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  1. Ok, so the rockguts go best with the sporesplatta and the sloggoth maybe, and the fellwaters with the snifflers and gobbapalooza. What i get Is that It makes more sense to focus on One of them instead of mixing them in a list 🤔
  2. Hi guys, brand new troggoth player here. I started playing gitz Just in these days and i got some questions: i'm still trying some lists to make a viable main troggoth army. So, i tried the fellwater troggoths, i really like their ability to worse the save but i realized that with that low range and their slow movement, that's really hard to pull off. Even if i get in range of an enemy unit my opponent can Simply redeploy and that's it. How do you take the best out of them? Or you Just dont use them in a list? I love the durability of the rockgut and the DPS of the dankhold, but i still cant find a Role for the fellwater. Beside this, of you have any suggestion and tips, anything Is welcome 😬
  3. You can't reroll the same charge more than once, but you can definetly reroll 2 or more different charges in the same phase
  4. Of course yes, bloodthirsty has nothing to do with command abilities even if the effect is the same Edit: the most random of her abilities is the one that negates enemy CA. But imo its weakness is its relatively short range,meaning that if you use her more on the front line you will have also more chances to use that ability
  5. I love her. I use her with spectral tether and always put her in a threatening position with some deepstriking units and a dreadblade harrow. Those 2 + eventually the triumph means I can reroll charges 3 times. She's also very tough and this makes her fit for this role. Any opponent will have to choose if to focus on her or ignore her. Plus, she heals herself a lot and any opponent will overcommitt in trying to one shot her to not risk to have her back to full. And that usually means I can then kill all the stuff that is there exposed.
  6. Just had a 2k game against a stormcast player (yndrasta, gardus, 2x20? Vindictors, dragon riders i dunno the name). We stopped at bottom turn 2 as the club was closing but it was going fairly well: my 1x20 rasps screen ate the 1st turn charge and ranged attacks of the dragons, and at bottom turn 2 I lost only krulghast, 20 rasps and some revs models (but no full units, and I could still resurrect em with lady o) while my opponent lost all his dragons for 900ish points of army. He was 3 points ahead of me tho, for his early charge as he got to more objectives turn 1 and I lost the tactic turn 2. So, victory wouldn't have been guaranteed but I had all the cards to do so. Beside my list and anything else, wanted to make a small consideration We all know we are so strong in our turn. Well, I feel like we're more than that. When I charge and attacked the dragon troops they had so many - 1 save they were saving on 6+ and fighting last. The face of my opponent while I was rolling the charges was like mine while teclis dispels all my casts and then casts 4 spells at 10: oppressing 😅. But all in all it's just for that phase and I feel like he enjoyed the game as well. At least I hope so 😅
  7. Thank you man, I really like how you explain the battle plans and what you do and why, for me it's really of help as I'm not getting to play very often
  8. What do you guys think about having an extra spell as enhancement for warlord batallion and giving spectral tether to lady O? Tried out a list in a tournament and it didn't work bad after all. I've found it's not for alpha strike, but works very well mid game to snipe a hero or unit/take an objective
  9. We got the teleporting CA of the drowner, dunno I'd the DH can do that (at least thematically he could)
  10. Tbh, as a nighthaunt player I always feel unconfortable when my troops are outside 12 inch range of heroes 🤣 btw, 10 mws is usually just what u need. An enemy 10 wounds unit might remain with 1 or 2 models but then you got the space u needed, and the opponent might choose to not use inspiring presence on them. Plus, as I said you got your 10 men gutrippaz where you needed and the enemy will charge with their more valuable unit. All in all it's always a matter of holding the chance to choose who fights even in the opp turn what makes the difference.
  11. That's why 10 man units come in hand. You can charge with em removing a screen, and in the opponent's turn they become the screen (and at 180 points for 20 wounds they're even a good screen). So then you get the initiative with the 20 men big unit. 10 men units are also easier to deploy and move, and despite the 2' range it's common to have men out of combat in a big unit (especially against msu).
  12. In my mind the archery pe for orcs are the barbarians of the late Roman Empire for how they were depicted: mean, dirty, speaking a weird unwritten language. Strong warriors but with no discipline. So it perfectly fits the low bravery of destruction
  13. Depends on the perspective. The damage output of gutrippaz is weird since it's almost all made of mws. It becomes overwhelming of units with low save. And even units with Ward will find it hard to pass all those rolls. Of course our unit finds harder to fight the cheapest hordes, but still i think we can work around it. Not focusing only on math but also battle tactics is key
  14. Take note, even poisons and elixirs can't be given if gutrippaz are in melee. I think this army requires some finesse and micromanagement, where you want to engage combat only at the right moment and with the right units. Your charging with everyone only if you planning a whaagh, but in the most common situations you want at leat a unit not being engaged in order to use the skareshields and the poisons later. With this in mind, battleshock is also easier to manage. Edit: and tbh, do we even need to make more that 20 W in a single phase to an enemy horde unit?
  15. What about Supa sneaking 20 hobgrots close to them? If then you got turn 1 you can shoot and charge them, making the sentinels lose at least a turn of shooting. If he chooses instead to eliminate them taking turn 1, not only they lose a turn of shooting, but also you get the 2nd turn.
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