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Everything posted by WindstormSCR

  1. no? why would you think you could? the permission is exclusive to the mantrappers unit, not any unit selected at will.
  2. a chaos dragon with a riderless and rider option would be a fantastic option in the face of the aging manticore kit. having recently started a mixed chaos / slaves to darkness army I find myself looking at them and thinking of nothing but alternative kitbashes
  3. regular CDP can't, belakor does though!
  4. I think the reason for this is because BCR style ogors can be absolutely devastating, while gutbuster ogors focusing on ironguts/leadbelchers are decent but not as obnoxious as the BCR variants. they both play very differently from each other. while gluttons are dead as a doorknob, the rest of gutbusters fares decently enough, and for BCRs the combination of enough monsters to make use of the extra VP opportunities, ward on stonehorns, and extra healing on top of heroic surge healing, it gets stupid very fast. assuming you burn a mawpot trigger, a bloodgullet Frostlord with the splatter-cleaver can heal something on the order of 5d3 in a single turn
  5. tyrant is great for smaller 1k games. I've been using mine like a mini-FL, with fateseeker/amulet of destiny/crushing bulk he's not the greatest, but he is fun!
  6. interesting, and certainly a good reason to roll 1 mournfang/2 stonehorn I think if it holds up. but the thing that makes me lean towards stonehorn still is the realmscape magic that lets monsters use top bracket. does the graph account for the ward save the stonehorn has and the mournfangs do not? I'd also like to see the effects of blood feast and molten entrails applied at various brackets for a full picture. seems you might be right, did some tinkering with anydice and it looks like at least until you're down to 2 mournfangs, they definitely outstrip the stonehorn on the damage front, though I'm still having some trouble finding a good simulation option for the trampling charge difference. I'll probably play both and see how things pan out in practice.
  7. Exception here feels like my ogres, as my multi-stonehorn list (posted in the mawtribes thread over in destruction) has been doing just fine at 2k, even leaning toward too obnoxious for my local meta, playing vs a serious tournament player on saturday, that'll really tell the tale.
  8. interesting idea, but using reinforced mournfang instead of a stonehorn is a net loss, and battle regiment doesn't really gain you much since if you want to one-drop you have to really build for it. Better to grab a warlord for the double bonus and then hunters of the heartlands the rest for monster rampage immunity. doubling up on mount traits isn't a thing, sadly. I guess black clatterhorn would be a good second pick for the second frostlord so you get the +1 hit on the horns at least, since you'll be AoAing the primary frostlord
  9. you don't get the extra mount trait here. the only way to get an extra enhancement is to take a warlord detachment, or a command entourage and choose the extra enhancement option (warlord gives both the extra and additional command points) BCR can also never ever fulfill the linebreaker or alpha-beast-pack core battalion requirements, on account of all behemoths that are not leaders losing the keyword as soon as you have a BCR general (they become battleline, and a regular unit, see the post above) without changing the posted list, the way to make it legal is to put one of the 10+ wound leaders into a warlord, along with the butcher, slaughtermaster, and 1 other unit. the butcher and slaughtermaster still get 1 spell each on account of your standard 1 spell lore enhancement, which reads as follows: Personally, here's the meanest list I've come up with, though I'm still contemplating dropping the butcher to a second firebelly purely to fit in the burning head to dissuade units for grouping up (and forming a nice one-two punch with the pulverising hailstorm). I think it's very amusing we can make a FLoSH both a priest and a wizard, which creates something of a self-healing, self-buffing monstrosity, and having the huskard finally having a 5+ ward from amulet to fit in with the stonehorns is great. Multiple monsters also helps us out with the current GHB battle tactics and the various ghur effects. as far as the blood vulture choices, I love the look of chaintraps, but from a purely tournament power perspective, having 4 birds means a very good chance to just rip apart a low-wounds hero from range. Allegiance: Ogor Mawtribes - Mawtribe: None - Mortal Realm: Chamon - Grand Strategy: Beast Master - Triumphs: Indomitable Leaders Frostlord on Stonehorn (430) in Warlord - General - Command Trait: Touched by the Everwinter - Artefact: Arcane Tome (Universal Artefact) - Mount Trait: Metalcruncher - Universal Prayer Scripture: Heal - Universal Spell Lore: Levitate Huskard on Thundertusk (335) - Blood Vulture - Artefact: Amulet of Destiny (Universal Artefact) - Prayer: Pulverising Hailstorm Firebelly (125) in Warlord - Lore of the Sun-Eater: Billowing Ash Butcher (135) in Warlord - Cleaver - Lore of Gutmagic: Molten Entrails Battleline Stonehorn Beastriders (320) in Warlord - Weapon: Blood Vulture Stonehorn Beastriders (320) in Hunters of the Heartlands - Weapon: Blood Vulture Stonehorn Beastriders (320) in Hunters of the Heartlands - Weapon: Blood Vulture Core Battalions Warlord Hunters of the Heartlands Additional Enhancements Artefact Total: 1985 / 2000 Reinforced Units: 0 / 4 Allies: 0 / 400 Wounds: 75
  10. no, they do not keep behemoth, and therefore do not qualify for "monster" for list building. good thing too, or you'd run out of behemoth slots stupid fast. the reference you're looking for is 25.5.1 "conditional battlefield roles"
  11. Another fun one: the faction you would THINK would use linebreaker and alpha-beast-pack... can't Stonehorns and thundertusk beastriders lose behemoth when they become battleline, and therefore stop qualifying as *monster* for core battalions. so in order to actually use linebreaker, you'd have to use ironguts or glutton battleline, then take the riders as non-battleline, which means you can't have a beastclaw general just.... what?
