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Everything posted by Oak7603

  1. Playing testing has no comparison to what happens in the real world, there just isn't the time to simulate every game and every play style and every unit combination and every artefact and on and on. It's a benchmark but not a true indicator. They have a boundary for rules and mechanics, they've spoke about it a lot in the podcasts so there are some restraints. As for those armies that come out seemingly overpowered because of some brand new abilities or powers, I would guess that if that new army came out and it just had the same rules and powers as an older unit from a different army then there would be complaints that the new unit is just a re-skin of another unit and questions would be asked about where the progress is and what is the point of paying for something already in the game. New rules, new powers, new units will always be new and it just takes time to work out how to beat them or how to beat them. Tweaks come out in the GHB but every tweak will also change something else in the game... Petrifax is the main one I think that seems overpowered red. and yet I've seen games where they've lost. No one is invincible. Some are just bloody annoying! I've also said before that in my opinion, trying to get everything the same is not just a fools errand but it would also just lead to stagnation. Give me a new army to fight. Let it beat me. I'll learn. And I'll be even more satisfied when I get them back. And I'll enjoy working out how to do it too.
  2. There will never be balance though as there are too many units and armies, with more coming all the time, let alone all the variables that each unit can have and could be invented in the future. Add this to the ability to update older armies all the time without customers complaining that they've had another rules update or they need to buy a new battletomes. Spikes and troughs can be good to keep things from being bland although the pain of an army being stronger is something I feel being a BoC player. But I like having to think of new tactics and ways to play to sometimes just minimise my losses or maybe even scrape a win. I'd rather lose well against a superior army than be that superior army and trample over everything.
  3. I think its because painting another 10 Raiders is a killer! 40 has to be better because with 30 as soon as you lose one model you've lost the rerolling 2's by being less than 30 models. I've only got 20 at the moment but I will be doubling them. As for shielding them with the 10 Gors tax - that makes sense. I didn't really have a use for them. I do now 😁
  4. I'll be interested to see the replies here. My initial beginner to BoC view would be that 200 points is a lot to protect a unit that melts anyway and soon loses it bonuses (With the Raiders thats 520 pts just there) . I've been using mine as merely an annoyance that the enemy have to either take on then get tied up for a few turns or risk getting picked off slowly. 4 and 4 with no rend isn't a great stat which is why I've been running the Desolating Beastherd to get those extra hits. Rerolling 1s and 2s and 6s an extra hit can be good while it lasts.
  5. Haha, even with those pikes it would be go for the knees!
  6. A must read for any NH player 😁😎
  7. At home I have the Azyrite Ruins, an Awakened Wyld Wood and the Sigmarite Mausoleum and we move them all around and design different sets everytime we play. It's surprising how much you can make out of just those few pieces and we've never had the same layout twice.
  8. I've got 40 chainrasps in my Nighthaunt Army which could expand, and 20 Ungor Raiders (soon to be 30), 30 Bestigors, 10 gors and 10 Ungors (maybe going up to 30) and they're all already magnetised to go in my box. Maybe I should look in to these 🤔😂
  9. GW can have big discounts on box sets if they want, take Soul Wars as an example, almost £300 worth of stuff for about £100 and all designed to get you to buy more. The Lumineth set is also designed for new players as well as existing, or it seems to be with the addition of the rule book, dice, combat gauge etc. I see this as a fancy Start Collecting set and is 100% meant to get you to buy more so I would think it will cost between the start collecting sets (£60) and Soul Wars (£100) Edit: Just seen this is a limited edition set due to the limited edition battletome. I'm still not sure if that would put the price up to as much as £125 though... 🤔
  10. I'm hoping you're right. I'm trying to ignore the Lumineth so I actually have some money for Sons. And the GHB. And some updates to the BoC. And... And... And.. [ad infinitum]
  11. You should keep hoping for more things... seems you have the power, well. enough for your first hope to start coming true! Sons in August anyone?
