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Everything posted by Lucio

  1. I hope so, set it in the ruins if Excelsior, the areas that haven't really recovered due to the events of the City of Secrets. Introduce Skaven, Fyreslayers and Khadaron Mercanaries and you'll have a fun time
  2. My gut instinct based on the shelf space of a typical one man store is we're reaching saturation point for factions, which is why we're seeing more consolidation since Beasts of Chaos. We've got 3 major "known" factions left, Aelves from Hysh, Aelves from Uglu and Ogors (which I think will see the Beastclaws folded back into Gutbusters) On top of that we seem to have one more Death faction left. All told that's enough along with Warcry to take us to the end of 2020
  3. Lucio

    Warcry wishlisting!

    I hope they AoSify them though. A race of Duardin who worship Chaos as the Consumer of All. Fond of burning things, tend towards making their bodies as heat proof as possible to better demonstrate their devotion. Half fire elemental - Half duardian daemons, Bull Centaurs become brass constructs, etc.
  4. First off, giving a bonus for winning is a sure fire way to suck the fun out of the tournament. The best players will get a bigger advantage. Secondly, if you are set on the idea, don't make up new items, use the Realm based ones from Malign Sorcery, they're ideal and can tie into where the campaign is located. Personally what I'd do is this Battle One - Objective based fight, winner starts the next fight as the defender Battle Two - Defend the treasure, pick a scenario that means the defender counts up a score to try and unlock the tomb Battle Three - Winner for Two gets a bonus magical item or two. However, they must escape past hordes of the enemy. Loser can return units to the battlefield if they get wiped out from the sides. Battle two winner must get treasure chests off the opposite board edge
  5. Looking forward to this tome, paired up the forces have a decent synergy, a mix of cheaper numerous troops and more elite models. Mixing Gore Gruntas, and Boar Boyz will be fun
  6. I'm leaning towards Setra, the overall feel suggests Arabic / Egyptian influences, and the tombs stacked up appear to be a general pyramid shape, plus the heavy bone influence. I don't think it'll be the Tomb Kings per se, I think it'll be more about Undead constructs and animated statues. Things like the Necrosphynx, the Bone Giant, the bone Chariots and the Screaming Skull catapult are all fairly unique concepts. What we likely won't see are mummys, priests or quite so much of an Egyptian feel I also think the Ogor is going into a boxed set release with this faction. We'll see a Shyishan Destruction faction that way.
  7. Has to be Cities of Sigmar. They're not an army I play, or likely want to play but they round off the "normal" side of the Mortal Realms. With their background established, and the concepts finalised we'll have completed the move into a fully fledged game world and from here on out we'll see the more unique aspects explored and formalised.
  8. Lucio

    Warcry wishlisting!

    I'm looking forward to a "Gods" supplement, whereby your warband pledges themselves either to a specific Chaos god *or* follows the Chaos Undivided route The former get to elevate their leader to the status of the iconic warrior of that faction, the latter follow the Chaos Lord / Knight approach. I'd also like the rules to be used for a supplement set in Excelsior, in the aftermath of the City of Secrets novel. The ruined slum areas home to various gangs, the militia squads trying to keep order, the skaven burrowing up to infiltrate the city, and the remnants of the Chaos cults trying to reestablish themselves. Use the Mercanaries idea to add specific free lancers as Forge World resin pieces, Necromunda has given us some amazing models that way, and we could get some really unique hero concepts. Speaking of Forge World, now's the ideal time for them to cement their identity as the "expansion" parts company for Games Workshop. They should produce head, arm and body varients, with instructions for experienced modellers on where to cut a model to expand it.
  9. Plain plastic base, attach model with superglue. When you're done painting use the fine detail cutters to gently lift it up off the base
  10. Gnomish Nosey Order Legion of Spies? Or did you mean Gnoll's, the large hyena like scavengers?
  11. Militarium Green, and a Drybrush of Elysian green over the top works well
  12. The Tombwrights - a Death faction of Duardin who dwell within Shyish and craft the tombs and resting places for their powerful undead masters. Their armies would include various stone golems, slave packs of undead, liches or mummys, and the Duardin acting as heroes or small units. They use telekinetic magics to strike at their enemies, or enhance their strength. The Skinwalkers - A Destruction faction of aelves, these bestial aelves hunt both men and beasts, devouring their essences to enhance their natural abilities. Some can change their shape to various vicious beasts or adopt animalistic traits such as mighty leaps, sharp claws and fangs or venomous spit. At their core they're still Aelves, so they hunt with bow and spear, and many of the younger hunters use shields to protect themselves, whilst the older, more experienced ones can heal their wounds with the hearts of their prey.
  13. I'd better get me a copy of Forbidden power. Flesh Eater Courts mercanries? awesome I needed some cleanup crew to preprocess the mushroom fertilizer
  14. Agree, it's a multiplier when it really should be a linear boost. For example, pile in and make a single attack with a weapon would work far better for game balance. Vs the Ironjawz +1 attack, you've got flexibility of all the attacks at once vs attack later but with the move
  15. Use them a lot at GW, I prefer mats or the cardboard board for playing surface but the look and texture of the shattered dominion board. If you use a dice tray, then you deal with the worst problems
  16. Amazon have a habit of messing with publisher's prices, and all the publisher can do is withdraw their product until Amazon move onto another publisher
  17. Next set of ruins is done, this one I was particularly happy with the brickwork on What I may go back and do to these pieces is add some fungi growing from the edges to better represent it as Badmoon territory
  18. Someone has to be the best, and like everything in life it's a combination of luck, practice and genetics. As long as he's not a ****** about winning all the time, who cares?
  19. Ask him if you can write his army list for him, and he does the same for you. Narratively you're both generals newly appointed to the army so have little idea what you have to command
  20. Sir Snagboing de Splatt, a Loonboss on a Giant Cave Squig had a vision once in a fungus brew induced haze. He saw a horde of knights with fluttering pennants and big crested helms ride down a horde of Stabbas. The Madcap Shamans told him it was a sign from Da Bad Moon Now he and his Knights that go Booooinnnggg all wear similar helms and practice this shivalry (stabbing people in the front not the back)
  21. If you want a really orange sandstone, then instead of Tallarn sand, start from Doombull Brown or Ratskin Flesh. You can also try washing the early stages with a 50/50 mix of Sepia and Fuguan Orange
  22. Really? By that point why bother? A new Warhammer Quest set will be out which'll do the job just fine.
  23. This is the Squig you want for a Bloodthirster body https://www.games-workshop.com/en-GB/Grot-Warboss-Giant-Squig Resin, so easy to cut away to shape.
  24. Edge highlights are a fairly advanced option What I would do in your case is to start with one of the two routes 1) Base, Shade, Drybrush 2) Base, Layer, Shade If you download the Citadel app there's videos detailing both approaches, and it'll help you learn and practice your brush control necesscary to get to that level. Finally, try watching this video for some ideas
  25. Amazing work, love the vibrant colours and themes
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