  12. Something I ran across while trying to educate myself on the new edition after not playing for over a year: Soulsnare shackles could be very problematic for us with how much we want to be the ones charging. the new version just flatly prevents charges inside it's area of effect, I don't know about anyone else, but I will be very happily taking the skullshards as my "no you don't" button just for those....
  13. Been tinkering with a few list ideas, wanted to build one centered around some casting, and came up with this. General concept is to keep the butcher near the mawpot, and use the balewind to extend the casting range so that he can still reach things to mess with them. Tyrant getting stuck in will generate a ton of healing combined with the mawpot, and butcher's band supplements that. Frostlord and huskard play spoiler by just being obnoxiously brutal and using the mini-comet Allegiance: Ogor Mawtribes - Mawtribe: Bloodgullet Mortal Realm: Shyish Leaders Tyrant (160) - General - Trait: Crushing Bulk - Artefact: Splatter-cleaver Butcher (140) - Cleaver - Lore of Gutmagic: Blood Feast, Greasy Deluge Frostlord on Stonehorn (400) - Artefact: Ethereal Amulet - Mount Trait: Black Clatterhorn Huskard on Thundertusk (340) - Blood Vulture Battleline 4 x Ironguts (220) 12 x Ogor Gluttons (400) - Pairs of Clubs or Blades 4 x Leadbelchers (160) Battalions Butcher's Band (140) Endless Spells / Terrain / CPs Balewind Vortex (40) Total: 2000 / 2000 Extra Command Points: 1 Allies: 0 / 400 Wounds: 120
  14. That's actually the default state of the book. the only thing that changes the "style" is choice of general, which dictates what's battleline, and what isn't. It's a much better outcome than "one book two factions" some buffs only affect specific units by keyword, but the vast majority of stuff just activates off the OGOR keyword. Rejoice and Feast! edit: to the above, wasn't there a box out somewhere that allowed the malign portents heroes to be used regardless of ally status? can't remember where since I never personally used one.
  15. Now that we have the full spread of rules, I'm thinking the potential reach of thunderbelly mournfangs is absolutely insane. Keening gale +3". Jorlbad +D6", Hungry +2", and then run and charge near the table edge makes for a staggering amount of movement on a flank. without gale you're going 11"+2d6" +2d6" which is 21" threat range on conservative rolling (5 on 2d6)
  16. The preorders are up in NZ, can use the direct links. mawpot is still 404 and the scraplauncher has a display error. Ironblaster looks like it might be viable? https://www.games-workshop.com/resources/PDF/AoS_Warscrolls//aos-mawtribes-warscroll-Ogor-Gluttons-en.pdf https://www.games-workshop.com/resources/PDF/AoS_Warscrolls//aos-mawtribes-warscroll-Gnoblar-Scraplauncher-en.pdf https://www.games-workshop.com/resources/PDF/AoS_Warscrolls//aos-mawtribes-warscroll-Ironblaster-en.pdf https://www.games-workshop.com/resources/PDF/AoS_Warscrolls//aos-mawtribes-warscroll-Leadbelchers-en.pdf https://www.games-workshop.com/resources/PDF/AoS_Warscrolls//aos-mawtribes-warscroll-Tyrant-en.pdf https://www.games-workshop.com/resources/PDF/AoS_Warscrolls//aos-mawtribes-warscroll-Stonehorn-Beaststriders-en.pdf
  17. I think longbeards and phoenix guard are examples of units that both have a similar role but do vastly different things well. both are easily classed as heavy infantry, but the longbeards are unconditional battleline and grumble, while the phoenix guard instead have raw durability vs spells and other non-weapon effects. Another good example here might have been to let ironbreakers keep the dispel banner, or do something interesting with the cinderblast bomb to give them more of a "charge defense" niche. I'm still sad about the loss of Order Draconis and Eldritch Council. mostly eldritch council
  18. Drakesworn Templar or LC on stardrake would be quite nasty as a living city general, with the +1sv and +1 to w trait, not to mention the healing potential.