  12. The Stormcasts stepped out from the forest, shaking leaves and twigs off their once immaculate armour. The Lord Arcanum shouted orders as soon as he saw the Mutiliating Brayscourge in the burning ruins and like a well-oiled machine, all the parts moved as one, forming into defensive units. Molgrur watched as the enemy lined up. Years of fighting them had meant he knew what they were called. And how to kill them. He studied the formation. Evocators, flanked by Knight Incantors, at the front. Sequitors behind them and covering the flanks as a Lord Excorcist stood near the Lord Arcanum. Molgrur curled his lip and snarled in anticipation. This is what his herd needed. A test of their strength and a meal worthy of Morghur himself to fulfil their blood gorge needs. As soon as they stopped moving, Molgrur gave a bellow to signal that the battle was to start and as one herd, using their animalistic minds to work like a pack, they started to move through the ruins. His Raiders, Gors and Bestigors flooding out, Hell-Maw, Night-Fury and Rune-Bane behind them with Knarkor following. The chants from Maogthaz, were getting louder and louder from behind him, as were the bleats of the sacrificial Ungors, as their throats were slit into the herdstone. Talloc was nowhere to be seen. Molgrur watched as the Raiders let loose with their bows but the arrows bounced off the gleaming armour and caused few injuries as the smell of blood was only faint on the air. The Cygor almost screamed as he threw a rock into the lines of Stormcast but they just stepped aside and let it crash harmlessly into the forest. These were the Stormcast he had been fleeing and his fear was know anger. He wanted revenge. Molgrur would give it to him. Seeing the arrows fly, the first beasts raced to the Stormcast lines and then crashed into them. The long line of Bestigors charged into the Sequitors, a Knight Incantor and Evocators. Their frenzied need for blood gorge was too overwhelming though and they started to lose their focus, only causing a few wounds as they thrashed around. Molgrur bellowed orders but it was too late, the Evocators, minus one who was laid on the floor, crushed and bleeding, fought back and then there was a blinding flash and an ear-splitting crackle of lightning that forced even Molgrur to close his eyes. When he opened them, all the Bestigors were dead, burned, smoking, and still convulsing from the celestial arc. The Stormcast rallied behind the Evocators and their show of power and they dug in, overconfident in their armour and power. waiting for the beats to attack them. Molgrur saw the opportunity and despite the bodies of the fallen herd burning, he raced on, forcing the others to race in too as the Raiders and Cygor launched more rocks and arrows. The arrows still seemed ineffective but this time, the rock caught an Evocator, splitting his armour and making him bleed profusely, the blood ran down his arm and dripped onto the floor. Molgrur could feel the tide turning, the blood, the noise, and the chaos were all building up to a crescendo that was pushing the herd on, Maogthaz was still sacrificing the Ungors and it wouldn’t be long before any other Beasts that could hear the battle and feel the power of the herdstone would join in, trying to feed their own blood lust. As one, the herd reached the Stormcast line. The Gors had charged the Sequitors to the left and had been joined by a new band of Bestigors fresh out of the forest. Hell-Maw was to the left of Molgrur, who was engaging the Knight Incantor and Night-Fury and Rune_Bane were to his right, attacking the Evocators. Molgrur attacked with his mutating gnarlblade and the Knight Incantor had no reply and was dead from the Man-Ripper axes, cut in two. Molgrur picked up the top half of the corpse and threw it into the air, bellowing and bleating. This grisly trophy gave the herd the impetus they needed and unit after unit fell. The Bestigors killed the Sequitors with the Gors. Hell-Maw and Night-Fury were slicing with their blades and eating whole anyone who got too close. Rune-Bane’s massive horns were tearing into everything they could. As the fighting slowed, it was difficult for Molgrur to tell who was winning, The Multilating Brayscourge had lost nearly everyone, Rune-Bane was laid one his side, swords sticking out of his neck and chest, no longer taking any breaths. Hell-Maw and Night-Fury were both mortally wounded and would die from their wounds at any time. The Lord Arcanum had run around his troops during the fight and was being swarmed by the Raiders, but they were no match for his armour, his sword, or his Gryph-charger. From the rear another unit of Sequitors had arrived, called down from the heavens. Molgrur, turned his attention back to the fight just in time to look a sequitor in the eye as he felt the blade stick into his ribs. The sequitor grimaced with hate as he pushed harder. The blade sinking deeper. Molgrur, eyes wide open, tried to breathe but his lungs didn’t work. He closed his eyes and chanted to Morghur. Night-Fury cried out in pain as the Beastlord died. But it wasn’t the end. The ground underneath Molgrur's body started to move and then raised up and split as a Chaos Spawn claws tore their way through the mud. Born from the ground, Molgrur’s blood had given it the energy and chaos it needed. It leapt out of the ground and ran towards the Lord Arcanum. Maogthoz smiled as he watched Molgrur achieve the highest reward from Chaos itself. Maogthoz carried on looking around. He was now the leader of the herd. There was nothing left. He watched as the last of the Gors were killed. The Bestigors were down to only a few beasts. Hell-Maw collapsed as his life finally gave way. The raiders were no more. The Chaos Spawn had disappeared and was no longer in view. It was over. Better to fight another day than to die in this one. He bleated the retreat call and as the herd followed. Battered, bloodied and decimated. But not destroyed. It would grow. The Lord Arcanum looked over his troops. His Chamber was decimated. He’d won, but at what cost.
