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Lich King

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Everything posted by Lich King

  1. We essentially have Sangsyron across the vampire lords Legion of Blood now. That’s pretty major. Combine that with your lord on for ( 6 attacks now ) fighting and then your entire zombie horde fighting right after ? That’s pretty major . The game has always been about combos and 1 and a half blenders going right after each other is very good .
  2. Coordination is very, very good. Pestilential breathe is a great bonus too. Legion of Blood may be the best Bloodline now.
  3. Don’t forget that they’re also summonable; which can be a big thing if points - adjusted.
  4. Sure but I mean, path to glory and battle tactics are one thing - but I hate the idea of rules spread across different books. I guess that’s been par for the course for some time now so perhaps me wanting everything tidy in one tome for a long while is wishful thinking 🤷🏼‍♂️
  5. We don’t need any new rules - our book is just fine . There are lots of older armies which could have used this Dwarf for an update. As for Legion of Blood, did they really need an update? The only thing I can see which makes it questionable is the points for black knights. If they simply cut them by 20 pts you’ll see more of them on the table. The legion is good, making more enemies flee and negating de buffs for Deathrattle seem solid. I think it gets overshadowed by the other Subfactions: namely Kastelai and Vyrkos.
  6. Just use a 3rd party print - there are tons of Necromancer or “dark wizards” from other companies. I personally like the stock GW one .
  7. I see - this is why I play as rules intended over rules as written because this makes 0 sense and GW cannot write anything coherently.
  8. It’s not in the faq - the original wording still exists. So the way I see it - it says explicitly that the unit cannot Benefit more than once per phase. That even means that if the VL already has it from previous combat phase and you want to issue it again on him in the new combat phase - he can receive it. However - he cannot Benefit from extra attacks since the wording on the end explicitly states Benefit. So once he sends his initial attacks to a unit, they cannot double up on it - he would better buff a different unit. The argument would come and say it’s a brand new ability so he’s giving the bonuses from that new one - but I contest from the words Benefit and per Combat Phase ( not the phase they were issued and received but in any combat phase they can only benefit from it once - even if it was issued again and again successfully .)
  9. Eh - for Vial the Casting value went up but you really need to be next to a 10+ wound model for any real effect. Going off double on 9+ is nice but still rather situational. I wish they brought the original back - simple and effective. Plus you were able to heal friends. This one just goes to caster .
  10. https://www.etsy.com/listing/1003341985/zombie-horde-highlands-miniatures?ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=zombie+miniatures&ref=sr_gallery-1-5&organic_search_click=1&cns=1&variation1=1947365024 these are the best zombie models on the market
  11. Did they ever release the 2021 Forgeworld Points ?
  12. Hey thanks for the clearing up - I think you are right, the command is received , so your unit can issue another command but not receive in same phase .
  13. You can use the benefits of a command ability without it ever being issues ( and therefore not received). It’s a freebie. Similar to Command Bubbles - only the hero issues and receives , nearby units simply benefit from that ability.
  14. Question : would anyone with GHB or information on the matter let me know about Monstrous Arcanum points ? I want to know for things like Mourngul etc. Will those come out later ?
  15. Benefiting from the “effects” from a command ability is different from Issuing and Receiving it.
  16. You cannot issue and receive a command more than once per phase - and you cannot use the same command multiple times per phase . In the case of sisters - it is using the ability without the command being issued/ received . Quite clear you can use it multiple times
  17. Where can you find you can take them separately ?
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