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Everything posted by JackStreicher

  1. BTs are arguably (imo) a bad way to implement secondary scoring into the game. There’s better ways to get secondary scoring. I don’t like winning based on kills either, a mix is needed. BTs feel like playing Yu-Gi-Oh with one hand while the other is playing AoS, yet for some reason the Yu-Gi-Oh game is more important.
  2. That’s what I mean by BTs warping AoS. All of third hasn’t really been about the models or the battles. BTs are what the whole game is about, there’s zero immersion left. There‘s so much potential how BTs and terrain could be woven into the gane: BTs: granting a buff for performing something flavorful (a ritual?) Terrain: Fighting over terrain to control the battlefield instead of objectives. Terrain granting buffs in addition to Victory points. instead it’s just a layer of abstraction, a side game besides AoS that has little to do with AoS as a whole.
  3. Imo the simply recruit women if the noble house they recruit from happens to have no sons 🤷🏼‍♂️ imo fem custodes are really cool (Valkyries!)
  4. Would HAVE been, please. I would not care to get a brother of silence!
  5. That’s not an argument though. Heroes usually look quite different with bigger bases. It’s not an issue in AoS or TOW. (and in tow they‘re standing inside a big block, looking even more alike). It’s never been an issue, ever. So this sounds like a Strawman argument to me. They‘ve simply decided that foot heroes shouldn’t deal damage, period. There’s no issue with a hero dealing 15+ dmg imo, especially when that’s his job. I have a harder time with buff heroes, because their buffs are highly nonsensical even in a magical setting: „oh look he is waving his cape! + 1 to wound, + 1 to hit“ - the actual fork? It’s not even a spell, just utter nonsense. While a forking vampire, stronger than a stormcast, moving as fast as one can blink should be able to dismantle a dozen ordinary humans especially when wearing magical artefacts. But he can’t (currently) and a skaven hero is just as powerful. (Imo the sniper is too accurate for a skaven btw)
  6. They should be better. However since GW „looked at every single Warscroll and revaluated its power“ or in short, minus the marketing talk: Did Jack S**t and just continued the same way as before: It‘ll sadly stay that way and that makes me said. It’s so frustrating. @PraetorDragoon not true. Gotrek slaps for example. It has nothing to do with the game‘s setup, they just refuse to grant small models significant output although there‘d be more enough explanations fir it in this FANTASY setting (magical items, Blessing of living gods, Mutations, MAGIC). it‘s lazy design.
  7. That's thje conversion I did first (I'll use him as a necromancer) I switched it up to this: (Still WIP)
  8. I‘ll skip this box. All I need is the riders and the beast. At 124€ incl. discount there’s just too mich trash paper I am supposed to pay for.
  9. Was an 1000 points intro game. (I won, but it was funny with absurdly brave Goblins, a fiery convocation eradicated half his black orks. From there on he was losing hard). His Black Ork Boss killed my hero on Griffon 👌🏻 My horses killed more Black Orks than my regular troops 🤣 some images my phone messed up the order if images x_X
  10. This article was nice for showing off the rules. (the marketing claims annoy me to no end 😂🤣 but that’s just me)
  11. Agreed. I stopped playing them 1,5 years ago. It’s too much of the same
  12. They are not, in fact those models (the armours) are quite elegant. In the trailer the armour was needlessly bloated and cartoon-y.
  13. I just don't like their attendants. I'd love to keep 40K as much it's own thing as possible. Those attendants are 150% 40k nonsense.
  14. They look really good. I don't get why they're as chonky as they are in the trailer.
  15. It should be multiple choice. 1. Citadel - Because I know what to expect of them 2. Vallejo - Dropper Bottles are great, as are the colors (esp. for Air Brushing) 3. Scale75 - Mostly Metallics (their Golds and Copper Colors are on a completely different Level, lookign forward to testing their alchemy colors soon!)
  16. agreed. I'd like Witch Aelves to be armoured though.
  17. Getting IMMEDIATELY outdated rules for Dark Oath SUCKS 😕 All the tokens and warscroll cards are instant trash paper well nice models guess I'll get them if I can sell some of my Space Marines (too many minis at the moment) FINALLY the Prophetess has arrived!
  18. A thread for anything and everything High Elves. I‘ll start with a kitbash of a High Elven Mage + Lumineth Bits (WIP)
  19. So what could I convert the Kruleboyz Sludgegeraker into? I am open to ideas!
  20. Yup, saw them 🤷🏼‍♂️ they’re interesting. However so far the edition reads like 3. Ed. but with 4 CP and some restrictions.
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