  13. I'm not sure if it looks a lot or not. I bought my first Beasts of Chaos box just after lock-down and now this is everything I have painted since then (Nighthaunt had all been done before). My problem is that I have 10 Bestigors and a Great Bray Shamen left which wont fit in my box once they are painted.
  14. The Mutilating Brayscourge had stopped to rest in the ruins of an old Azyrite style palace on the edge of the Kindling Forests. They had been travelling for 3 days and with the herd expanding almost daily, chasing, and catching wild animals wasn’t enough to sate the blood gorge which had been growing to the point where the herd was becoming restless and wild. As they travelled, they had been joined by another Great Bray Shamen who had been leading 10 Ungor Raiders after they had fled when their herd had been routed by a Stormcast Eternal army ordered to take control of Vitrolia. They had been welcomed in to the herd as Molgrur needed more Raiders, beasts who were so fragile compared to the other herds that replenishing them quick enough was becoming difficult. Talloc, the Shamen, on the other hand had had to earn his place and it was only his ability to cast Vile Tide that kept his attackers at bay for long enough that had let him be accepted. He was part of the herd for now, but he was going to have to work hard to not find himself being sacrificed at the Herdstone by Maogthoz in the future. Molgrur leant against someold and rusted railings as his eyes darted all around, looking for threats, enemies both from outside, and within, the herd. He never knew when or where the next challenge to his leadership would come. He snorted and flicked flies away from him. The hairs on his neck bristled and he felt a vibration in the ground. Something big was coming, it sounded like it was coming from the forest. He lifted his axes from his belt as he stood up. As he did so, he picked up a sound. Birds flew out of the forest, then 2 deer burst out of the undergrowth, fear in their eyes. Molgrur started to gallop towards the noise, he had learned to face any threat head on. Just as he neared the edge of the forest a Cygor bellowed in fear as it burst out of the treeline, snapping tree trunks like saplings. Molgrur called for Knarker, the herds monster herder and then stopped directly in the path of the Cygor. An 8 foot tall Beastlord facing down a 60 foot tall bright blue Cygor with a rock held aloft was not something you saw everyday but Moglrur knew his power and aura would calm the beast enough for Knarkar to use his powers to bind its mind to his will. The Cygor roared at the insignificant obstacle stood in the long grass. Nothing could stop it. It had to run. Its life depended on it. As he got closer, the fear causing him to flee suddenly vanished and was replaced by a more primordial, almost prehistoric, feeling of servitude and mastery that resonated in its mind as if it was something he had known all of its life. The will of the Beastlord was all encompassing and powerful. The Cygor would have killed himself if he had been commanded to. The fear that had just consumed him was gone. The commotion had woken the rest of the heard who were now stood alert, weapons to hand, senses straining. They all felt the will of the Beastlord, and then felt the Cygor, now named Rune-Bane by Knarkar, join the herd. The monster's conscious becoming part of theirs in some way. They all saw what he was fleeing. As one, the herd tensed and looked towards the forest. "READY YOURSELVES" brayed Molgrur as a golden clad warrior stepped out of the forest gloom.
  15. It reads to me like 2d6 x 2 as long as you declare it before the roll because you get 2d6 attacks which get doubled. If it was 4d6 you might not get double attacks.
  16. Right now it's OK. I've still got 11. When I cleared the backlog before getting this last set I had a Mausoleum to paint. That's done now. I guess I'll go back now and touch up all the bits that I have painted differently to how I do now. Rusty weapons, blood etc. After that, or once I get bored of that anyway, then I think that's when the shakes set in and you just stare at the calender waiting for payday so that you can get some new stuff to feed the habit. It's gonna be a chimera next I think 😁 As for the why no one uses the sword... I don't know. Its on the box. The strange thing about it is that he gets +1 to missile attacks and not melee so it's a big sword that does naff all for him 😂
  17. Yep. Once those last 11 are done I'm backlog free 😁 and the sword isn't a conversion it's just in the box 😉
  18. And then there were 20. So that's 1 Cygor and 10 Ungor Raiders done and I've got 10 Bestigors and a Great Bray Shamen left. That will then be this painting contract complete and I'll have been forced to stop spending as lock down lasted longer than my savings could handle my spend rate!
  19. If I choose one of the hosts of Chaos from the book of anger Everchosen, can I also give a keyword from Battletome? P. S. The book says that Slaanesh can save the host keyword, but what about the cults of Tzeentch or Slaughterhosts of Khorn? For ease 😁
  20. Completely forgot this and I have a Nighthaunt army with him 🤣😂😁😊😔😭
  21. So the contract starts with the arrival of my last starter kit and I've decided to do a little kit bash to wind up my Stormcast playing son 😂😂😂
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