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Everything posted by CommissarRotke

  1. i mean sure, not really a solution but if you want the new Ruination stuff you'll end up with new liberators yes? i'm not saying this isn't frustrating but out of everything getting cut having to proxy your older Liberator prime seems trivial compared to Sacrosanct, especially when it seems that more people have the ETB liberators than the multipart ones. when I was getting into the hobby one of the big tips for SCE was to buy the first Underworlds warband to get a grandhammer for liberators and pick up cheap secondhand starter halves instead of paying full price for the multipart.
  2. @novakai@Beliman it is... interesting how quickly you can tell whether a BL book was allowed to be written as a book or is basically a pulp advertisement.
  3. well if you happened to get the multipart kit, you could either snip off the prime's plume or use one of the new thunderstrike primes right? or any other prime with a shield you may have.
  4. not sure why the assumption is that they didn't sell well?? seriously, did everyone forget the multiple Space Marine model updates before Primaris?
  5. it's somewhere in the rumor thread and on reddit, unfortunately can't find it again due to how many people are posting ! i'll preface this by saying it absolutely is anti-consumer and scummy, but there's no way GW aren't replacing Sacrosanct with Thunderstrike versions. the wizard-paladin aesthetic is one of the best in AOS period. if og Sacrosanct are legal until 2025 then I really think we can expect some replacements during 4e with a full refresh by 5e. Vanguard chamber is the weakest Stormcast aesthetic. some of them might get refreshed, like Raptors, but i could see Vanguard being the only SCE stuff that doesn't see a proper redo. i don't think it makes it impossible, and especially when most liberators i've ever seen are the starter box that gave no grandhammer. you could also easily mark another liberator as the leader, since it makes perfect sense for special weapons carriers to be marked as well.
  6. i mean... this is Nagash's whole thing. it's why he wants to be the only god of Death. it may subjectively be a rule you dislike, but it is 110% flavor for bone daddy. you could always ask for best out of 3 too extremely glad to hear this as it was a big fear of mine that GW would not consider colorblindness when coloring everything. hopefully the charge and hero phases remain relatively separated
  7. it was always going to shake out like this TBQH. it is just a damn shame GW left it to an intern/community manager and didn't PUT IT IN THE SQUATTING ARTICLE.
  8. "Slaves to Darkness" is so broad an army title, if Darkoath are fitting right underneath it then it stands to reason that refreshed BoC come under S2D as well. edit: would love to see Beastmen separated from Chaos to become a primal force of animalistic destruction 😍
  9. yeah it feels like there's been a LOT of upper management meddling... the fact that AOS has no solid video games in 10 years apart from Realms of Ruin (which is still shaky) reeks of meddling for profit over any kind of substance. that clearly bleeds into the miniatures games as well. we also know 1e took a bit of fighting on the creatives' side to get Stormcast to become more than the "fantasy marines" that management wanted. (that post might even be on TGA?) i could see one more purge after this but come on. just tell us what WILL get refreshed and what isn't planned. even if the release is in 5 years.
  10. the more i think about it, the more i feel like this is guaranteed tbh
  11. well this happened a few more times with marines, especially in the beginning editions like 3-5 people loved "beakies" coming back in 30k for a reason, for example. i think the jump from beak helmets to the rounder ones is a similar situation here--that the old models will essentially be useable for the entire life of AOS but newer versions will come out.
  12. while i'm sad to see so many stormcast squatted, it is a strange day indeed when the biggest community joke is "stormcast range is so bloated i don't bother learning any names lol!!!" and now the general playerbase is angry they've been culled. Not unwelcome anger for sure, but major whiplash
  13. oh also we got confirmation that old models will be useable as proxies for their replacements. not saying this DOESN'T suck, but i think most of these models will be proxyable even competitively for a long time.
  14. it doesn't at all and i'll die on that hill. you either make the 40k game feel too small by putting it on 1 planet, or it's got cobbled together systems to accommodate for space warfare & feels like 3 separate but mediocre games. doing 40k makes no sense when AOS would fit into TW like a glove.
  15. @NauticalSoup warcom media managers confirmed sacrosanct is getting refreshes. and let's be real: the list of squatted kits includes the 2 units we saw thunderstrike versions of in the 4e trailer -- GW is not going to drop their wizard-paladin aesthetic without replacements.
  16. so CA is being forced to make a 40k Total War "work"??
  17. starting to think Vanguard chamber will go away with not many replacements, since their design space is fairly weak and can exist in other chambers. Sacrosanct have an AMAZING wizard-paladin aesthetic that i think GW wants to 100% Thunderstrike update.
  18. the random heroes are most likely to not return. i could honestly see all Sacrosanct UNITS coming back in Thunderstrike form. Vanguard not being squatted makes me think they'll remain in their og form for a bit, with the least amount of Thunderstrike replacements to come.
  19. i have Sacrosanct i had already planned on selling to make space. if you're interested and in the USA, DM me i love the wizard paladin vibe but I need space for my original love: Lizardmen/Seraphon.
  20. I'm a bit surprised the Sacrosanct is going, but I think this means they'll be getting a thunderstrike update next? we know most if not all of the Warrior Chamber stuff is proxyable. it sucks but don't lose out hope just yet... we knew something like this may happen
  21. i love how GW had us sign up for email newsletters... and then only shows extra liberators on instagram and twitter. why did i even sign up? i've gotten a single email to say "you signed up!"
  22. i've edited the post. i'm sorry you got caught but i thought this has been mentioned on the forum/thread before since book 4's been out for a month, and i left out ALL context + the most interesting bits surrounding that event. i also left out exactly how it happened, only that it did to be as general as possible. where is the line we're drawing for spoilers here though? i wouldn't have said anything about book 5 had i read it yet. A month of being "in the wild" seems like a fair enough amount of time to discuss releases, especially when keeping up with Rumors too often involves the latest narratives. edit: i've read a bit further and seen the discussion on this
  23. my only trepidation is that if Kelly really wants 9/10ths of the Realm discs to be held by Chaos... 4e can only have so much of everyone else losing. Like if Skaven took 1/3rd of the Great Parch, that sounds like Aqshy is now 9.33/10ths full of Chaos? where is the hope they say they want in AOS if Skaven and Chaos destroy more Cities than got founded? etc. starting to really feel like Malerion and/or Tyrion will be the narrative tools used to put Order back on the offensive, whenever that is. if Silent People are still on the table I hope they quite literally eat the Skaven out of Ghur edit: i don't want to write 9/10ths anymore 😂
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