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Blood Priest

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  1. Thanks everyone. The Blood Tithe is the thing about this army that seemed the most tricky, I appreciate the advice
  2. How likely are you to get to 8 blood tithe for a Bloodthirster in a 2000 point game? I had considered using lots of minimum size Blood Reavers as screens and such but I'm totally new and honestly don't know how high the tithe tends to get.
  3. If I'm running a mortals list, are there any go-to daemons you'd recommend getting for summoning with blood tithe points?
  4. Thank you I'll have to wait for a break at work to watch. I was indeed refering to the set with the Khorgorath in it. This is one of those armies where I like the look of everything so need to narrow down my choices 😛
  5. Hi, I'm getting back in to Warhammer and wanted to start with mostly mortal Blades of Khorne. I see a lot of people take a Bloodsecrator and at least two Slaughterpriests as a foundation, which makes sense. I was just curious what battalions you recommend a new player look at as most useful? I also really like Wrathmongers and Skullreapers though I'm not sure how to field them and in what numbers they work. Also a couple modeling questions. I know the Wrathmonger/Skullreaper box has a torso for each and the same legs, is there a common set of legs people use to get use out of that other torso? I thought maybe Blood Warriors but not sure how large they are. Also is the Start Collecting box all single weapon options for the Blood Warriors and Reavers? I have no idea what weapon combo is best on these but it seemed in pics they only have one. Thanks for any answers or additional newbie advice you might toss my way
  6. Thank you Honestly I just like Crypt Horrors, but I haven't heard much about Hollowmourne and wondered if something was wrong with that court. And I'm so new I am not great at putting together synergies or realizing which battalions are any good.
  7. Total noob question. Is it a bad idea to take a Crypt Horror or Flayer courtier as your general just to unlock the battleline units? Especially Gristlegore which seems to have a really nasty command trait thing with the hitting first in combat. Just because mounted ghoul kings seem so great.
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