopefully in the new errata the sylvaneth points can be re done making them a bit more relative with new armies. For example take a look at spirit if durthu at 300 points to the new lumineth model Avalenor at 360 points. Just look at their warscrolls and tell me if only a 60 point difference is justified.
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