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Everything posted by Icarion

  1. You know what my favorite moments in game are? It's not when the opponent fails to stop my super spell/ability going off, or when I stop theirs. It’s not even when I manage to outplay my opponent through some masterfull strategic move. My favorite moments, are when my opponents stack the deck in their favor for something like a combat, debuff my guy, buff up theirs, all sorts of shenanigans thrown together, and then miraculously, they flub their rolls, or I spike my saves, and that guy/unit of mine which was soo obviously doomed, hangs on with 1 wound left. Winning when things are even between players is boring. Winning when the deck is stacked in your favor by moves/choices you engineered feels strategic. And winning when the deck is stacked AGAINST you feels best of all. I can lose the game and be crushed, and that moment makes the game fun, and worth it to me. If other armies, didn't have their abilities that let them try to stack the deck in their favor, so that I can try and overcome it. My enjoyment of the game wound diminish. To each their own. I imagine most people if they're honest, choose to play warhammer for (among other reasons) the wacky and weird things that can happen in a constantly tilted game, which can never find true balance. If you are after True balance, boy are you in the wrong game. Try Chess, but even then... wait till you play against white, they get to go first always which is SERIOUS NPE.
  2. People seem to think that every army is going to run with Teclis auto-casting all the spells he wants, and Cathallers forcing battleshock tests, while simultaneously throwing out debuffs left right and center from temple units and wizards, while still having a giant core of archers mortal wounding you from across the table, ignoring your armor and cover and line of sight. The truth is you cannot do all of that in a 2k list, not even close. And Even if you could, hopping that every spell goes off, is in range, and isn't denied is a ludicrous expectation to try and plan for. There is no denying Lumineth will end up having a large toolbox to construct a list from, but they will never be able to do everything people are demonizing them for all at once, in a single game. So it seems that, realistically, that your problem is more that lumineth have a wide variety of options to choose how they want to specialize their armies strategy in the list build stage, while other armies are much more restricted in the tactics and gimmick they can employ. And the only thing I can say to you about that is to be patient. Soon other armies are going to get the lumineth wave 2 treatment, to expand their own toolboxes. I just hope they when they get their updates, this community is more chill and less full of toxicity for those gamers sake.
  3. If my opponent uses a command ability to make their unit ignore a battleshock test that I worked hard to set up, and it costs me the game, how is that fun for me? If my opponent uses a command ability to make a unit pile in and attack twice, how is THAT fun for me? The answer, it's not, and it's not supposed to be. These NPE witchhunts are getting ridiculous. Wanting every rule to be fun for both you and your opponent makes the game boring, and is unreasonable, and I believe impossible to achieve while maintain a dynamic game full of 20+ distinct armies and even more playstyles.
  4. I didn't see the normal fox in the leaks, just sevireth. Could somebody with better eyes than me point them out in a PM?
  5. to quote @Aelfric NPE stands for Negative Play experience - a phenomenon many players are quick to spot in armies other than their own.
  6. Can I ask how many games you have played with lumineth so far?
  7. Yeah, some ppl are just determined to hate lumineth no matter what. without even seeing their shooting attacks, I can see a unit or two of these windcharges being a great addition to the slow lumineth army, as dedicated late game objective grabbers. Being able to fly, and pile in 6" on the charge, combined with presumably high movement characteristics, means they guys can swoop in to take objectives that their opponents holds right out from under them. I think that is where they will shine.
  8. They used the phrase "cover star" specifically to describe who we are catching a glimpse of in the video for Kragnos. That's an odd choice of words, but they have used it consistently. If you look back at the reveals for BR: Teclis they used the same phrase to describe Teclis and his book. "Archmage Teclis is also the cover star for the next book in the thrilling Broken Realms saga." -From the Dead and the Devine Preview show article. In that light, it doesn't seem like poor word choice from the community team, but specific, and approved phrasing which they have used consistently. And they have set the trend that the cover star of a broken realms book, is who that book is named for.
  9. Yeah I don't like the precedent of having 1 great nation per Aelemental Temple allegiance ability focus. I'd be much happier with 7/8 being generic buffs that effect all lumineth, but certain units more than others. Like a retreat and charge or +2 movement, +2 Bravery, ect. Then 1 great nation can be the Temple focused one, where they have a passive buff for aelementari units, or maybe a "pick your alemental" focus and they get these buffs, since this nation is all about the Aelementors. Then you could have more refined temples buff in the warscroll battalions to further theme your force.
  10. Considering that broken realms seems to be a prelude to aos 3 down the road. It seems likely that whatever happens it will effectively end the soul wars, to make way for the next saga of the AOS narrative. In fact I seem to recall that when Broken Realms: Teclis was announced the Warhammer Community description was something along the lines of "Teclis seeks to end the soul wars" So I think that kind of has to happen for the narrative to move past what is currently going on.
  11. Am I the only one who finds it odd that the "warden of Ymetrica" is the figurehead of all the Tyrionic Nations?
  12. GW did say that the centaur guy in the teaser is Kragnos though. All their social media tags linking to that video preface it by saying "catch a glimpse of the next cover star of AOS's ongoing Narrative"
  13. Actually no. The warhammer Tv twitter feed/facebook posted the video and captioned it "grab a glimpse at the next cover star in the Warhammer Age of Sigmar narrative" Since it is called Broken Realms: Kragnos. The guy imaged in the video, IS Kragnos.
