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Everything posted by Nos

  1. There's definitely a part of me that feels as though there will be more Chaos Dwarf presence but that its just going to be in the form of Dwarves who worship Chaos sprinkled throughout the Chaos ranges, as they already are with Warcry The Chorf/Legion of Azwhatever archetype is fairly bland for the AOS setting. Quite a big gamble to invest resources into the reinvention of a range which was never popular. There's already a faction of Duardin obsessed with Industry and Black Powder. Bad Factory Dwarves And Also Bulls is not particularly appealing outside of nostalgia prison.
  2. That was 1986. Chaos Pantheon was not explored until Realms of Chaos in 1988.
  3. Certainly sold it to me, I went to buy it with an Audible credit just now but its not on there yet 😔
  4. I don't think Chaos was intended as a riff on Lovecraft by its original authors. More an existential reaction to the Good/Evil paradigm of the Fantasy they were otherwise in love with, in reflection of the post modern polit7cal and social entropy/melancholy of the decade in which they were writing. They were a way of making corruption and vice a central theme. The real enemy is within, etc. Also The Chaos Gods are intensely interested in and invested in the workings of the world, like traditional deities. Whereas the Horror of Lovecraftian beings is that they don't care. Not in contempt or intent. We simply do not register. Our lives and purpose are eclipsed by a greater reality utterly unaware of our existence. Nothing we can ever do will ever matter to the beings which are greater than us, be it 8n worship, defiance or anything in between. None of it matters That's Lovecraftian horror. Very removed from the Chaos Gods with their champions, agents, bestowments, blessings, gifts etc.
  5. I have always found the imagery of the Bad Moon profoundly unsettling. I don't know if it's still a thing but when I was a kid there was a concept of the "Man in the Moon". For some reason that was always a malign idea to me. I felt like whatever this entity was, that if I looked at it, it would be watching me. One of my first ever Warhammer purchases was the multi part Night Goblins who came with a Bad Moon Banner, the same grinning, mad crescent face. I rember thinking my parents would tell me off when they found out I'd bought it (they didn't) because it felt adult and Bad. Something about sharp noses has always seemed off to me, you get it with witches too. There's something of the mad clown aesthetic too it I think. I noticed when I was painting a troggoth the other day that they're basically bloated clown faces: I love the Gitz range for that reason. It absolutely nails that folkloric charisma but with with a really quite sinister and frightening undercurrent, the same way a Gryms tale goes from charming to just relentlessly nasty at the drop of a dime. There was a lot of very overt, unpleasant and pretty juvenile emphasis on how terrible it would be to be a captive of the Dark Elves or Slaanesh within their respective lore, but Night Goblins/Gitz have always been the ones who gave me nightmares.
  6. Yep, works for exactly the reasons you state
  7. Dark Harvest the novel is Shadows over Innsmouth but Kurnoth instead of Cthulu
  8. Could just be a statue though Don't think any of the other boxes have had any personnel on the front that wernt in the box?
  9. Ooohhh thanks Well I was dead wrong about it then 🤷‍♂️ mea culpa
  10. Have you seen the sprues? Is there a picture I've missed?
  11. Not particularly impressed that you as a moderator chose to punch down on me in public, not even private message, to defend the honour of a global corporation over an entirely legitimate opinion you happen to disagree with. The wider discussion has been around the accessibility of GW systems, mu comment was entirely in keeping with that wider discussion. At no point did I attack Andy. I very specifically mentioned GW. I didn't even attack them. I said that I think they don't care about rules. They can't or don't need to care about everything. They're clearly thriving with the focus they have. Subjectively, were you in the same situation, I'm quite sure you would feel the same. Delete my post if you want, thats your right, it happens, or if you want to talk to me or I would suggest any member about their behaviour, then have the courtesy to do it in private. Don't treat me or others like a naughty child in front of the school assembly for having a difference of opinion.
  12. This explains GW rules process to a Tee, I think. If designers, or competitive players at the highest end of the game find it straight forward and accessible within playtesting, then that's what they consider straight forward and accessible. If GW care about rules for the average gamer (which I maintain that comparative to models, they don't at all) they would test and design them with at least a reasonable percentage of input from said people
  13. There's loads of AOS figures with little dudes who aren't on warscrolls. So dosent necessarily follow. SC tomes have also made a big thing of how birds are like their best friends and stuff and how they fight together. Also there's nothing in the book that relates to this guys load out except a gutrippa with spear, which this dude literally is, just with a bird. Sometimes a bird is just a bird. And GW have *never* released full pictures of a model without announcing it first, and I highly doubt it was just a mistake. 90% we'll find out he's just a gut rippa.
  14. Just seems really short sighted too. I know the purpose of Underworlds is not to make models for AOS, but a lot of them are pretty compelling hero or champion options. With these you can have two orcs who have no statline- not a Killa, not a Murk, not a shaman, can't have snatchas on foot- who also dosent remotley fit with any of the existing units to act as a champion or even generic member, unless you want to add the flavour of one of the unit being on a Stag Do or something One (1) Hobgrot to add to a unit of Hobgrots, wooo 2 f***ing grots, who can't be used at all. It's just a pack of useless runts.
  15. I still think he is. They said on the GR set there's a choice of 2 banners and musicians, we've only seen one of each. We've not seen all the set options basically. But he's got a shield and a helmet and there's literally no profile that fits him in the new book. So from a game perspective he *has* to be a Gutrippa. That's the only profile that exists for that loadout.
  16. *sick noises* I'm just so terribly dissapointed
  17. Hard pass on those Kruelboyz. Like...with the exception of the hobgrot they look like broken umbrellas brought to life by way of an experiment with Oscar the Grouch. Literally look rubbish.
  18. Biggest sucsess for the Mortal Realms for me is Underworlds. I'm amazed they haven't done it for 40k to be honest
  19. Certainly for the first two editions there was lots from designers of Underworld gangs saying that it was a place for them to practice and let their creative juices flow outside of major projects . Quite a few of the warbands at least at that stage were just Mortal Realms concepts that were not intended for release until Underworlds became a sort of vehicle for it.
  20. They objectively do have to contend with a new paint range. Literal fact.
  21. The fundamental undeniable way to make progress on positive and creativley original and exciting concepts surrounding non Eurocentric cultural Influence is to *give authorship to people from or affiliated with those cultures*. GW is frankly atrociously behind on that front. GW are basically no longer insensitive of cultural representation but thats very much a stagnant place to be. Imagine the potential of an AOS faction created by a team expert in Afrofuturism, for example.
  22. If everything is dark, nothing is dark. You need glimmers of light to demonstrate how bleak everything else is.
  23. Troll the Second Made him a bit more pink than the other guy cos he looked agitated.
  24. They said you can "try it for free" which would suggest it's intended as a paid service sadly
  25. Yeah I agree with this. Unfortunately it's baked into the whole OW premise. In many respects Warhammer is just a riff on 16th century Eurocentric concepts, from an obsession with the apocalypse, demons, spiritual anxiety and fanaticism, the collision of the occult with science, to the notion of savagery or transcendence at the fringes. With heavy LOTR references. It's a very interesting example of how even the well meaning progressively liberal people who came up with it can't escape the damage of harmful tropes and historical prejudice. Really interesting essay to be written on the subject by someone brave enough. Of course most people won't agree with this- bjt that's because Warhammer predominantly reflects their cultural bias. The MCU is a good example of how licenses with global ambitions have had to confront this though.
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