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Throt the Unclean

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  1. @Overread Okay, thanks again. I'll just focus on the novels and ignore short stories unless they are part of a collected works book. This is how I've made sense of what GW seems to be doing with their novels, you have to look at the novel's cover and price on the BL website and guess whether it will be a one-off, part of a series, or part of an event. Does this seem like an accurate way to organize them? One-offs: Fine to purchase now. The novel probably won't be part of a series or related to an event and therefore won't be in a collected works book. Neferata Mortarch of Blood The Tainted Heart Overlords of the Iron Dragon Nagash the Undying King Series: Could be best to hold off. There's a high chance the novel will be in a collected works book if it isn't already. Callis and Toll: The Silver Shard Eight Lamentations: Spear of Shadows Hallowed Knights: Plague Garden Black Pyramid Legends of AoS: City of Secrets Black Rift Skaven Pestilens Fyreslayers Sylvaneth Gurtek Gurnisson: Realmslayer Warhammer Quest: Silver Tower: Labyrinth of the Lost Events: Wait until the next major event to even consider buying. The novel will definitely be in a collected works book. Realmgate Wars: finished Gates of Azyr Warstorm Ghal Maraz Hammers of Sigmar Call of Archaon Wardens of the Everqueen Warbeast Fury of Gork Bladestorm Mortatch of Night Lord of Undeath Soul Wars: ongoing Soul Wars Could this organization apply to the short stories as well? Also, I've only read Fyreslayers (series), which was a collection of short stories and Gates of Azyre (event), which was a 3 hour mini-novel. Are all series novels just collections of short stories? Are all event novels just mini-novels? Are the only true, 10+ hour novels the one-offs?
  2. Thank you for writing all of this, it's incredible. I followed this post and hope you regularly update it. It desperately needs to be stickied permanently at the top of forum. (edit: I guess it's already stickied inside another sticky. Good enough. lol) I've been trying to get into all the AoS Black Library books, short stories, audio books, and audio dramas through kindle/audible and have made so many dumb and needless purchases. This has really helped me through the maze. The detailed break down of every story and the books in which they appear is invaluable. I only wish I had found it sooner. The Black Library is so complicated and confusing. Trying to make sense of all of their offerings has made my head spin. Their website is terrible. It's not organized at all. It doesn't even list all of their offerings, unless you know the specific name of some stories and use the site's search bar or google you won't see it. The website doesn't even have a general timeline that shows where everything they sell (or have sold) lands to help people follow the story or know what to read next. It's absurd and very frustrating. Why couldn't GW have a guide like yours? The cynical part of me thinks GW does this on purpose to maximize profits somehow. Anyways, it would be great if you could add a section that summarizes which books you need to have every AoS story (novel, short story, etc.) with the fewest purchases possible, even if that might mean having books which contain the same short stories or books they no longer sell. I know that's what your posts are doing in essence, there are just a lot of individual stories to keep track of. So a dumbed-down (few details or just book titles) section would be awesome. I guess with warnings of current offerings that are likely to be in future collected works books, because from what I can tell, most books and stories will eventually be put into an omnibus or collected works book anyways. And also, maybe a section doing the same with the audio dramas and books they sell.
  3. @DINOSTAR Looks incredible! I also love the display case. The whole room looks very neat and classy. Now you just need some expensive framed pieces of art from https://warhammerart.com/ to complete the room. lol And Props to your wife for allowing you a whole room for your hobby. How did you design the table? Are you an architect/engineer/carpenter or did you use some program to help? Was it a National gaming table company that built it or a local company? Also, why does the gaming table look so deep? Is there storage underneath the gaming surface?
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