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  1. Yeah doing LoG but I could see a list built specifically around wave being fun. I think I would want just a ton of smaller squads to really play the numbers game on charges.
  2. That's fair.. my head was just at returning bigger units when they eventually go down. Or just throwing the damage units at them over and over. I find the lack of character assassination potential a bit disturbing.. with so many armies focused on their characters. It appears that Nighthaunt / LoG have a hard time getting to then if they are screened properly. My list has evolved a bit to work in a SoT though.. seems great and saves me some CP but with him and both shroud buffs stuff gets pretty reliable.
  3. Thanks everyone! Sorry I was away for the holidays so missed some replies but I will definitely go with a SoT in there.. I really like the Myr Banshees so probably keep at least that one unit. A few mentions of Spirit Host.. honestly again I have never played with them in a game but they just seem very underwhelming on paper. Are you buffing them to make them more killy or is there something I'm not seeing that makes them so good? The math on them just seems dreadful. Black Coach has to stay.. I started this army off a bet when points cost went down. So I have to play it lol.. and yes I am pretty set on LoG. Gravesites and resummon of 30 man Nighthaunt units just seems insane for 1 cp. Thank you for all the suggestions!
  4. Hey guys, so I just recently picked up 2 of the new battle forces, some banshees a coach and my buddy gave me half a soul wars box. Needless to say I am all in on the spooky boys.. I've been trying to find as much info as I can on high level tournament and competitive play as I run with some very cut throat players that only bring the cheesey and hardest of list. This is where I am at to start and would appreciate any tips, tricks and strategies.. especially vs OBR lol.. they are quite popular at my shop now. Thanks! My list is.. Dreadblade Harrow - General with Craven and Brooch Knight of Shrouds Knight of Shrouds on Steed Necromancer Black Coach Chainrasp x40, x10 and x10 Myr Banshee x12 Bladegheist x20 Grimghast x20 And 50 points for a CP. Been also trying to listen to Nighthaunt podcast and battle reps so any suggestions also greatly appreciated. *Oh and was playing this as Legion of Grief..
  5. Can I ask what or how you played the grinder? To me it's easily one of the best units in the book? Mark of Khorne and make sure it's in the aura for melee profit?
  6. Yes each and every can be used synonymously but guess what it would still mean the same thing. That every model is armed with one of the following. Meaning you make a choice for EVERY model individually still. You simply proved a point I already made. Until the FAQ comes out I will play this RAW and continue to mix weapons.
  7. It's not even like that's unique. You can mix saves you just remove the models that take the save if its mixed. See Ard Boyz with shields..
  8. Well that's not how you play the game.. I mean if the people you play with are cool with house rules by all means go for it.
  9. Guess we will have to wait until the FAQ to see their intent.. because I'm sorry you are wrong. English language and the way that is written clearly intended for them to be mixed. Each can be used as a pronoun when the subjects are already clear. In this case, the subject is "the unit consisting of any number of models". The usage of "each" here after the comma implies that each person may have their own subject (models) different from the others. The comma is used to separate the two thoughts. The first part could stand alone as its own sentence. The last part adds information (that each could be proficient in different weapons), but it cannot stand alone as a complete sentence. I will just wait for the FAQ..
  10. Each refers to models not unit. I'm not sure what you are reading.
  11. Havent bothered to look but I'm not going to let the 10 models that were assembled by the hobby team and painted for photos dictate how I play.. I'll just use the rules and warscroll lol.
  12. You are reading two separate parts of the warscroll and trying to combine them to dictate how to arm the unit. How you are the unit is a separate part of the warscroll. Then you get into each specific entry for the weapons, in your example you refer to what to the rule for how shields interact and try to use ot to dictate how a unit is armed. They are two different parts of the warscroll. All that entry is looking for is if your unit is carrying a shield. Yes. Do X. It doesn't say whole or every.
  13. Just wondering why you think having mixed weapons would give your opponent the ability to assign wounds to your unit? Units have banners, musicians, leaders which are different than the standard guy and they dont get to place wounds for you there. Otherwise your banners and leaders would always doe first, why would they get to target certain models now?
  14. It actually refers to each. GW is very consistent when they want a unit to be armed with one weapon type. Look at other units, when they want a unit to be armed all the same it says and the unit gets X. Not models.. you can mix and match and it's intended.
  15. Drop Belakor take more princes and soul grinders. I'm at 4 of each with 15 warriors all Khorne.. no los to you, you move and shoot run around black chasm terrain playing LoS games to your back lines. Take art to give you reroll hit and wounds vs a hero monster to obliterate their biggest threat. And free D3 move of 5 inch before game. This list bangs.
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