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Everything posted by baiardo

  1. After that put it in a golem/dreadnaught! Someone at GW's HQ really like matrioska.
  2. exactly, more big than them is the centurion squad
  3. Probably depends what you want to know, agree that a pool with 500 or 1000 is good enough to have an idea on the less desiderabile faction in aos
  4. The solution could be a discount big boxes for everyone when faction A vs faction B is released.
  5. Centurion Stormcast Squad I really like my paladins hope the best for them!
  6. Don’t buy stormcast and go directly to a chaos army?
  7. thank's bro, my optimism is repaid 🤣
  8. Somebody know same impression, I would say stormcast but other factions could have a double tail dragon, hope sylvaneth or idoneth.
  9. Yeah I am one of those people haha, I have one faction and don't want another one! I have only said what appears to be.
  10. Also GW makes better miniatures(by far) and as you said, lore, that's why I'm in, and personally the knowledge that every army get the "power" at some point. Sure that encourages having more than one faction
  11. I'm not worried about the lore or the sculpt, they are good at their job, I'm hoping stormcast will be playable again in competitive game 😂
  12. Yes, plus new faction and stormcast stuff
  13. absolutely no peyote was involved in the making of the smoke and visions
  14. Knights Excelsior are represented against kragnos, could that mean anything?also that stormhost colors are a good combination, like it.
  15. I would make him look different since his a semi-divinity shouldn't be levelled with the rest of the army. my 50cent
  16. “think bigger”: There are corrupted stormcast, so the new factions are 2.
  17. New destruction faction going to be released soon.
  18. So at this point I’m pretty sure we will have something to say in matched play. Because a box with only new models means only that to me. I don’t accept any other explanations.😂
  19. They want to drink stormcast players tears, don't let them do it!😂 Joke(?) aside, at the point where we are it can only get better, probably several units will still be meh but not all of them, we are at the end of one cycle and the new one start with us.
  20. Do you think that with the future reaction to charge is the begins of the end for idk strategy?
  21. AoS 3 is at the door, we need to wait 2months then for stormcast will be only better.
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