  14. Maybe I'm alone in this, but I really hope our terrain is super niche/weak. So that your not punished for not taking it every game. It's a beautiful model, I just cannot stand the thought of having to lug it around to every game, or miss out on powerful rules, and that doesn't even touch on the idea that auto include faction terrain makes every game table look sort of similar. I like my tables to be diverse. Lumineth don't need another super strong buff piece of any kind, especially one that costs no points. So yeah, bring on reroll 1's to cast within 6" or +1 bravery or something. Useful, but not reliable, or overly powerful.
  15. I have to say, I'm pleasantly surprised this is a full preview. Considering the last preview we received was for AOS only, I expected then next to be 40k focused. In that light, this can only be good news, because I wasn't expecting any AoS preview content at all, whatever they decide to show is a gift.
  16. Nope, read the rule. You cannot run from shining company, and you cannot charge. Meaning you have to preemptively break shining company in the movement phase/deployment if you plan on doing either. Remember, If you are base to base with 2 others models in a vanari unit, you are in shining company, there is no choice to that. You cannot run if a unit starts the turn in shining. Declaring a run with a unit in the movement phase happens when you nominate a unit to move, and since that unit is defacto in shining company until you move it out, you cannot do both at once. This is what makes shining company so restrictive.
  17. Why would you revel in other gamers disappointment? This communities Lumineth hate is getting toxic, how petty some people are.
  18. I want to see: A Gloomspite-like release for Skaven, updating a few key sculpts and then maybe adding a new clan for the rest (something old & new), hopefully retiring some units as well to reduce battletome bloat. A Necron style reboot of Seraphon/Skaven would be wonderful too, as those are the factions with the largest range of old sculpts remaining. Duardin getting the full Lumineth treatment, with Grungi/Valya's faction of Duardin coming out as a newly imagined take on traditional Dwarves. Anything else would just be gravy to me.
  19. Would be awesome if Cities of Sigmar turns into "Cities of the Realms" where you can choose a patron God, which gives your armies certain buffs and restrictions, and maybe access to certain units from other battletomes loyal to that god. You could build chaos cities, or cities enthralled to Nagash, Ghurish cities enslaved by Gorkkamorka, or Aelven captured cities like Har Kuran. This would be incredible.
  20. @Pravus_Obsideo Unfortunately, I don't own a Teclis model, but having measured a friends, I can tell you he is about 8.5 inches tall. The case shown here, comes with the drawer and 4 magnetic racks, but you don't need to include all that in the case, I only do it in mine for ease of transport. For instance, the rungs for the magnetic racks go pretty much all the way down, so here is an example using three shelves with one at the very bottom, and a ruler to show the height you can get, If you can't make it out that bottom shelf can now clear more than 9" leaving plenty of height for Teclis. His 160mm base size also comfortably fits within the bounds of one of the magnetic trays as well. And this still leaves room for plenty of additionally models on each tray. For example, I could easily fit everythin on my top two trays, into a single tray. I just have them spread out now for display.
  21. This is a joke right? I play Idoneth. And not only do we still have a large/full new range of models released only 3 years ago, more than most factions, we have sat near the top of the meta for most of that time. We got more love in Broken realms Morathi than any other faction, with amazing warscroll updates as well making us even stronger, and more rounded. On top of all that, we have a new underworlds warband coming out in two months. Honestly as a faction we seem pretty spoiled, and the thought that anyone could make a petition like this seems absurd. Lets see Ironjaws, Sylvaneth, Kharadron and Fyrslayers get a big second wave first, then we can talk.
  22. For the 20 or so years I've been in the miniature wargaming hobby, I've been a foam case person by default. But with the advent of Lumineth, I decided to finally bite the bullet and magnetize my army. The Tablewar mark III has been fantastic for army transport. In fact I've magnetized my minmag trays so that my fragile shining company units can remain in shining company during transport. The Mark III lets me transport my whole 2000 point army, with room for at least another 1000 as I expand, gives me room for my rulebooks, and great drawer for all my gaming aids. I would recommend this to anyone, be specifically to people with armies that are fragile and easy to break.
  23. These guys feel like they are to Teclis, what dawnriders might be to Tyrion. Elite Vanari, and while you’re right the sentinels and wardens have a distinct difference between wizard and unit miniature, dawnriders don’t. so yes, I imagine the vanari blade lords will be wizards in a similar vein to Dawnriders. And while the old swordmasters weren’t wizards, in an army overflowing with wizards, it would be weird if the elite unit in service to the mage god weren’t wizards like everyone else.
  24. He was also the patron of elven wizardry, so yeah leaving aside semantics he was god of magic to the elves, just like Teclis is now.
  25. In the old world the Swordmasters served Hoeth God of Magic. In this reimagined form of Bladelords it looks to be the same, they all are wearing the Rune of Teclis on their helmets and on the top of their banners, and also each one of them has a giant moon symbol on their chest. Similarly, it looks like they are lacking sun or Tyrinoic motifs. While they are Vanari, They appear to be a more Teclian side of Vanari, like the Dawnriders were more Tyrionic.
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