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Everything posted by Jo0nes

  1. I'm toying with the idea of trying more thing with the spell in a bottle, but that will force me to swap out my illuminator pistol. The route without thundrik and more riggers is nice, I like the thought of splitting the riggers into 3-3 like you said. Those hopping into the ironclad originally is the thunderers. Depending on how I like to play the army I'm thinking of having mixed special weapons on them so I can drop them out on an objective to defend while the ironclad covers other parts of the board
  2. I thought I'd post my list here for some input. I want to play Mhornar in order to try and kite around with my ships using galeforce stave making it harder for my enemy to charge in on my ship while my arkanauts capture objectives. I liked the sound of khemist buffing arkanauts with aetheric augmentation (reroll wounds of 1) and bjorgens aetheric augmentation (reroll hits of 1). Is that allowed? it's an ability so I think it can be applied more times than one from different sources, but I'd like to have that confirmed. The endrinworks are modifiable since they don't rely on my general strategy. The Last word is one I enjoy using, but it can easily be swapped to something else. Also "the one who strikes first, strikes hardest" does that allow me to effectively attack with two units before it's my opponents turn? Allegiance: Order City: Barak Mhornar Leaders Aether-Khemist (90) Aetheric Navigator (100) - General - Command Trait: Opportunistic privateer - Artifact: Galeforce Stave Aetheric Navigator (100) - Artifact: 'Illuminator' Flarepistol Bjorgen Thundrik (140) Battleline 20 x Arkanaut Company (180) 10 x Arkanaut Company (90) 10 x Arkanaut Company (90) Units 3 x Endrinriggers (100) Drill Cannon 1x 1 x Grundstok Gunhauler (130) - Endrinwork: Surge-injector 1 x Grundstok Gunhauler (130) 10 x Grundstok Thunderers (240) 4 x Thundrik's Profiteers (0) Behemoths Arkanaut Ironclad (480) - Endrinwork: The Last Word Battalions Iron Sky Command (110) Total: 1980 / 2000 Extra Command Points: 1 Allies: 0 / 400 Wounds: 132
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