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Everything posted by AaronWilson

  1. Played a game against fairly unoptimized new stormcast last night, wanderers ground a solid win. First time using wanderers, oh man -1 rend in melee while near a hero is so good. Witherstave + Last gift + -1 to hit on the PB is so hard to chew through, I'm fairly sure he did more damage to him self then I did with PB's. Emerald Lifeswarm triggers both hero phases was real value!
  2. Welcome to the gang @Augusto, it's a great place to be.
  3. Yeah this isn't true, you're either playing Ironjawz, Bonesplittaz, Kruleboyz, or The Big Waagh. All of those armies can ally Gloomspite Gitz. You can't include a model with the Kruleboyz Keyword if you're playing Ironjawz allegiance.
  4. Yeah I guess at a push you could retreat in your own movement phase, rally there movement phase & then charge in there charge phase. It just feels like it's too slow? To give another analogy, in trading card games healing spells are often considered weak because you'll spend a turn to regain 5 health for example but don't not effect the board state, while you're opponent keeps pushing. The whole retreat, and then rally in their charge phase sort of feels the same. You take your own unit of melee to rally, maybe given up board position of any chance of damage in return etc. Not saying it's useless but It's another CP used (Two if you want to charge back in) on a already CP hungry army and a rather poor warscroll for the new ardboyz
  5. I mean yes I understand that but I'm not sure if it's the most viable tactic to retreat your melee unit out of combat to do nothing and get half your losses back, just feels situational
  6. You can't rally while engaged with a enemy no?
  7. You can only retreat in your own hero phase, so it would require you to retreat then stay out of combat.
  8. If you want to mix the armies it has to be in Big Waaagh
  9. Hello fellow nurglings! I have recently purchased a Maggotkin army from a good friend (Nearly 7000 points) and I'm very excited to be joining the ranks. Excited to give the below a go! s
  10. As far as I understand as new battletomes are released we won't be able to view them unless we've bought them in a physical copy?
  11. Very happy to have access to warscrolls (up to date ones) for free, that's all I'll use the tool for. Will always use Warscroll builder to make lists. When app moves into warhammer +, will happily pay the £6 a month for up to date and easy accessible war scrolls.
  12. There instagram / is full of post with Cathay designs & The Old World logo attached, I'm 90% sure they will be coming for old world.
  13. In the article it does say the they have wrote 8th ed rules for cathay, paired with the old world logo I'd say so.
  14. Holy jesus, the Tzeentch stuff & animations look mind bowing good, Cathay look absolutely phenomenal. My favourite TWH trailer to date.
  15. You can do either, each wizard can select the spell they know. You can have either 2 flaming swords or 1 flaming swords & 1 levitate, they know this in addition to warscroll spell & mystic shield / arcane bolt.
  16. Named characters cannot take command traits or enchantments.
  17. Okay... so you can either play Ironjawz, Kruleboyz, Bonesplittas, Or Big Waagh and all four of them can ally gloomspite gitz?
  18. Ermm.. well I guess not? I just assumed that Kruleboyz, Bonesplittas & Ironjawz would all have their own Allies & would include them selves?
  19. Confused at the can't use there own faction. Surely they can ally with other units in the book?
  20. Complex core rules with less complex tomes is a fantastic direction to move into.
  21. "14.3 WARDS Some abilities allow you to roll a dice to negate a wound before it is allocated to a model. Abilities of this type are referred to as wards, and the dice roll is referred to as a ward roll. Up to 1 ward roll can be made for each wound or mortal wound before it is allocated to the model in question. If the ward roll is successful, the wound or mortal wound is negated and has no effect on the model." "Q: Some abilities allow you to roll a dice to attempt to negate a wound or mortal wound, but that roll may have a different effect depending on the score of the dice (as per, for example, the ‘Soul-forged Guardians’ ability on the Praetors warscroll). Are these abilities wards, and is the roll a ward roll? A: Yes." "Morikhane: This ensorcelled armour protects Nagash from arcane as well as physical attacks, and can even cause an intense magical backlash on those that dare strike him. Roll a dice each time you allocate a mortal wound to this model. On a 1-3, nothing happens. On a 4-5, that mortal wound is negated. On a 6, that mortal wound is negated and the attacking unit suffers 1 mortal wound" No where in the core rules or FAQ does it state you must use your best etc, as the controlling player you would have the choose of which you would take therefore can pick 6++ deathless save for the best chance to trigger Protection of Nagash. However Morikhane does not state may, so taking the 6++ instead of the 4++ is the best you can do in this case.
  22. Hello all. As we're settling into AoS 3 save stacking is a topic that comes up quite a lot and I'd though it would be interesting to have a discussion on the topic now we've a few months into AoS3. For those who maybe are unaware, save stacking is the practice of putting multiple instances of +1 save on a model (Mystic Shield, All out Defence, Their Finest Hour) etc to pseudo ignore -1/2 rend. This is most effective on a 3+ save hero (Nagash, Archaon) etc as the limit to the roll is +1, any extra means you will be ignoring -1 rend and on TFH turn -2 rend. This is new to the edition due to Mystic Shield becoming +1 save & Their Finest Hour appearing. Initially I thought I dislike the idea of save stacking, but now I'm multiple games in I've swapped stance. It's nice to have your big heroes which you invest a lot of points in actually feel like as hard to kill as they should be. Even not for the big names (Nagash, Archaon, etc) I had a Liege-Kavalos in Petrifex elite under mystic shield & their finest hour tank Bel'akor & a Khorne Deamon prince to deny Slay the Warlord and it felt epic. While I can appreciate some people may think it has tipped certain big names into the too hard to kill category, I think it's nice to see them feel as epic as their points / backstory tells us. What are your guys thoughts on save stacking right now?
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