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Nighthaunt Noob

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Everything posted by Nighthaunt Noob

  1. Yeah very surprising that the next UW Warband won't be previewed since I think most people are assuming it is an April release. Waiting til Adepticon at the end of March seems odd and what are the odds there's another reveal between now and then?
  2. well there's literally no unrevealed AOS stuff right now so there won't be any AOS preorders until we're actually shown something first!
  3. I thought I recalled originally seeing something earlier but right now Amazon is saying the paperback for Cursed City returns May 10th.
  4. Nah the Roadmap just didn't show Q3 and Q4 when the next 2 warbands would come out. The Q2 boxset is part of a new season. According to GW, an Underworlds season now consists of 1 core set + 2 expansions for a total of 4 warbands per season, 8 in 1 year.
  5. This season of Underworlds probably has the coolest "not gonna happen background army" yet.
  6. In fairness it wasn't actually an increase if you factor in the MSRP of the significant increase in cards in that starter compared to the previous. Now I'm certainly not saying that GW's pricing for card packs is reasonable, but if you already take GW pricing as a given, it was really just a case of bundling more stuff in the starter than previous seasons.
  7. Honestly I thought that teaser video was great last year. Generated a lot of great speculation.
  8. Well the rumor that seems like it could be panning out so far on the Underworlds teams suggested an Eshin team (which would make sense for a lot of reasons).
  9. Yeah I know the theme of the advent engine doesn't give much hope but that image looks extremely AoS death.
  10. Or perhaps the specialist stuff has all been sitting in warehouses ready to go because 40k and AOS gets priority for schedule, and these things have been kicked back to keep the big systems on track as much as possible. Warcry, for example, went almost a full year without any releases, so I wouldn't be surprised if the initial plan was to release Red Harvest much sooner.
  11. Especially because Underworlds is listed as part of the reveal and the next release on their roadmap is said pirate warband.
  12. What does her price convert to in freedom dollars? $35?
  13. Didn't see this posted here yet. Looks like a promising update.
  14. In recent history GW has not revealed more than 1 Underworlds warband at at time. I'd temper expectations a bit.
  15. Makes sense they're pretty consistent to try to time with when people start thinking about holiday shopping.
  16. If this is true I might just have to buy every warband this year...good thing I play Underworlds too! Also a Frankenstein-esque zombie would make perfect sense as the nature of underworlds warbands is that there always needs to be a "bruiser" in more of a "horde" warband.
  17. Just the opposite. They do want to sell their own product. What they don't want is for 3rd party retailers to sell much of it because GW makes more money if you buy direct from GW.
  18. Sprues and Brews has a Dominion unboxing up as well as all the warscroll cards. https://spruesandbrews.com/2021/06/14/warhammer-age-of-sigmar-dominion-review-and-unboxing-aos-3rd-edition-launch-box-and-core-book/?fbclid=IwAR3sdgbyzf43wFxUDzqarLl8s4rmmJrHIiNVfCd6M3-NFuWp7d1GShKlUEc
  19. If that was the barometer they could have stopped with the launch box. Light of Eltharion is their best model and it isn't even close. It is sorta sad that he doesn't fit that well with any of the other 2 dozen units.
  20. Interestingly it didn't look like any of the models have sculpted bases so we probably won't be seeing Underworlds repackaging for any of the models like we did with Dreadfane and the new Underworlds Starter set.
  21. 2+ save. I wonder with some of the limitations to modifiers in this edition (rumored) if we'll being seeing more 2+s (Kragnos too).
  22. Must have scrapped follow on Cursed City novels lol
  23. Expecting such miniscule levels of error is not common practice in polling. Since we're talking about polling for hobby preferences all the more so :). Even general election polls in the USA tend to be ~500-1000 respondents.
  24. Absolutely. If I recall, the Warhammer Weekly poll had over 1000 respondents. If you were trying to poll the entire population of the USA, you'd only need ~500 respondents to be considered representative. And to your point on Revenue, Fireslayers actually ranked at the bottom of 2 of their polls. The 1st was on aesthetics, and the 2nd was on "which armies do you play." If you're at the bottom on both those aspects, there's no way they're selling models.
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