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Everything posted by JackStreicher

  1. Simple answer to the Thread's header: A metric ton of introduction games ;D I pretty much build my former community single-handedly. One of the issues evoloves over time however: I don't want to have introduction games anymore x_X
  2. I played 1250 pts of Stormcast vs Slaves to Darkness. The Khorne Xhaos Lord on Karkadrak with eternal vendetta and the Amulet of Destiny killed my entire army (including my general, priest and Knight Judicator) 🥲 I was tabled by a single model (and the fact that rolling 1s and 2s for Armour isn’t any good) mit was still a good game since the last dice roll decided who would win.
  3. The biggest issue of the book is the high point costs imo. We have really few models on the table, although most of them hit decently they evaporate to MWs which makes the objective game incredibly hard in later turns. Dragons counteract this a little due to their damage capabilities, their resilience and speed. However I‘m expecting the latter to be merged before the models can be bought
  4. That‘s what I fear as well. Normal Paladins would be hardly playable
  5. So, since SCE are super vulnerable to MWs especially since we’re putting an only an average of 26 models on the table, I‘d like to know if anyone found a way to make our units more resilient? Every MW hurts my soul when playing SCE 🥲
  6. It also opens up the possiblity to mere faction and develop them into their own identity etc.
  7. Also Celestial Vindicators? I love their color scheme
  8. Imo IDK are the army with the most (and coolest) chances of army expansions. GW just needs to use those.
  9. Alright, here we go. I mainly play PtG and I'll sum up my opinions, praise and criticism below. Suggestions for improvements will be marked with *. Army Generation The army generation is straigth forward and not very complicated. That's good, yet it could be made more interesting.* The ressource used is Glory Points as this is the main ressource for everything (except leveling up units). Army/Settlement Progression This one is twofold: You can expand your army via spending glorypoints and in order to do so you occassionally have to upgrade your Fortress so can add more units or reinforcement points. While this is also straight forward it sadly becomes repetitive and I wished it was a little deeper in terms of building new structures and the likes. Building structures: You basically can't. First you have to discover new lands in order to upgrade them. The only buildings you can build are garrisons and your keep, which is a shame. This part also lacks depth**. Hero Progression Your general can't progress, period. Smaller heroes can get Command Traits and Artefacts, which is cool. This part also lacks depth***. Post Battle Consequences This step is not meaningful (sadly). The only case in which one might lose a unit is if this unit consists of a single model. In every other case the recovery is rather simple though costly.**** Scenarios While these are fun they are mostly re-writes of the 40K narrative Scenarios. The biggest issue with these is the abundance of Missions that basically want you to simply slaughter the enemy. This makes these missions feel uninspired and repetitive. There are at least two missions which are almost impossible to win: In one you keep half your army in reserve, yet you are allowed to shock within 9" to the enemy - it's an auto-lose for the enemy. In the other the defender gets points for surviving models - which makes him auto-win at the end of turn 2 if the enemy hasn't killed enough of his army by then. In my opinion the Scenarios are the part of Path to Glory with the biggest creative freedom and the need to be expanded*****. Suggestions * Make certain units only accessable after the creation of certain buildings. They used to have a categorisation of Soldier, Guard, Elite etc. units. Reuse that one. ** Make buildings have an impact on Scenarios, army composition, playstyle etc. currently they lack meaning. For example: building a Tavern could grant +1 Bravery to yur heroes. Or one's settlement could be attacked unless a wall is build etc. *** If heroes could inspire one unit around them would be interesting. Nothing game breaking, simply: Add 1 to rolls for redeploy for "Unit" while the unit is wholly within 12" etc. I'd also love a Title-Table: Depending on what factions you fought and how many enemies that hero has slain he can roll on a table granting him a title or a minor special rule. **** Maybe a Unit-Title generator would be nice or the possibility to grant a unit access to a special weapon after reacing a certain level: Unit champions can get an artefact or a command trait? Badly wounded units could get a malus or a boon ***** Since these scenarios don't need to be balanced it would be nice to see staged scenarios with incoming enemy waves or monsters that disrupt the battle, siege battles, attempt at raids which destroy or damage buildings of the enemy player. There is so much possibility for cinematic battles which hasn't been tabbed into at all.
  10. So how many people are still actively playing IDK? I shelled mine due to a lack of diversity and fresh rules… How do you guys feel about it?
  11. I am playing Path to Glory with my brother and I wanted to ask if there is a way to make NH have more punch? (He's playing Emerald Host, I am playing Stromcasts), since his units vaporize way too quickly for how many points they cost.
  12. My thoughts exactly. Would just show how much they actually care for feedback
  13. GW sure knows how to get rid of peoples interest XD I agree, at this point it is stupid
  14. You can’t since your list is already at 3 reinforces units.
  15. Thought I was that person. 🙄 could we stop attacking people pointing out unpleasant topics about GW? It’s pretty much in the title, so if you think it’s negative and you don‘t like that simply move along instead of attacking. Hollow brings up some valid points (not all of them) and I am actually interested in seeing how other people think about what GW‘s doing „politically“ as of late. So let’s return to the topic and discuss it instead of discussing one another, shall we?
  16. The German special rule for Protectors is wrong. The English one grants +1 save The German one makes attacks directed at them hitting at -1 Nice to have bought instant-trash-paper once again
  17. Yup, yet the two-hander-guys-no one-will-ever-play are anti mass which would be cool if you would get at least two tanks into combat. I am not sure what they‘re good for tbh (esp. the 4+ save and no ward) Edit: Vigilors look nice model-wise. They‘re too expensive imo due to their +1 to hit. I would have loved them if their bows had a little more punch and if 5 would cost ~150 pts
  18. A merging of Idoneth and fyreslayers! Idoneth Fyrekin!
  19. Well: Army Name: Yndrasta Army Notes: Hallowed Knights Army Faction: Stormcast Eternals Army Type: Scions of the Storm Subfaction: Hallowed Knights Battlepack: Pitched Battles Points Limit: 2000 pts Units Yndrasta Battlefield Role: Leader Points Cost: 320 pts Protectors Battlefield Role: Other Points Cost: 225 pts Retributors Battlefield Role: Other Points Cost: 235 pts Annihilators Battlefield Role: Other Points Cost: 200 pts Annihilators with Meteoric Grandhammers Battlefield Role: Other Points Cost: 240 pts Lord-Relictor Battlefield Role: Leader Points Cost: 145 pts Knight-Incantor Battlefield Role: Leader Points Cost: 125 pts Prosecutors with Stormcall Javelins Battlefield Role: Other Points Cost: 115 pts Prosecutors with Stormcall Javelins Battlefield Role: Other Points Cost: 115 pts Praetors Battlefield Role: Other Points Cost: 165 pts Gryph-hounds Battlefield Role: Other Points Cost: 110 pts Total Points: 1995 pts Invalid: Created with Warhammer Age of Sigmar: The App lots of screens, a teleport prayer and raw hitting power with reviving Paladins. I‘ll test this list some time though my SCE are painted as Celestial Vindicators Exit: The new App is Bad
  20. For Cities: add Yndrasta and Dragons. She can bring back a whole dragon right? (Don’t have her rules with me) edit: she can‘t so going for a mau Paladin build with her seems like the way to go
  21. Well, that’s clearly not the intention ^^ so I won’t play it that way
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