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Everything posted by BarrowLord

  1. BarrowLord


    Catastrophe is no stranger to the mortal realms. Driven mad by grief, even a duardin can be tempted by the dark arts of necromancy. With newfound purpose he summons the spirits of those he once knew as kin. Yet his tastes are not so picky as they once were. For with each fallen foe his clan swells.
  2. Question for anyone that might know. Do Freeguild models from the GW webstore come with round bases or do I need to purchase those separately? Hopefully this isn't off topic. Thanks for the help!
  3. Well met. This is what I get for typing while tired. What I meant to say was that I thought we were starting to steer too far into the actual mechanics said rumor would entail. The word 'legitimate' was a bit of word vomit on my part. I've got a little skepticism towards this particular rumor and it slipped into my phrasing unnecessarily.
  4. The rumored change to charges is a really interesting topic, but I think RuneBrush is right. We're starting to move past legitimate rumors and delving into the theory of a mechanic that hasn't technically been confirmed yet.
  5. Age of Sigmar is a game built on the foundation of alternating combat activations. Changing just that one mechanic would have sweeping repercussions that could bring down the whole house. What would concern me is if the development cycle was dominated by those that disliked the game (because reasons) rather than those that actually understand its strengths.
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