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Everything posted by mattbarker

  1. I’d like to think it’s a simple omission, like the last time when they said Draz, the one on the GIANT WINGED BULL, couldn’t fly. But I doubt it. And now they’re legends, we won’t see another update to address it rightly or wrongly.
  2. Yup. Why bother writing the blackshard armour rule in a universally understandable manner when you can instead give a big f you and just outright remove it 🤷🏼‍♂️
  3. Oh of course! Been so long since I played a game I’ve forgotten!! Also lost burning skies and blackshard armour. So basically no abilities at all. Can’t see mine making it to the table again now after this 😭
  4. Yep, that’s totally what'll happen, I wanted more fireglaives this year but now guess that ideas gone. Let’s hope they don’t take our points out the next GHB too as that’ll just be a real kick in the teeth 😞
  5. As if people haven’t already worked it out... everything left online that isn’t sold out already is now marked as last chance to buy 😞 Guess I’ll be doing new year new army after all then *sigh*
  6. The response from forgeworld is the range has been retired and aren’t likely to come back. Not really anything else to interpret unfortunately 😔
  7. Amazing start to 2021. My favourite army that I’ve invested the most time and money in has just randomly been obsoleted with zero notice. Guess that means we aren’t gonna be in the 2021 handbook either 😔
  8. Half our units just went to no longer available on the FW site Ironsworn, fireglaives, Draz, execution herd, blackshard host all no longer available.
  9. Whilst you’re right, all the others just got a pdf update And we still got squat so... guess we’re still pretty middle of the road with no love
  10. Yeah hasn’t been touched. Still says 2018 on it. You’d think they’d at least be bothered to change that... *sigh*
  11. Yeah exactly - if nothing else, another year just rocking on! Our download is still available in the Legion of Azgorh section btw, it’s just weird they moved the main ones from the sites download help areas. As much as I wanna think this will signal a move to the community faq downloads pages, I’m not sure it will!
  12. Aww no man! That sucks lol. Yeah after the GHB2019 release they “forgot” to list any of the allies we had in the original compendium pdf. They also “forgot” the skullcracker from the matched points list. It was faq’d hard and fast along with a few other general mistakes to essentially be exactly as per the PDF from 2018. Here’s hoping they’ll sling us an update or two in the pdf this time around though.
  13. Naa nothing’s changed. Always been Able to take slaves to darkness as allies. At least they got it correct in the book and didn’t need to FAQ it this time!! 😂
  14. Aww man, yeah forgot that. Last few game’s I played were 2500 point so had the lists saved lol. Forgot the ally limit goes up then so could sneak it in! They’re less useful at 20 unless they’re isn’t much shooting going on. aesthetically the iron golems fit in really well. Just wish they were more than a meat shield lol
  15. Yeah true, they do get more benefits as a screening shield though, especially with a Cheap nurgle Hero near!
  16. Why so many iron golems? They’re not that good are they? Edit: I’ve also thought about a gaunt summoner to keep up with k’daai and throw out some free pink horrors to shield them should things get close
  17. Very true! And exceptional eye sight / deducing btw, I never bothered looking at those images on the gw site lol I’m more worried about FW not updating our compendium for another year and it stagnating. And hoping more of our units don’t randomly vanish off the site without warning like the others have! Deathshrieker most recently.
  18. I wouldn’t say that says anything clearly lol I think you might be right, but equally it’s far too hard to read and it doesn’t look like the one that clearly says legions of nagash in the section below!
  19. What contents page image is that one? I haven’t seen any reference yet...
  20. Again, it’s probably nothing. Nothing has ever been able to take LoA units as allies so I guess this is just a continuation of that. Meh. I’ll wait and see what happens when I have the book rather than just pictures of it. Could well be a third page for all we know 🤷‍♂️
  21. Well, not really. There is no reason our own faction trait has to be the same as the realm one. I always thought it kinda cheaped out that it was just copied over. Means you can get a double benefit playing in aqshy now rather than no benefit
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