  19. the visual reference of all the base sizes available and the actual difference between them is handy for conversion work, in fact I might so far as to suggest that this information be retained along with what base sizes are available in the shattered dominion style (for example someone contemplating a SD base project might want to know that they don't make SD 50mms)
  20. One of the big things I've come to accept is there is very little reason for Gutbusters not to run GA:Destruction most of the time, when a big block or two of regular ogres is a good pick anyway. My current list I'm going to try this weekend, assuming I can finish painting the huskard in time: Allegiance: Gutbusters Mortal Realm: Chamon Leaders Butcher (140) Tyrant (160) - Massive Ogor Club Huskard on Thundertusk (360) - Blood Vulture Frostlord on Stonehorn (420) - Artefact: Hydroxskin Cloak Bruiser Standard Bearer (140) Battleline 12 x Ogors (400) - Ogor Clubs or Blades with Iron Fists 3 x Ogors (120) - Pairs of Ogor Clubs or Blades 3 x Ogors (120) - Pairs of Ogor Clubs or Blades 3 x Leadbelchers (140) Total: 2000 / 2000 Extra Command Points: 0 Allies: 0 / 400 Wounds: 131 I'd go with a more powerful relic, but my dudes are Realm of Metal for lore/flavor so I try to stick to that for casual games (I run them as being the foot tribe section of an Olwyr Alfrostun)
  21. Faction aesthetic and the elite nature of it making it easy entry to the hobby. I only picked up BCR with 2.0 and have been enjoying them quite a bit, and I haven't had the level of problems others seem to be having with them. my takeaways for BCR versus the 'new hotness': most other factions sources of mortal wounds are more easily denied now, making us stronger because all of ours aren't from spell sources, and there are realm artefacts that help us in this regard just as much as anyone else (give the spellmirror a try, thank me later) As an elite force, if you plan your charges properly and activate units well, you will get a very significant portion of your damage out and minimize the amount of hits taken in return. 2.0's removal of shooting out of combat helps us significantly because volleys of 1-damage weapons are the biggest weakness for things like stonehorns, while mournfang handle them fairly well (and prey-hackers/ironfists are especially nice for tying up shooting-centric units because of MW bounceback) Not having as many battalions isn't as much of a pinch when you generally will not have the characters to use the extra artefacts on, and the command abilities aren't spectacular to begin with, save them for battleshock on mournfangs. The battalions we do have are actually fairly good. I've played vs summoning sylvaneth in 1500 points, nurgle or nagash at 2k, and summoning has power, but if your target priorities are good and you play the objectives, at best your opponent buys themselves a turn with a speedbump.
  22. Working on a mixed destruction greenskin force, and while I want my main 'line of battle' to be Ardboyz, I'm having serious difficulty deciding what to use for ranged support. Core of it is an ironfist with 3 units of ardboyz and a unit of brutes, a set of wolf riders (equipment undetermined, probably bows/shields), one set of moonclan grots with spears/shields/fanatics, and an arachnarok with shaman. will the wolf riders be enough backed up by a shaman on wolf for sneaky stabbing, or should I consider some Orruk archers over more moonclan for battleline? In the interests of theme I am not using any mounted orc HQ units, or even any orc HQ units at all if I can help it.
  23. I think the concensus at the table was mostly that arkhan's ability stacking needed a nerf, and that losing all of the mortars AND a good chunk of the larger smash units they had to good rolls from BCR charges made the rest of the game a no-contest issue (they just had stormfiends, screaming bell and some heroes left) For those wondering I was the BCR player in question.
  24. I'm puzzled by the lack of a skal battalion when you're already taking two icebrows and multiple frost-sabres. suggestion would be to drop the Icebrow down to one, and replace the second frostlord with a stonehorn beastriders: Allegiance: Beastclaw Raiders Leaders Frostlord on Stonehorn (420) - Artefact: The Pelt of Charngar Icebrow Hunter (140) - Artefact: The Bleeding Skull of Dragaar Battleline 4 x Mournfang Pack (320) - Gargant Hackers 4 x Mournfang Pack (320) - Gargant Hackers Stonehorn Beastriders (320) Units 6 x Frost Sabres (120) 4 x Frost Sabres (80) 4 x Frost Sabres (80) Battalions Skal (150) Total: 1950 / 2000 Extra Command Points: 2 Allies: 0 / 400 Wounds: 108
  25. Hysh: multiple useful items, mostly defensive Ulgu: growing into my personal favorite, the spellmirror is really good, and the doppelganger cloak is pure obnoxiousness. Dimensional blade is good for extra offensive rend, and the other blade is a great all-around defender with always-on -1
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