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Everything posted by KalmDown

  1. My mostly assembled Loonboss on Giant Cave Squig. More chains to come. They have been a bit of a pain so far, and offer almost nothing in the way of stability - but they look cool! Sorry for the poor photos. There is a ton going on in this model (It looks more like a diorama than a single model sometimes)and I'm not a photographer. Should have it painted with better pictures in a couple of days or so.
  2. You can also kill your own unit with a truffle overdose from 2+ squads of sneaky snufflers!
  3. I was planning on doing exactly this! Like a mini-mangler squig.
  4. Sounds fun, but you are over points or illegal. I think you meant to make your battalion a Squig Rider Stampede instead of a Squigalanche (the latter requiring at least one of the former). The stampede is 50 points more expensive, so some edits will need to be made.
  5. In regards to a Loonboss on giant cave squig stand-in, I'm currently working on a "mini-mangler" boss which uses two squigs from the squig hopper kit chained together and the boss hanging on for deal life. Stat-wise two squigs are almost identical to a giant cave squig anyway, so it should be pretty accurate.
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