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Everything posted by Kalonos

  1. What are the top tier lists of this army at this moment? Katakros arkan pretorians list posted here seem really competitive.
  2. in my opinion these are our top tier lists: first, Blisterskin Royal Mordants. Probably with one terrorgheist, as is our best way to do mortals, but recently Bill Souza played a list in a local tournament without terror , playing an unit of 40 ghouls, 9 flyers, 9 horror (hollowmourne with the crypt infernal as general) i guess that's a way to don't instalose if we lose our terror against shooting armys. But i prefer the classic mordants with terror, archregent, varghulf, and a unit of 9 flyers, another of 6 horrors, and two of 10 ghouls in blisterskin. Secondly, gristelgore lists, my best list is Archregent, terror with gk, 3 terror in royal menagerie battalion, 10 dire wolfs and a corpse cart (+cp and chalice) Third, the classic deadwatch list,blisterskin 1 terror, archregent, 9-3-3 flyers crypt infernal and fill how you please, i've been trying 6-3-3 with 2 terrors, probably the best list still bill souza list (LVO) and fourth, and in my opinion the best way to play FEC is the ghoul patrol list, i play as blisterskin too, archregent, 2 gk on terror,ghoul ghast 40-10-10 ghouls, chalice cp, we have a nice item against shoting, a good way to engage as early as possible, 4 drops, two terrors... i don't know, if anyone has found another way to play them in the current meta, please tell me. There are som ways with crypt horrors, but i don't really like how they work i feel like we don't have a way to protect our heros to abuse our muster hability against shoting or magic, so we need speed.
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