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Everything posted by Dankboss

  1. I do take that into account, as there are two instances later on where the ruling overrides the base rule.
  2. I don't blame people for interpreting differently as it's all over the place with ifs buts and maybes, along with new terminology. To me it's only logical for Uniques to be able to take spells, the same way they'd be able to use Triumphs; the new Enhancement rules are fundamentally the same as they were before under a new name. I read it as rules as intended. Facehammer, who I believe is a playtester also mentioned Nagash taking Flaming Sword (or whatever it's called).
  3. You now can't use your own faction's spell lore because that is an Enhancement.
  4. This is how I read it. You the player pick the Enhancement, which then allows access to spells. Otherwise, Unique wizards get locked out of their own spell lore, as that too is an Enhancement.
  5. If the rumor that gitz are getting a new book soon after 3.0 is true then I'm fairly certain they will; the reprinted Glogg's Megamob and loonshrine rules specify troggoths of 5 wounds or less. This makes me think they will, and that the loonshrine will function the same. GW are lazy when they can get away with it, and much like Slaanesh, Gravelords and BR Kragnos, they were printed with 3.0 rules/ points because GW had the material to hand, so they used what they had knowing 3.0 was coming anyway. I hear a lot of people saying GW printing 3.0 points in the latest 2.0 battletomes doesn't make sense but it really does.
  6. So with the new rules of 3.0, I'm considering if I still want to take Glogg's Megamob; without the battalion what it gives is a forced cp generation command trait, a forced 5+ mortal ward (both of which have better generic counterparts), +1 to regen roles which are mostly meh, and the 4+ spell ward which is the best part of that's left. Going back to generic allegiance still lets you use the Loonshrine, and gives you access back to command traits and artefacts. I'm tempted to return to Battle Troggboss with the new rules, as this edition you can get more CP which reduces the need for the 4+ generation. Universal access to +1 to hit makes a massive difference, 6 rockguts hitting on 2s is scary as hell. It'll mostly be used instead of the Boss' reroll 1s unless i have lots of units fighting. I will likely go +2 wounds and Amulet of Destiny for my Battle Troggboss. Support Troggboss is a bit boring. Finest Moment gives him +1 save and +1 to wound, coupled with +1 to hit will let him return to his old glory. Also, easy access to +1 save is important. An alternative Battle Troggboss is Reroll damage dice trait and Manticore Venom or whatever it's called for +1 to wound.
  7. If everything goes up 10% then we're really only looking at one unit less per 2k army or so. Or no difference if the loss of your battalion absorbs the points increase of your current lists.
  8. It's for the Dominion preorders. Either GW annoys people now with waiting or they annoy customers later with no stock XD
  9. If they limit Dominion to 1 per order too this ought to fix the scalper problem somewhat.
  10. Based on what a friend who worked in a GW store told me, they care more about getting new customers in than catering to old customers. Apparently the metric they used was starter boxes sold, even if a new player didn't buy it. The potential for new customers will definitely outweigh the one box of dudes less recurring customers buy for their 2k, at least in their eyes.
  11. My thoughts is that a 2k army is a bit of a gatekeeper to some people, since that's the standard level of play, and to new players that's a hell of a lot of work you need to put in just to play. I'm sure some people get put off at a glance. Reducing army sizes by say 10% will help the barrier to entry.
  12. I'd rather have the -2 rend personally. Plus, unlike most cavalry in the game, their mount can actually fight, which sets them apart from others in their weight class.
  13. That's why I said could/can, and that whatever damage it does do, it's almost always enough. Anyway, we are straying from the real topic at hand.
  14. What I have said is true in my experiences. Ifs buts and maybes only go so far. I have done this and continue to do this; regardless, my griffon always does enough damage when I need him to, 30, 40 or 50+ it doesn't matter, it's enough. It's also not my Deathstar XD My Demigryphs are the real work horse of the army; the Griffon sometimes doesn't even get to play (in part because Be'lakor says no). If you don't play my specific army it's probably not wise to tell me what I can and can't do. Everyone's experiences are different depending on local meta. (Also, Saint's Blade is -2 so it's also 16%)
  15. It CAN do up to 50+ If I really want something near the objective dead I use reroll 1s to hit from All out Attack, and my command trait gives me reroll 1s to wound; with +1 to hit and wound (Lancers), and another +1 to hit from his CA to make the claws hit on 2s, I literally cannot fail my attacks (hyperbole). I have so many CPs I can do this at my leisure. 5 attacks with sword doing 3 damage for 15 2 from beak doing 8 6 from claws doing 12 That is a potential 70 damage when fighting twice, not accounting for the few that will be saved by a 4+ (before rend). I can and do blow whole units of 30 Longbeards off the table. Edit: doing even 30 damage should be enough to rinse most things in the game.
  16. Pretty sure you've made this argument before. Last time I tested against a 4+ save my Hammerhal Griffon could deal 50+ damage when fighting twice with Saint's Blade. Perhaps this argument is true for other cities, but it is not the rule. As for the topic at hand. Aside from losing Hammerhalian Lancers, my army is absolutely winning, based on the leaks. Any points increases should be absorbed by the loss of a battalion, and my current list doesn't need the new ones unless they're free or the Enhancements are really worth it. I generate so many CP that I often can't spend it all; last game turns 2 and 3 I had 10 CPs. The new generic CAs will let me maximize my unit's potential in every way. My favorite is Rally and All out Defence, since I almost never need another +1 to hit nor do I normally care for Battleshock. The smaller board size also helps my infantry a bit. My army is also not affected by the coherency rules nor the new reinforcement limit. Losing Lancers sucks but the game should be overall more balanced for it, and easy access to +1 save should let my Demigryphs deal the same damage over the course of their life as they did pre-3.0. I'm also introducing one or both of the Ven Densts to my list which will give some much needed magic protection and support killing. Overall it's very positive.
  17. With the new Hero changes I might consider taking Galen too. I think he could be a decent pinning unit/ dart to supplement my main workhorse units. Considering how prevalent monster heroes that are wizards are, I can see hiding him among an infantry unit and having him go Their Finest Moment on a manticore sorcerer or something could be good. An out of nowhere burst of damage; 9 attacks at 3s 2s -1 2 damage will hurt.
  18. Honestly, I'd rather it stays as is. It's another rules area that GW will have to balance and they will mess it up at some point, guaranteed, creating another area of haves and have nots.
  19. A minimum size without a max dictates a universal standard, so it makes sense most would adopt the minimum size.
  20. For reference, this is what I've done for my board. It provides an area for dead models/ dice.
  21. I marked out the new dimensions on my game board, and looking at it, there was a lot of space on the extremities that was simply not used with the old dimensions. This will slightly help melee armies that tend to be slower; fast armies were reaching you turn one anyway, so this makes no odds to them, but does help less maneuverable armies. AoS is a fundamentally melee orientated game, while 40k is fundamentally shooting, so a smaller boardsize benefits AoS while changing the nature of 40k to a greater degree, positive or negative. I for one am happy with the change, at least the board size at a glance. I can't speak for smaller armies. If you know, how much smaller did 40k armies get?
  22. They're generic Cities of Sigmar, so they can go into any.
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