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Everything posted by Neffelo

  1. I really don't need anymore Tzeentch Skyfires or Enlightened, but I really do want that new Magister...
  2. What about the points changes from the GHB 2018 to the BoC release? For instance the Tzaangor Skyfire on Discs went up to 220 in the GHB 2018, and went down to 200 in the BOC release, which was 3 months later. Tzaangor enlightened on disc also went down 20 points from 160 to 140. In this case GW published points for these units, then went and changed the points and the warscrolls in the subsequent release. There is no reason to think they would not do this again with the upcoming DoT book.
  3. This exactly, I am unsure why @Sinfullyvannila doesn't quite understand that, and it has already happened before. While I don't know if Tzaangors will be changed, I would not be surprised. Just adding in new subfaction rules can raise their power pretty significantly. I am really hoping everything else in our book gets raised up, rather than just a Tzaangor nerf.
  4. Not true. They could have new warscrolls and points value in DoT, which will then just retroactively change them in BoC. It did not need to be updated in the Winter FAQ for this to happen.
  5. While I don't disagree with you here, The issue is that GW would have to rewrite how depravity works completely to fix t his and that just was not going to happen in a FAQ. Slaanesh is probably the worst tome of 2019 when it comes to internal and external balance, and in my opinion it would require quite a bit of work to get that back on track. Hopefully they can improve on this in the GHB 2019.
  6. Yeah, I Feel the same way. I think they went too light with the Depravity table. We will have to see if the locus nerf + depravity nerf will be enough. I think that people may bring more Contored Epitomes now. The nerfs take Slaanesh down a notch, but I was expecting a bit more. We'll have to see how it works in play.
  7. I am sure that we are going to get Slaanesh changes, I think there has been some errors and not everything is dropping the way it should.
  8. So, I could totally have seen a price decrease on the bows, that makes sense to me. I don't think increasing any of the options would have been a good idea.
  9. Why is that surprising, did anyone think that hunters would go up? They are our most effective unit, but they are not exactly sweeping tournaments. It would pretty much trash the army completely if they went up.
  10. Looks like I called it with Alarielle!
  11. While I agree that she gained several accesses with the points increase, I don't think anyone can objectively say she is worth it right now. While a points decrease could put her at her old points value, I don't think that would be too strong. Externally she is really not near as powerful as she was back in the day. Speaking of Points drops, what does everyone think we are going to have dropped? My initial guess is at the very least we will see all of the Treelords drop in price.
  12. There is no way we are going to see any balance changes to those books when they haven't even been out 3 months.
  13. I think she could probably still be 40-60 pts cheaper and still be a strong but not OP choice.
  14. Just checked through the last few pages of the thread, but does anyone know the Nighthaunt list that took 2nd place at the SoCal Open?
  15. So then nothing new? I've seen this pattern with every single boxed release. A lot of people/stores buy up as many of these boxes as they can then sell off the individual components. People may be also realizing that the FoB isn't quite worth buying multiples of as much as some of the previous versions were.
  16. Everything just became available for general sale on Saturday. I suspect you are just seeing people selling at discount on Ebay. I took a look at did not see anything out of the Ordinary.
  17. Pigey, Thank you very much for this!
  18. I've seen mention several times of the top winning lists, but I can't seem to find a link to any of them. Can someone provide that?
  19. I just converted mine into a "vampire lord" with a unique color scheme compared to the rest of the army.
  20. I like this list a lot a well! I've got a similar list myself Allegiance: Ossiarch Bonereapers- Legion: Petrifex EliteLeadersArkhan the Black, Mortarch of Sacrament (360)Liege-Kavalos (200)- General- Trait: Mighty Archaeossian- Artefact: Godbone ArmourMortisan Soulmason (140)Battleline20 x Mortek Guard (260)- Nadirite Blade and Shield20 x Mortek Guard (260)- Nadirite Blade and Shield5 x Kavalos Deathriders (180)- Nadirite Blade and ShieldUnits6 x Immortis Guard (400)3 x Necropolis Stalkers (200)
  21. Points values are really only a band aid with Nightahunt right now. It's also got a myriad of issues across it's warscrolls. The army really needs a pretty huge re write across the board. Fixing LoN may solve one problem, but then we still have the issue with LoG. Nighthaunt is always going to suffer until it is it's own contained tome, imo.
  22. The Nighthaunt book really needs a rewrite. It feels like it was written way before the other 2.0 tomes, and is really inconsitant. It also has awful internal and external balance. Legion of Grief and Nighthaunt are not the same. This is really part of the problem, and I wish Nighthaunt would be it's own tome like Ossiarch. Having to balance the Nighthaunt units across three tomes is one of the reasons the balance is so bad. Grimghast reapers were fine in Nighthaunt, it was Legions that abused them. Yet, they still got hit by the nerfbat.
  23. You can still include Katakros in the other subfactions, he just won't gain the benefit of them.
  24. You can also give HGB the ability to hit first in combat and fight again as well. OBR don't really have anything that compares to that.
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