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Everything posted by novakai

  1. i thought they meant it as the new BR fiction story was releasing this week , which it already has for people who subscribe to it
  2. new BR fiction is out is about Skargrott and his gitz gTaKcfJQAAiilFPY.pdf (warhammer-community.com)
  3. it an ok Warband i am not exactly wowed by the updated Saurus Sculpt for some reason, maybe because i always thought they be more imposing like Orks are
  4. could be related to Arkhan and his Null myriad bonereaper being in conflict with the Thunder lizard constellation that they mention in the battletome (though i think they were in Chamon)
  5. I actual like the 300 Spartan look Fyreslayer have going, on, maybe pants and capes can improve them, but i think the core design of shirtless berzerker dwarfs has its appeal. when people are drawn to collect this army it that certain that fiery slayer aesthetics like other have said they are definitely held back by lack of unit, lack of variety and being very samey, Vulkites look like they where design to be rank and file infantry in WHF to Karak Kardrin before the end time happen, Hearthguards look to similar Vulkites, their plefera of foot heroes don't really stand out amongst the army either. i also think they are not that fun to play as either, they don't really have any flashy mechanics or that many different ways to play them. Magnadroth have always been that 200pt range monster and have never risen to anything stronger then that
  6. well they probably are squating the whole Legion of Aezorh line but the stuff that are still left are just wait to be sold out of stock until it all gone forever at least that how Forgeword have done it in the past as they stop making a product from the store, wait until existing stuff is sold out and then put a No longer available sticker on it until it is completely removed from the webstore
  7. i guess we are talking about different polls the one i was referring to was this one , i don't see this particular table on this video Warhammer Weekly 03182020 - Age of Sigmar Aesthetics - YouTube
  8. well, he only counted armies that got full range releases during AoS lifespan and didn't count one off heroes releases so armies like Ogor mawtribes, Skaven, FEC, and BoC where not counted in his poll. the poll was to see if people enjoy the AoS design and Aesthetics and which one people like and played/own the most. i recall that Ironjawz, Gloomspite, and Nighthaunt, where both the most played main army and most liked design wise (stormcast may have had the biggest playerbase but aesthetic votes was way lower) while Fyreslayers was at the bottom in both category and even their own playerbase didn't like their design
  9. FEC (because they never actually got a new model release in AoS) wasn't on the Warhammer weekly poll if i recall correctly
  10. 9pjzdPTu9rX4j1RS.pdf (warhammer-community.com)
  11. new Broken realm story is up Slaanesh vs Khorne story
  12. in the US store, Looks like Sha'tor and Magmacannon is also gone too
  13. i mean without looking at the result i think you can't really say how accurate GW is relating the info, there could be a steep drop off from 3rd to 5th, (13000 to 100 votes) and i think they like combining votes from their ranges into the centerpiece models (putting Eltherion vote into Teclis)
  14. i think what really started the downward spiral was Teclis's model being a big let down or had mixed/negative reaction, while Morathi and the Everqueen (along with other big character centerpiece models) are consider to be some of the Best models that GW have ever produced, I think Teclis clearly didn't garner the universal appraisal for such a hyped up character returning. after that people where more critical of the model range being reveal and that they felt GW had some iffy design choices coming in to this army.
  15. i think most people thought the LRL was an incomplete release just by comparing them to the release of Bonereapers and IDK (4 foot heroes compare to LRL 2 + Eltherion and then the Leige Kavalos/ Akelian King equivalent) if the teased units is a mounted lord and a small hero, then it probably complete the stuff that should have been in Wave one probably what happen was that 40k 9th edition was coming up and they had an earlier deadline to get the book done and remaining hero where just shelved until now.
  16. sure but always give leeway in your rules for players, though i think Narrative play often time goes out the Waazoo because there still have to be organization out of it
  17. they could just make it optional to play the double turn mechanic, like how you roll for your artifacts instead of choosing one, so you don't have to force players to play it if there an agreeance with the other player. less feel bad moments for new players too
  18. Well at least the Mega Gargant at least got 4th place, (which means it got first place for AoS overall) i knew it was Going to be hard to beat Ghazghkull and the Void dragon
  19. tangibly specialist games probably get the delays the most, not sure if Underworld is going to keep their roadmap with the new schedule. Necromunda and blood bowl are probably also delay as well while i am not sure if GW is going to delay the next edition, since 40k pretty much got through their launch in mist of the pandemic as well, i have a feeling they just bull doze there way to releasing it by October especially that they probably have a good chunk of the new edition done by now. in truth they only need 4 more broken realm books to cover every faction in AoS, monthly release of those books probably get them all out by June/july.
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