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Everything posted by zamerion

  1. Yeah, but a video to create even more hype a week after showing the new box would be great hahaha looking forward to seeing these new orcs, especially their faces
  2. Will we be lucky today to see any video in the preview, even in cartoon of the new edition?
  3. it's strange because the eyes seem organic and alive. ( It may have 3 eyes, above it looks like a cut one) The tongue is also organic, but it is rotten and dead While the rest is metal.. maybe they are just spores that possess objects? something related to the eyes in the red mist in the background
  4. I was expecting today a clue, preview, silhouette, or something related to the new breed, but it doesn't look like There are also no signs of a preview this weekend, so we will have to wait until 29.
  5. if the new breed is a mix of this: these concepts, but better done im 100% in
  6. Belladama 40e radukar the beast 40e annika / kritza 25e direwolves 40e start collecting 80e
  7. oops, I understood that we would have 2 more this month
  8. Please potato camera show us some miniature of the new destruction army !!!!!!
  9. Then the may22 that will be other preview? Only for the bad guys?
  10. There are 2 previews this month. One will be 29th sure. The other maybe 22th. Maybe they show the box the 22th. Pre-orders 29th with other celebration preview, with some details about the future of the 2 factions. They did something similar in 40k. If I don't believe this is because kragnos hasn't been released yet
  11. has already been commented and whitefang has said that they are false, but not false.
  12. let me dream of expansions for cursed city!!!! hahaha
  13. Are we sure that are 2 weeks? funny that there is nothing related to radukar ..
  14. Crazy theory. next week, or maybe in 2, other preview showing the complete new box, with the new units etc.. Pre Order of this box 29th And the 29th other preview, showing new units of these 2 armies, and a little about the future of this new edition. A kind of celebration. I think that's what they did with 40k. It is the only logic that I see so that this month there are 2 more previews, and that the coin has a stormcast logo.
  15. MASSIVE!!! Old world in 10mm confirmed XD
  16. There are 2 private videos in youtube warhammer tv.
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