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Everything posted by BrotherTalarian

  1. I don’t play underworlds, but to someone that does, have cards had similar rules to the models? Or are they all brand new and made specific for the game? I’m not saying 1-to-1, but would be it outlandish to draw similarities? Or could we hope for cool new mechanics/fuels for our vamps? Honestly, I’m only hoping for cool and awesome mechanics for vampires, make them great again.
  2. Hello! I've been considering starting a new army of these lovely lil critters. For starters I was thinking of getting: x1 Loonboss on Mangler Squigs x10 Boingrot Bounderz x10 Boingrot Bounderz x6 Squig Herd This comes out to 750 points. Is the Moonjump Battalion worth it? I would have 110 points to play with and would be unsure what to get to fill out the list to 1000pts. Alternitavely, sometime down the road I was thinking of adding stabbas. Would a mix and mash of squids and stabbas be effective, or do you really need to stick to one theme to do well. Thanks :)
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