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Everything posted by relic456

  1. I'm definitely one of those people! Full disclosure I started playing in May 2018, so also relatively new. I love rules, and I love when the rules are decided by the people in charge of balancing the game (truly, for better or worse), instead of the absolute anarchy of every tournament and LGS having their own house rules. To make a weird analogy, you know how McDonalds tastes basically the same everywhere you go? That's what I would want for AoS tournaments. A single, codified, final outline and rules that everyone has to abide to so you know exactly what you are walking in to whether I drop in to a shop in Berlin or Toronto. Obviously there's a ton of historical baggage that stops that from being the case but a man can dream! (This is not a put down to people who disagree, and I'm sorry if it reads that way. Just my personal pipe dream).
  2. Morghast Harbingers and Morghast Archai have the same offensive stats now, so you'd just be comparing Stalkers vs Immortis Guard and Stalkers definitely do more damage.
  3. With the new FAQ (see below) I think it's now allowed. Just need someone to confirm if the points for the battalion are listed as a Pitched Battle profile.
  4. The Guerilla Miniature Games Youtube video shows it off and IIRC its specific to the OBR units in the box.
  5. It's definitely Elven (Aelven?), since I think both DoK and Idoneth have swirly symbolism. The triangle symbol is very similar to the symbol for the realm of Azyr so I'd agree that it's either Light Aelves or Kurnothi.
  6. Oh they 100% weren't thinking about it, hence the confusion. But until they fix it we're stuck with what the ability says and I think @PJetski has the best summary: "The bonus is active at all times until you satisfy the condition to disable it."
  7. Can't you? The ability only asks one question "Did the unit move in the movement phase of the same turn?" The answer to this question is either Yes or No. There is no other unit in the game (that I'm aware of) that answers an If/Then statement with Maybe. There is only one condition for the If and that is "Did the unit move in the movement phase of the same turn?". In the hero phase, the answer to that question is No, and changes to Yes only if the unit moves in the movement phase. The fact that the movement phase hasn't happened yet is entirely irrelevant. Command abilities break the normal order of things and giving them the 6" is the most literal reading of the rule. Arguing the point from another direction, what's the simplest rule interpretation? The answer being Yes/No is less complex than Yes/No/Null. Introducing a null state as an answer increases the complexity unnecessarily, which to me supports that its the incorrect interpretation. Whether that's what GW intended is a completely different conversation. If it wasn't intended to give extra range in the hero phase, then they will probably reword it to say "When a model from this unit attacks with a missile weapon, it can add 6" to its range but cannot make a normal move for the rest of the turn." Or maybe, give them 30" base and then say if you make a normal move, reduce the range by 6".
  8. One-hit KO's are the major game plan for one specific kind of deck, Combo decks (aptly named eh?). Almost every other deck type's game plan is to stack incremental advantages over multiple turns, whether that's tempo, board, or card advantage. Besides that I think you make good points. I'm mostly fine with every army having one or two killer builds that work in a relatively narrow game plan, I think a lot of complaints are that armies only have no or only one one killer build (*cough* Idoneth *cough*). The difference between internal and external balance is an important distinction also. Internal balance doesn't really matter in MtG (I don't think people care if some Red cards are better than others) but external balance is important (you don't want one type of deck making up 20% of the meta). In AoS people care about both internal (Sequitors vs Liberators) and external (Slaanesh crushing the meta).
  9. I just assumed it was stallion + the arch suffix
  10. Every time you start a question with this, the answer is always yes
  11. Excellent points all around! Yeah Katakros's CP ability seems to almost be promoting a death star style type of play?
  12. If I was a betting man I'd reckon: Petrifex Elite / Stalliarch Lords Mortis Praetorians Null Myriad Ivory Host Crematoriums Of course that's just going off what we currently know! These Bonehost mechanics usually have at least one really good part (artefact, army wide passive, command ability, command trait) and then a few weaker ones. So they may have not shown the strongest part of the """"weaker"""" hosts.
  13. How you interpret the levels of outrage is pretty subjective so I feel like that's a bit of a trap question. I can only speak for myself but I'd certainly have less to complain about. Even the most hardcore are probably willing to swap 1% win rate to play an army they like.
  14. Though it's only an enemy model within 3" of the slain model, which might be difficulty for blobs of 20+ models. Certainly the possibility for some shenanigans though!
  15. Like at least a 50% damage increase for whichever hero you give it to, super cool! Agreed, not a huge fan of the Crematorian rules, though they might have an awesome Command Trait or Artefact to make up for it. Also holy ****** those paint schemes 😍! Especially Creamtorian and Null Myriad!
  16. Yeah being able to ignore saves is like a 50%+ damage increase, super cool artefact. To add on, I thought for sure when I first started reading Counter-Strike that it'd let you pick a unit to pile in and fight at the end of the charge phase, moving the activation wars another step earlier in the turn order hahaha. Thankfully that isn't the case!
  17. There has to be a language barrier here. The Scryer ability doesn't come in to play at all. If the Aetherwings get within 3" of the eels (which are almost 100% likely to deploy 9" away from your screen), they aren't allowed to charge. While that is a roughly 50% chance, Pjetski detailed how to plan around the possibility of failure as well when you roll lower than a 7. Rules citation:
  18. Seems like a waste to pump out all these new AoS warscrolls for the Warcry units only to have to reissue them less than 12 months later (assuming StD comes out pretty soon).
  19. How is the eels having +3" charge impact anything?
  20. The goal is to get the Aetherwings within 3" of the eels, since you can't declare a charge if you're within 3" of an enemy model. If the eels stay at 9.01", the Aetherwings only need a 7 on their 2d6 to deny the eels a charge, which is just about the average result. @PJetski detailed it earlier:
  21. A few of the lists I've seen get in to the top 25 of tournaments are running 9x Kurnoths, making Arch-revenants a great support piece. I'm not super in touch with the Sylvaneth meta, just my anecdotal assessment of the lists I see when cruising tournament reports. No doubt, my position is entirely to do with the Ossiarch Bonereapers Just double checked eBay. there are two Arch-revenants up right now, one for $91 CAD and one for $116 CAD and no Archregents. I'd say those prices are unreasonable given the price of similar foot lords but reasonable is subjective so maybe to others those prices are fine. Believe me, if I had the skill and ability to kitbash a model I'd be proud to put on the tabletop, I probably would. Sadly I have a hard enough time painting and building the models that come with instructions, let alone putting together one from bits and pieces.
  22. Yeah there must be a key piece of information missing, I don't get how we get from the large horned demonesque figure in the Forbidden Power images to the sleek almost robotic model we get on the tabletop. See I don't think this is actually good advice. Carrion Empire came out like 8 months ago and there's no sight of the Archregent or Bombardier being released soon. Looncurse came out five months ago and the only Arch-revenants on eBay are selling for hundreds of dollars. These are clutch models for all three armies and if you're looking to get in to them you're basically SOL. By the time the meta has sorted out whether or not the unique models in the dual box are competitively viable, they've been unavailable for months and unlikely to be available anytime soon. So you're stuck with the proposition of either: dropping money now to get models you potentially don't want and will potentially be poor competitively holding off and hoping that the models aren't necessary for competitive builds or that this time GW will do things differently and release the unique models in a reasonable amount of time (I doubt it). Which is all made even more frustrating because it appears to be purely a business decision, since releasing the unique models individually would likely cannibalize the ****** out of the dual box sales. Damned if you do, damned if you don't 😔
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