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Everything posted by C0deb1ue

  1. Well they have definitely been some teasers that point towards cool things. We look like a debuff army. There's that cool extra monster move in the hero phase and the new spell lore that reduces attacks/stops run. These sorts of things give me faith!!
  2. I do like having a reasonable chance of a decent game and have already been burned by investing in gloomspite. They have great models but their rules are so bad that you eventually notice how hard it is to win vs other armies. Literally all armies are narrative but it can be immersion breaking when all your epically described things are thr very opposite in practice.
  3. It is crazy how little we know but is that normal for brand new releases?
  4. You don't want it to be like either of those books. Space marines are rapidly disappearing under a bunch of ridiculous books. The last thing you want is to be a fair and balanced book at the beginning of an edition... you will just get overrun by the creep.. and that creep is guaranteed as it's how they push models.
  5. if only it looked that way for Kruleboyz rather than yet another order faction getting pushed...
  6. yeah more good ****** for SCE, seems promising!
  7. I think at this point it would just be nice to get the book as getting tired of these really slow burn hype trains... really does the opposite for me. Maybe we get more miniatures but they need to get on with releasing this stuff!!
  8. haha! never stop believing... but be aware that Bin guy will punish you for having hope in the Kruleboyz battletome!
  9. New SCE article hints at more for their release but no similar message on the Kruleboyz article yesterday
  10. Why is the faith returning when they are just talking about adding more SCE units....
  11. well the focus was probably SCE Dragons more than everything else but you can't just release SCE every edition without someone else.
  12. they didn't mention how many unbinds he had or if he had any casting bonus which is slightly worrying and seems like obvious things to include alongside how many spells he can cast. Considering how much design space is being wasted on Mork sez no, I find that pretty suspicious...
  13. well there was a single new spell but yeah they are ok. Full battlefield stuff seems good and da black pit will do a few mortals into elites.
  14. New model is 40k so that probably puts a nail in the coffin of any further Kruleboyz releases.
  15. funny how they specifically don't mention how many unbinds he has... ill lol if it's one.
  16. Might do a bit if they have lots of non MW shooting or are an alpha army. Even then, not a lot always happens first round.
  17. Yeah so that is better than hit but it's far less useful when you are forced to use it first battleround.
  18. They have the MWs on 6s which is pretty excellent. But so far that's kind of it for decent rules. The rest is 70% -1 to hit abilities with those awful wordy/picky rules. It doesn't stack and really isn't that exciting. It's unlikely that they will be trash but awful rule previews don't help. Also quite confusing to be told they are a horde army and then see all the troops are really expensive. For myself, it would have helped if they hadn't messed up Kragnos as I worry if that's the design teams output for our god model and have lost a good amount of faith in what might be coming for destruction ruleswise. Hoping to be proven wrong but the mortals rule isn't enough to make an army good.
  19. Any of those mechanics can be given to any unit in the battletome as we havn't seen the rules yet. I dont think it would require a special model. There are a bunch of vultures in the fiction with the mouth of Mork so it would fit the theme as its already been described but who knows.
  20. Orruk warclans is the faction, any dividers below are sub-factions. But I guess you can think of it any way you like. If they were different factions they would have different battletomes. It doesn't really matter as long as they have good rules.
  21. They are objectively a subfaction and have been presented as such by GW.
  22. I don't think this is the case in either of the ways you would like. They havn't released any units for the two tiny ranges of IJ and BS (in fact SCE probably will get more new releases than those factions existing warscrolls). They also havn't released a LRL level of units for Kruleboyz and are squarely treating it as a subfaction which "can" be played on it's own. They could easily make a bunch of units that function differently to existing warclans stuff if they wanted but order is once again the focus.
  23. It's the classic stupid reinforcement where GW pushes and caters to a few armies too much, so people stop buying the other relatively unsupported armies (with ancient or small model ranges). Then GW takes this as the armies not selling well but it's essentially because they don't put any effort into the armies to make them sell.
  24. I think once you realise that stormcast is the focus of the "destruction" edition and basically the start of all editions, you can scale back the expectations (but not be particularly happy about it).
  25. Reduces the point in having subfactions if you are forced to play big waagh to get a normal spread of unit types. Some flying cavalry would provide a good niche to add to Kruleboyz and not encroach on the others.
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