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BadMoonDude's Achievements


Liberator (1/10)



  1. Allegiance: Gloomspite Gitz LEADERS Skragrott, The Loonking (220) - General - Lore of the Moonclans : The Great Green Spite Webspinner Shaman on Arachnarok Spider (280) - Artefact : Headdress of Many Eyes - Lore of the Spiderfangs : Sneaky Distraction Loonboss (70) Fungoid Cave-Shaman (90) - Lore of the Moonclans : The Hand of Gork UNITS 60 x Stabbas (360) - Pokin Spears & Moon Shields 6 x Squig Herd (70) 6 x Squig Herd (70) 6 x Sneaky Snufflers (70) BEHEMOTHS Arachnarok Spider with Spiderfang Warparty (230) Arachnarok Spider with Spiderfang Warparty (230) Mangler Squigs (240) ENDLESS SPELLS / TERRAIN Scuttletide (30) Scrapskuttle's Arachnacauldron (40) Hi, What do you think about this list? The 60 grots supported by the loonboss and the snufflers are the anvil. Skragrott as general because he is awesome XD Fungoid is useful to be able to gain some extra command points (I dont have batallions) and more spell slots (I want to include green spite and hand of gork without depending on the cauldron) The 2 party spiders sinergize well with hand of gork (they can reroll charles) and, along with the mangler, are the hammer of the army. Sorry for muy english.
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