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Neil Arthur Hotep

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Everything posted by Neil Arthur Hotep

  1. Put that one down more to a purge of Finecast rather than Spiderfang. So I would also stay hopeful that Spiderfang as a concept stick around.
  2. Yeah, this is interesting and we will have to see how the news of 4th ed develop. It kind of feels to me like there has to be some way to get extra toys (artefacts, traits, spell lores). In 3rd, foot heroes are kind of underwhelming on their own, as a rule, but if you kit them out they can be pretty scary. I think the big problem is that your return on investment for traits and artefacts is generally bigger if you put them on a better base unit. Why would I put my +1 rend and damage artefact on a foot slogger who can't get anywhere if I could put it on a 14" flying move guy on a monster mount?
  3. There is an idea in game design that players will tend to optimize the fun out of a game. I think that is also a danger when it comes to painting miniatures. Especially if you paint them with the intention of using them to play, because then you start to think in terms of points per painted model and efficiently getting units on the table. For me, batch painting a unit I don't love, but which is good in game absolutely turns painting into a chore. Conversely, I have never regretted painting a one-off model that I just liked the look of. Even if it never ends up hitting the able at all. But of course, if you want to have a fully painted army eventually, you will have to sit down and work through the less exciting parts of that at some point.
  4. I see the confusion! Dwarfs are missing because this is a list of stuff people actually want 😘 ...will you put my name in the book or should I do it myself to save time?
  5. I kind of feel that if spiders were out, they would have gone at the same time as Bonesplitters.
  6. I have to say, though, the new Prismacast stuff and even Heroforge colour prints look a lot better than traditional prepaints.
  7. The Megaboss is one of the units I would point to as an example of a good brawler hero. I think the fact that he's slow is a weakness inherent to the role of an infantry brawler, which is honestly fine. They have trouble getting in, but should be really scary when they do. This probably means that you will rarely see even good brawlers in competitive lists (because a damage dealer without a reliable delivery mechanism is just not that useful), but I don't think competitive viability should be the measure of success here. As @Beliman said, I think it's more about the characters matching the fiction, or perhaps about them having any role at all (even if the role is not that valuable).
  8. Other people playing pre-painted miniatures doesn't really take away from the enjoyment that I get from customizing my own army, honestly. I don't think GW will ever go for selling pre-paints, but I really don't have much of an issue with other people only enjoying some parts of the Warhammer hobby, but not others. I also don't get angry at people who play netlists or, in the future, Spearheads. I get that list building is not fun for everyone.
  9. I don't know, I think damage is very much one of the issues for melee brawlers. 4 3/3/1/2 is just kind of a bad stat line. The expected damage is almost exactly the same as a 100 points screen (10 dudes, champion, 2 4/4/-/1). I honestly don't know how much of a problem it would be from a gameplay perspective to just double the damage output of infantry heroes whose main role is to fight. It feels like the game can handle it, honestly.
  10. What was the last dual kit of this type? Slaanesh Twinsouls? It feels like this kind of thing is not very common for AoS anymore.
  11. I would definitely agree that there is a bit of a problem in so far that one very specific type of hero, namely infantry brawlers, are almost across the board too weak to be worth using. And as you say, those are some of the most iconic archetypes in warhammer. The Chaos Lord frequently crops up as a negative example in these discussions, because he basically just brings his combat profile to the table and nothing else. And then that combat profile is not very impressive. But this is also a unit that a lot of people love for its "your dudes" potential. I think it's important to acknowledge that infantry brawlers have a lot working against them from first principles, though: Good combat units need to deal damage and have a way to deliver that damage, and by virtue of being on foot, infantry brawlers are usually slow. This means that in most games they won't have an impact until turn 2 or 3, at which point a lot of the action will already be over. So even if they got their damage output buffed substantially, chances are most pure melee damage infantry heroes would still not feel very good to use.
  12. I wonder how it will go. What do people think would be a good point cost for a unit like the new Vindictors?
  13. Since it seems to be a popular topic, here's a separate thread for it. Infantry heroes are often pretty weak in AoS. Can this be changed? Should it be changed? This episode of Warhammer Weekly gets into the topic and has some explanations of why things might be as they are:
  14. He might see an update for 4th, right? I remember a few Legends warscrolls being updated in the transition from 2nd to 3rd, but maybe I dreamt that?
  15. It seems to me that, when looking at Sniper-Master, Guarded Hero and Fight (as a stand in for "Shoot") next to each other, it is fairly clear that the effect of Sniper Master is limited to the target selection in the Declare step of Shoot. Maybe this helps you see where I am coming from. What's the difference between these rules: "For the rest of the turn, this unit can ignore the effect of the Guarded Hero ability (full stop)." "For the rest of the turn, this unit can ignore the effect of the Guarded Hero ability when resolving its shooting attacks." "For the rest of the turn, this unit can ignore the effect of the Guarded Hero ability when picking the target for its shooting attacks." IMO, it's fairly clear that these three rules would interact differently with Guarded Hero, disabling all of its effects, only the -1 to hit and only the targeting restriction, respectively. Since I don't think it's very fruitful to discuss rules in-depth before the full core rules are even out, this will be my last post on this particular topic. In the end, I think it's confusing enough that we will get an FAQ ruling, anyway.
  16. It does not say that, dude. Maybe they want it to be like that, but they would have to errata it.
  17. "...when picking targets." Not when you resolved your shooting attack.
  18. Seems to only affect picking targets, not the -1 to hit.
  19. Is he from a Call of Duty game? Is that why they painted him in only browns? You just know Skaven would be super toxic in chat, too. "Get owned-possessed, manling noob-noob."
  20. What they didn't tell us is that Fyreslayer and KO are also going directly to legends to make dorf soup possible.
  21. Yeah, right? Although a literal sniper hero should surely be on the upper end
  22. I am hoping that the Fusil-Major gets a similar rule. Being a sniper should be niche in AoS for ranged units, so that they can be worthwhile without being able to point-and-click whole infantry blocks.
  23. Some new info from the latest model reveal: Some things that stand out to me: Look Out, Sir! is still in the game under a new name. Seems otherwise identical to its last incarnation. Crit(Auto-Wound) is an ability that exists. A sniper rifle has a range of 24". SKRYRE keyword exists.
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