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Everything posted by C0deb1ue

  1. Like I said, we differ in what we would consider focused. I agree it's good value and "functional models" is a much more accurate description than focused. Can you imagine if they actually wanted to help the player and not just push excess models? e.g. Trogg battleforce: trogg boss/dankhold/fellwaters and rockguts +/- fungal or Squig Battleforce: Mangler/giant cave/squig herds and boingrots +/- fungal ...those are focused and lets someone field a coherent army straight out of the box. They would be amazing for beginners to pick up in terms of rules and models.
  2. Yes I saw the responses... they were either collecting both armies, selling the other half or acting like you would actually put random troggs in Jaws of Mork or squigs in a mega mob (good luck with that). I guess it just depends on how broad your definition of focus is?! yeah you can put anything with anything but you won’t because the points are too tight and the units don’t do enough without the synergy. but im defo looking forward to seeing all the trogg/Squig mash-ups
  3. Probably need to see the price before you decide it’s good value. Price would be the only thing it has going for it
  4. Are you bring sarcastic? it’s two completely different armies in a box... one is squigs, the other is troggs... and they don’t synergise at all... unless you count the bad moon! I guess at least there isn’t a random moonclan loonboss like the beginner set.
  5. I think we will likely have to wait another year or so until the next battletome for everything to be improved properly. The whole issue is that the current battletome is basically 4 armies that don’t synergise... and have very few actual options. The way I see it is that there are going to be no useful changes for a very long time so here are some white dwarf rules in the meantime. By this point, no-one who wants to be competitive is playing gloomspite anyway, so what’s another year!
  6. You will be lucky if it’s anything more than a reprint of those weak white dwarf rules.
  7. The article above is not showing anything new if you have been following the meta. Gloomspite have struggled for ages with a silly amount of keywords and very narrow choices if you want any sort of synergy. As above our heroes get picked off incredibly easily, our endless spells are now very much on the weaker side of things, the bad moon is awful. I really hope they have better in store than those white dwarf articles as they played incredibly safe with those even though gloomspite has been at the bottom for over a year. Dont really want a few low effort tome celestials rather than an actually well written battletome. Plus it’s just another £10 for more weak rules/fixes that should have been there from the start.
  8. Nothing we didn't already know and its been like this for much longer than GHB 2020. Is that win the jaws of mork one? does anyone know...? Edit: just thought that the jaws of mork list would show up as first place so it must be something else.
  9. I thought they would be angling to make him a real option due to the lack of unit choices in the army but literally no f@~ks were given. #willstopbeingsaltysoon
  10. I think its par for the course with GW's BFG remake. These giants/SoB are utterly immersion breaking in regards to their lack of destructive power.
  11. I expected him to actually have some special interaction with SoB, I guess he had a few of the rules added to his card but nothing special. I'd wait on gitz, but the weird push for orruks is a bit bizarre.
  12. that may be a typo as it doesn't make any sense at all.
  13. "Bland" is kind of the theme of this entire army. Though the club actually looks mildly dangerous with it's damage 3!
  14. They put an astronomically larger amount of effort into Lumineth than SoB. With the same tired excuse of "fun" armies to gloss over bad rules. Like the entire SoB battletome is one new & overpriced sculpt with not even any endless spells or terrain. Its pretty much impossible to do less.
  15. I’ve bought the book but there’s a bunch of non-GW giant models online and a bunch of videos about conversion! Will be way cheaper and some actually giant models... so it least I can hobby it a bit
  16. I’m not sure anyone expects a new book each year as that isn’t something that happens. But it would be easier if they could errata/faq properly without only being able to release further £25 books (at a glacial pace) to fix their less well written battletomes.
  17. I feel like the issue is how bad the rules are.... if the rules were better, you wouldn't care about the cost. Changing points just means you have to buy even more expensive models who still have bad rules.
  18. Yeah I think this is the crux of it for me for the entire release. Utterly minimal effort. 1) The rules are few in number, mostly boring mathshammer and not really competitive (if thats your jam). Little variation in playstyle is obvious and little meaningful customisation is available. 2) The aleguzzler is the same model as before and the mega gargant kit was just a way for GW to reduce the design effort they had to put in. They all literally have the same legs. It all just feels so lazy. So yeah if you are going to buy a single kit then you can maybe magnetise, but otherwise multiples all look very similar and you have to pay for half a kit of unused pieces.... 3) The customers reward for this minimal effort is premium prices. Everyone keeps saying its the same cost as a 2000 point army to buy but you get so little for your money... The whole release is mind boggling. rant over. just for comparison: Glottkin £70, Gargant £120
  19. I mean that’s exactly what they have started doing with 40K. Harlequins/Deathwatch got big changes in white dwarf. My concern is that rather than getting a revised battletome, we are getting these white dwarf mini-updates that don’t address the actual problems the book has.
  20. Yeah, strange to have a bunch of Behemat's sons being essentially non-magic creatures... like maybe some sort of waaaagh style thing or just "Spirit of Ghyr"... who knows, anything would have been fine... they feel so incomplete in a lot of ways. It seems like they think their moderate survivability and wound count is the be-all answer to everything at the moment.
  21. Yeah, I think you wait for FAQs if you can as GW is literally only about sales. Gargants are already their price model pushed to the max.
  22. It seems intended. I'm not sure for what reason thought as magic is pretty important and these guys just have to take it to the face. I'm not sure how gargants end up being non-magical, it could easily have been some innate quality that allowed you to access that part of the game.
  23. Seems good, yeah I think SoB will struggle against a fair few armies. It seems you will have to be a really good player to make them work and even then they don't have all the tools as per the lack of options but also not enough people to put them on. I think Mancrushers could have been a lot more interesting rather than all the differentiation happening with the megas.
  24. obviously intended..... lol... I'll admit I have been proven wrong... that would/is? a mega buff.....
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