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Everything posted by Gitzdee

  1. We doing Aqshy again right? Lets just go with a whole new firebellies subfaction in the realm of fire.
  2. I agree, yes the rules have been really good so far. But to me rules are really not that important. At the end i am still collecting miniatures first. But ok, lets not dwell on this for too long. I do like IJ and KB to potentially get their own tomes. Bonesplitterz were the faction that let Orruk Warclans make sense. Without them i dont see the need to keep them together. GW could also get nuts and push the rules to fit the theme of the army because they dont have to balance with the other orruk factions. I would really like for IJ to get some ranged options back though and maybe KB can finally get the cavalry they always wanted.
  3. I am sorry. I have been defending Bonesplitterz for years and GW just smashed that belief with a chainsword.
  4. This is why im seriously looking to start playing infinity. (and i love xcom)
  5. Seems like things aregetting worse. I hope they wont destroy GSG too.
  6. Couldnt agree more. Era of the beast actually didnt do anything. Could have also said Era of the rainbow unicorns and it would have had the same impact. Im not bashing Dawnbringers, its great fun. But it 100% feels like we are missing a few things between Broken Realms and Dawnbringers, i think even Bonesplitterz could/should have played a more prominent role. I always felt like the Beast part was a reference to BoC rather than Kragnos, Gordrakk or even king Brodd.
  7. My problem is actually that my hobby time is very limited. Mental challanges and busy family life makes it hard to find any time at all. This also means building an army takes a very long time. Is that GWs problem? I guess not, but it is something that can be expected as many if us arent living the student life. I have been busy gathering orruks for a Big Waaagg army and i already know it will be invalidated by the time ill finish building and painting it all. I will finish it because i already spend precious money and time on it, but it does really dampen my motivation.
  8. My guess it that its based on the roadmap. GW could have talked about it on the last reveal stream. I watched it without audio last time so i am not sure about that. Thats said, i can see Warcry moving to another setting along with 4th edition. I understand why people would think that.
  9. Just wanted to talk about staying motivated. Im having issues at the moment about how much time i want to spend on this hobby. I didnt like 3rd edition all that much. I think the lore regarding Destruction forces has been a major letdown so far. Cherry on top is the removal of my beloved Bonesplitterz and Spiderfang being neglected also doesnt help. I was really hoping for some Qulathis style Kurnothi and that didnt happen. Warcry/ Underworlds warbands getting removed also doesnt sit well with me. Gitmob is in a really weird spot, first they get put into legends, now we only have Snarlfangs with the Gitmob Keyword. The new Ironjawz wave is whats kinda keeping me into AoS as the moment. I still want to paint the projects i have invested in but i dont feel motivated to start anything new. I hope 4th edition will be a great rule set and i can get some games in. I hope they release something that will boost my motivation as i do like the hobby itself. Anyone has similar issues or stories? Would u start a new project or get rid of old ones? Dont really know where im going with this but i needed to clear my thoughts. Would not like to lose interrest, but i just dont like getting my models removed every few years. What do u do when u feel burned out on certain aspects of the hobby? Edit: I think i will focus on building terrain and finishing projects for a while. Edit: i used to switch to 40k if i was feeljng burned out on AoS. But so far im not feeling either 9th or 10th edition.
  10. Same, i cut the bristles and use them for drybrushing or painting scenery. Worst brushes i have bought so far.
  11. Same. I would like to try other paints too.
  12. I think there is is difference now with Warcry units. Some of them are announced as both Warcry and AoS units. I think that was the case with the Wildercorpse Hunters and the Gorgers. Dont remember if they did the same with the recent warbands. Edit: Could have only been on the stream.
  13. Funny thing that some are using citadel paint because of availability and not the quality of the product.
  14. What about daemons like pink horrors or the coloured gods? GW wants to move away from that too? We are talking about marines etc but isnt this the same problem? I think it would be great to not have daemons locked into a scheme. I know it isnt a rule, but ive never seen anyone move away from the GW scheme.
  15. Must be like why i actually bought bladeguards once. (And sold them again because i didnt want to go on the primaris train after all)
  16. I just had the most happy idea. What if we had another end times event within AoS where Gorkamorkas followers actually manage to destoy everything that has been build within the mortal realms. If Chaos gets their win why cant we get one too. (Or let nagash not feel like mojojojo)
  17. Im not bashing one or the other. Just think they have a similar design. These might draw in some 40k people because these stormcast feel familiar.
  18. Agreed, i wonder how they look on round bases.
  19. Yeah im not talking rules actually. I could be wrong but it feels like they release half of the models at the end of the edition with the narrative campaign. Could have just been the slow start of 3rd edition.
  20. If only they could not release those products within a few months away from the next edition.
  21. This is great! I dont really know whats out there besides the weird colorshift paints some of my friends use. This has been helpfull. I quite like the AK products, might look into their paints too, didnt know they had those.
  22. Seems like this was wishlisting based on the events of the Dawnbringer books? I havent read them myself but it seems like thats the case.
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